May 31, 2024
OSSE is unapologetically dedicated to supporting the physical, mental and social-emotional health of all students and staff here in the District. A safe and welcoming environment is fundamental to educational success, and we support LEAs and schools in implementing comprehensive programs designed to foster healthy, joyful learning spaces. This commitment is evident in our robust health and wellness initiatives, which include providing nutritious meals, promoting physical activity and ensuring access to mental health resources.
We know that healthy bodies are critical for academic success. We also know that learners cannot focus on academics when they are hungry and during summer break one of their most vital needs – nutritious meals – can more easily go unmet. The launch of the new SUN Bucks program, along with the DC Youth Meals Program, will help children get the nutrition they need when school is out of session. The District continues to improve opportunities for our children and teens to access healthy, culturally relevant food, enabling families to thrive during the summer.
Read on to learn more about our investments in fostering student and staff well-being.
In service,
Increasing Meal Access for District Families

Earlier this month, the District announced that Washington, DC was among the first ten states approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to receive SUN Bucks. SUN Bucks, also known as Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT), is a new program that will help families with students buy food during the summer. Each eligible student will receive a one-time $120 EBT benefit to buy food at grocery stores, farmers markets, online retailers and other places that accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) EBT benefits.
SUN Bucks will benefit all DC students, Pre-K and up, who live in a household with an annual income less than or equal to 185% of the federal poverty level and attend a school participating in the National School Lunch or Breakfast Program. Benefits will be available to use for four months after they are issued.
The District is enhancing access to nutritious, culturally appropriate meals for our children and adolescents both within and outside school hours. SUN Bucks plays a vital role in empowering families to flourish throughout the summer season. Residents can review eligibility guidelines, apply for the program, and sign up for an alert when applications open at sunbucks.dc.gov. Applications for the program open on Monday, June 3.
With the support of the USDA, OSSE’s DC Youth Meals Program provides reimbursement to approved sponsors for no-cost nutritious meals and snacks served to children 18 and younger. These meals help children get the nutrition they need to learn, play, and grow throughout the summer months when they are out of school.
When school is out, the meals served as a part of the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program are not available to all students, and due to families' limited budgets, or other circumstances, children will often miss wholesome meals. The DC Youth Meals Program was established to fill this hunger gap and ensure that children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session.
Summer meal sites are set up in all eight Wards at schools, libraries and recreational centers. The program is set to start on June 18.
The Access to Quality Child Care for Children with Disabilities grant program launched on May 8, aiming to expand the supply of quality, accessible and affordable child care for infants, toddlers and school-age children with disabilities. The grant program will provide resources to child development facilities and out-of-school time programs licensed by OSSE to create and operate child care slots designed and equipped to meet the needs of infants, toddlers and school-age children with disabilities. |
On May 13, Mayor Muriel Bowser, State Superintendent Dr. Christina Grant and DC’s education leaders celebrated the District’s best teachers and thanked them for their leadership in our schools and dedication during OSSE’s 8th Annual Educator Awards Ceremony.
On May 22, OSSE welcomed more than 250 literacy leaders and educators to engage with national research experts, learn from local literacy coaches, and build capacity through professional learning during our virtual literacy convening. Through tailored sessions for each grade level, attendees discovered new strategies to deliver effective, research-based instruction to all learners.
 Pictured: Attendees at the 2024 OSSE Educator Awards
Over the past five months, OSSE conducted robust stakeholder engagement to explore ways the agency can enhance the support it provides schools identified for improvement under The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). In partnership with the Region 4 Comprehensive Center (R4CC), a technical assistance center funded by the U.S. Department of Education, OSSE held empathy interviews, focus groups, and listening sessions with DCPS and charter principals, teachers, instructional superintendents, students, LEA representatives, and partner organizations. |
DC’s new four-year Career and Technical Education (CTE) State Plan was submitted to the U.S. Department of Education on May 10, following a six-month process of development and stakeholder engagement and feedback.
On May 22, OSSE welcomed 140 students and 25 vendors to the Career & College Secondary Transition Fair to support planning for students with disabilities.
On May 15, DCs State Board of Education voted unanimously in support of the first-ever districtwide K-Adult Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) standards for all DC Public Schools (DCPS) and public charter schools. The new SEL standards will be featured during OSSE’s SEL Symposium on June 12. This convening will bring together educators and stakeholders for skill-building workshops and networking opportunities to share best practices.
OSSE partnered with 16 LEAs this spring to successfully pilot the first city-wide school climate survey and provide feedback to OSSE. OSSE has convened an Advisory Cohort for the 2023–24 school year and will scale up to a statewide administration in 2024–25.
On May 2, OSSE held its first internal pre-hiring fair and networking event in advance of DCHR’s Spring Into New Careers hiring fair on May 16. Staff members had the opportunity to network with representatives from each division to learn more about the 28 unique positions available. |
OSSE’s monthly Brown Bag virtual staff learning series continues to offer opportunities to reimagine how we share the work of our agency. We held a special virtual session on May 22 honoring the 70th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education. Team members from the Office of General Counsel (OGC) and Equity and Culture co-presented on the importance of this milestone decision where the Supreme Court declared that racial segregation in public schools violated the equal protection clause in the U.S. Constitution. |
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