Temporary Parking Restrictions along 16th Street NW, Cedar Street NW and Galloway Street NE in Support of WMATA Red Line Summer Construction
(WASHINGTON, DC) — To support the efficient and reliable service of Metro’s free shuttles during the upcoming Red Line service closure between the Glenmont and Takoma Stations, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will temporarily restrict parking along 16th Street NW, Cedar Street NW, and some parallel streets to allow space for Metro’s shuttles to efficiently service the Takoma, Fort Totten and Silver Spring Metrorail Stations.
Parking will be restricted on the following roadways:
16th Street NW, Northbound and Southbound between Arkansas Avenue NW and I Street NW will have emergency no parking 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (all parking spaces), to allow efficient shuttle bus service along 16th Street NW to use the existing peak-period bus lanes all day, allowing passengers to quickly reach restaurants, shopping, and jobs downtown during the Red Line service closure.
Cedar Street NE, Southbound between Eastern Avenue NE to Carroll Street NE will have 24-hour emergency no parking.
Galloway Street NE, Westbound between 7th Street NE to South Dakota Avenue NE will have 24-hour emergency no parking.
Near the Metro Center Station, parking restrictions will also exist as follows:
I Street, between I Street NW to Pennsylvania Avenue NW will have emergency no parking restrictions from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. in parking and commercial loading areas.
12th Street NW, Westbound between G Street NW to 12th Street NW will have 24-hour emergency no parking.
12 Street NW, Northbound between F Street NW to G Street NW will have 24-hour emergency no parking.
 Map of Parking Restrictions
Emergency No Parking (ENP) signs will be posted along the length of the corridor at least 72 hours in advance of the closure. Motorists should be advised to pay extra attention to the ENP signage to avoid ticketing and towing. DDOT will adjust signal timing in addition parking restrictions to increase road capacity, and other measures to alleviate congestion.
Additionally, Metro’s Green and Yellow lines will operate normally and continue to serve the Gallery Place-Chinatown Station; Metro’s Blue, Orange, and Silver lines will operate normally and continue to serve the Metro Center Station. All Metrobus services are expected to be operating through downtown during this time, in addition to the Red Line shuttle buses. For more information about the WMATA Red Line service closure please visit wmata.com/majorconstruction.