Upcoming Immunization Opportunities (reminder)
As we approach the Dec. 9 District-wide exclusion date for students in key grades (pre-K 3, kindergarten, 7 and 11) who are not compliant with District immunization requirements, we recommend you share these vaccine opportunities with families.
See DC Health’s November Pediatric Vaccine Opportunities Calendar, with updated opportunities posted on their website as well as the 2024 District Pediatric Vaccine Locations by Ward.
Children’s National Vaccine-Only Appointments at the following locations are available Mondays through Thursdays in November from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Call the clinic-associated phone number to schedule an appointment.
Anacostia: 2101 MLK Jr. Ave. SE | (202) 476-6900
Columbia Heights: 3336 14th St. NW | (202) 476-5580
Shaw Metro: 641 S St. NW, Suite 200 | (202) 476-2123
Shepherd Park: 7125 13th Place NW | (202) 545-2900
THEARC: 1801 Mississippi Ave. SE | (202) 436-3060
Grubb’s Pharmacy SE at 1800 MLK Jr. Ave. SE has vaccine appointments available Mondays through Fridays 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Saturdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and are closed on major holidays. For appointments, call (202) 503-3610.
Cedar Hill Urgent Care - GW Health at 2228 MLK Jr. Ave. SE has vaccine appointments available daily from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., holidays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas. For appointments, call (202) 715-4444.
Dec. 7: Children’s National is hosting A Family Affair, a community health event for families that include pediatric immunizations on Dec. 7 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Children’s National THEARC West Building at 1801 Mississippi Ave. SE. Appointments are highly encouraged. Register for a Dec. 7 appointment here, and see flyers in English and Spanish.
Dec. 7 and 14: Both EdFEST events this year will have pediatric vaccine appointments available by appointment only. Upon registering for EdFEST, vaccine appointment links will be shared in the confirmation email. More information about EdFEST is available here.
Youth Mental Health Ambassador Program (reminder)
OSSE is announcing the launch of the Youth Mental Health Ambassador program for District of Columbia public charter high schools for the 2024-25 school year.
In partnership with Our Minds Matter (OMM), the Youth Mental Health Ambassador program is a student-led club that focuses on promoting social connectedness, increasing prosocial skills, practicing self-care and healthy habits, and increasing help-seeking behaviors. With the supervision of school-based staff members, student ambassadors will participate in training and lead programming to advocate for mental health and elevate student well-being.
The supervising staff members will receive a stipend for their participation as well as support from OMM. Participating schools will receive training, technical assistance, and consultation from OMM to recruit students, and implement and operate the club.
All District of Columbia public charter high schools are eligible to participate. Additional information can be found on OSSE’s ARROW website.
Interested in participating? Interested school leaders should submit an application. Reach out to OSSE.HYDT@dc.gov or program@ourmindsmatter.org with any additional questions.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Professional Learning
Dive into UDL implementation with national experts to increase access and build equitable learning environments. OSSE’s Division of Teaching and Learning is excited to offer two UDL learning opportunities.
Virtual Professional Learning for Educators
Virtual Professional Learning for School Leaders
Systematic changes to support all learners and improve teacher efficacy
Five 2-hour synchronous instructor-led sessions
- Audience: All pre-K through grade 12 administrators, including principals, assistant principals, deans, instructional coaches, and special education leads (e.g., special education coordinator, local education agency representatives, etc.), serving in DC public and public charter schools
- Date & Time: Find the details of the sessions here.
- Registration: Click here to register for the sessions. Upon registration, you will receive the calendar invite with details.
Empower Your Bilingual Classroom: OSSE-Funded Fellowship at Instituto Mundo Verde
The OSSE-funded Instituto Mundo Verde Fellowship offers bilingual educators an immersive, equity-focused journey to enhance teaching strategies and support multilingual learners. This free program includes self-paced online modules on topics like language acquisition and differentiated instruction. Participants also benefit from a stipend, cohort engagement, and optional graduate credits. Perfect for any DC educator, assistant teacher, or paraprofessional committed to impactful, inclusive classrooms!
Our cohort meets two to three times per month, starting in October 2025. For more information, contact info@institutomv.org.
Mindfulness Practices for Educators and Students
Looking for an effective, evidence-based mindfulness curriculum? DC educators are invited to choose from the following options to learn more about the Peace of Mind curriculum to use for their students in the classroom, while also using mindfulness practices for themselves. In addition, participants can sign up to attend coaching sessions where they can hear from other educators on how they have adapted the curriculum at their school.
Introduction to the Peace of Mind Curriculum
Virtual Coaching Sessions
Click here to sign up for upcoming virtual coaching sessions.
Student Engagement Strategies for Social and Emotional Learning and Student Success
This training explores how active and cooperative drama strategies can support academic achievement for high school, middle school, and elementary school students. These scientific research-based strategies are proven with grades 1-12 and are revolutionizing how we teach and learn. The interactive and engaging approach empowers the students to engage, retain, and transfer information. The activities will help educators engage their students more effectively with tools they can use in their curricula or modules that make learning more fun and act as a strong vehicle for social and emotional learning and academic enrichment.
The training will take place in person at OSSE, 1050 First St. NE on Friday, Dec. 13, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Register here.
Supporting Oral Language Development in the Spanish Immersion Pre-K Classroom
Oral language development lays the foundation for strong literacy skills. Join this professional development session to learn about the role of talk in early reading success and learn practical strategies aligned to the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS). This session is open to pre-K teachers and paraprofessionals working in Spanish immersion classrooms in dual language schools and will be conducted in Spanish.
The session will take place virtually on Tuesday, Dec. 10, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Attendees will receive 1 professional learning unit (PLU) for their participation. Register here.
New Financial Literacy Standards Professional Development Opportunity (reminder)
OSSE is pleased to introduce a professional development opportunity focused on the new Financial Literacy Standards. This training will offer an in-depth look at the standards, equipping educators with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively teach financial literacy.
Join us to ensure that your students are well-prepared to navigate the financial challenges of the future. Register here and learn more about the available resources: 2024 OSSE Financial Literacy Standards Implementation Course.
Stay tuned for updates on additional training sessions and support opportunities. For any questions, please contact Sean.Kimball@dc.gov.
Inclusive Leadership: Self-Paced Course and Community of Practice (CoP) Pathways (reminder)
Inclusive Leadership Professional Learning Pathway
OSSE is excited to offer a new professional learning pathway for DC educators beginning November 2024. This pathway equips educators with the knowledge and skills to effectively serve ALL students, especially students with disabilities.
Program Overview: The Inclusion and Inclusive Leadership professional learning series is anchored in OSSE’s Vision of Excellence for Inclusion and Inclusive Leadership. The pathway includes a self-paced, asynchronous virtual course and an aligned Community of Practice (CoP), offering opportunities to earn professional learning units (PLUs). This initiative provides a rich, accessible learning experience through OSSE’s learning management system (LMS).
Inclusive Leadership: Self-Paced Course and Community of Practice (CoP) Pathways:
Description: Developed by DC leaders for DC leaders, this course provides practical tools, high-impact practices, and valuable resources to enhance inclusive education and leadership to support students with disabilities. Participants will explore real-life examples, evidence-based strategies, and actionable resources. The series includes six self-paced modules, each designed to support professional growth and includes a comprehensive learning project to apply the course content.
CoP participants will:
- Engage in 8-10 hours of coursework, including six self-paced modules and independent learning activities.
- Dig deeply into key topics and resources from the course such as setting goals for your team, building an inclusive adult culture, etc.
- Engage in structured collaboration and reflection with leaders from across the District.
- Participate in at least one visit to an exemplar school.
- Learn from guest speakers with expertise in inclusive leadership.
- Have protected time to workshop implementation ideas and get feedback from peers.
This opportunity is open to LEA leaders and school leaders from DC public and public charter schools.
Participants can earn 8 PLUs, with the opportunity to earn up to 16 PLUs by completing all modules and participating CoPs.
To learn more about each opportunity, contact Steaven Hamlin with the OSSE Division of Teaching and Learning (TAL) at Steaven.Hamlin@dc.gov.
If you are interested in enrolling in the program, complete the Inclusive Leadership Interest Form.
Supporting Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) (reminder)
OSSE invites DC instructional leaders and teachers of general education and English as a Second Language to participate in a two-day virtual professional development workshop in partnership with SupportEd. The workshop will focus on strategies to facilitate learning for students with limited or interrupted formal education new to the United States. Educators will gain strategies to support students at emerging English language and literacy development levels. The workshop will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Effective Instruction for SLIFE will cover:
Part 1: Building Conditions for Learning and Scaffolding Instruction
- Define SLIFE and their characteristics.
- Discuss a framework for effective instruction of SLIFE.
- Explore strategies to scaffold academic tasks to support SLIFE students’ engagement with and understanding of content learning and literacy development.
- Apply tools and strategies to support effective instruction of SLIFE in their context.
Part 2: Teaching School Culture and Building Conditions for Learning
- Define culture and its role in teaching and learning for multilingual learners (MLs).
- Explore practical strategies for building relationships with SLIFE students through an assets-based framework.
- Explore strategies for supporting SLIFE students adjusting to American school culture and routines.
- Set goals for supporting SLIFE students adjusting to American school culture and routines in your context.
Participants will be eligible to earn up to 9 PLUs.
Register: Part 1 and Part 2
For more information contact Francesca Smith at Francesca.Smith@dc.gov.
FY25 ESEA Titles I-IV Final Allocations Released (reminder)
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provides federal funding to LEAs to ensure equal opportunity for all students. Under ESEA, OSSE administers Title I-A, II-A, III-A and IV-A grants through its annual ESEA Consolidated Application (ConApp).
OSSE will post final allocations for each LEA for FY25 ESEA Title grants in the Enterprise Grants Management System (EGMS) and on the ESEA Title Grants website by the end of November 2024.
If you have questions or need technical assistance for the FY25 ESEA ConApp, please contact the ConApp team at Con.App@dc.gov
November 2024
December 2024