Temporary Lane Closures for S Street NW Revitalization Project to Occur Aug. 21 to Sept. 14
(WASHINGTON, DC) — The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) is advising all stakeholders to expect lane closures along S Street NW, between 7th Street NW and 6th Street NW from Aug. 21 to Sept. 14 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. These closures and activities are necessary to complete work related to the S Street NW Revitalization Project.
S St NW between 6th Street NW to 7th Street NW – Crews will occupy the south side parking and travel lane to install new sidewalks, curbs and gutters, and complete the roadway construction. There will be no parking allowed as noted by the “Emergency No Parking” signs on the project. During this period, S Street NW will be restricted to westbound travel only. Roadway users traveling eastbound will be detoured through Rhode Island Avenue NW. Construction activities will take place during off peaks hours from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Travel lanes will be tapered as necessary to allow for the safe passage of traffic. Temporary sidewalk closures may be required during construction. Pedestrian channelizers, detours, and signage will be installed when these sidewalk closures are needed.
Traffic controls, including signage, will be in place to guide motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians safely through the work zone. All users of the roadway are advised to stay alert and be observant of signage and work zones while traveling in this area.
For more information about the S Street NW Revitalization Project and to stay up to date on traffic related impacts and construction progress, please visit https://sstreetnw-revitalization.ddot.dc.gov.