Sex Education Self-Paced Training for Health Education Teachers
Attention health education teachers! Gain knowledge and skills to deliver inclusive and affirming sex education lessons in safe, supportive classroom environments. OSSE Division of Health and Wellness (H&W) will offer self-paced training for health education teachers on sex education topics during summer 2024.
Hosted by Spark*ED, these virtual trainings will support educators in delivering high-quality comprehensive, inclusive, medically accurate and shame-free sex education to students of all sexual orientations and gender identities. This opportunity is open to health education teachers returning to DC public or public charter schools in the 2024-25 school year. Preference will be given to grade 6-12 health education teachers. If space allows, elementary teachers will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Slots are limited to 62 eligible educators. Educators must complete the training and submit proof of completion by Sept. 1, 2024. Review the training options and complete this form by Friday, June 21 to select your preferred training.
For questions or more information, email
State Board of Education Student Advisory Committee
Calling all rising sophomores, juniors and seniors! The Student Advisory Committee (SAC) application for the DC State Board of Education is now open until June 15. Educators, encourage your students to be the voice of their peers and help shape educational policies. Apply here today and make a difference!
Dyslexia Legislation Year 2 (reminder)
The new dyslexia awareness modules have been posted on the Learning Management System (LMS). The dyslexia awareness modules are an annual requirement for all educators employed by an LEA. This year, the modules have been differentiated to include specific content for educators serving the following grades:
- Pre-K;
- Kindergarten through grade 5; and
- Adolescents to adults.
OSSE has several new, science-based literacy resources available for the adoption of science-based literacy programs for LEAs serving grades K-5. This includes a list of literacy programs aligned with High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM), guidance and rubrics for identifying HQIM.
Starting June 5, OSSE will host Literacy Office Hours on Wednesdays, from 2-3 p.m.
Discipline Data Collection Deadline July 2
The Integrated Data Submission (IDS) is open for the final Discipline Data Collection submission process of the school year. The OSSE Support Tool (OST) deadline is July 2, with a certification date of July 9. LEAs can review their submitted data in the Qlik SY23-24 Data Validation app and make any necessary changes through an IDS resubmission by July 8.
Submissions should include all discipline incidents from March 4 through June 21, 2024. Extended Year LEAs will have an additional certification deadline on Aug. 9.
LEAs can access a copy of the discipline collection guidance and the IDS template via OSSE’s website: Student Discipline Data Collection Guidance | osse (
For questions or support with the IDS tool, please submit a ticket by July 2 in the OST Quickbase application by using “Discipline” as the issue type with a status sub-category of “Integrated Data Submission Tool (IDS).”
For questions or support with discipline policy, please contact Jenni Russell Ziarnik at or schedule a meeting via the OSSE Discipline Support Bookings tool here.
2023–24 Metric Calculation Confirmation (MCC) Policy is Live (reminder)
Every year, OSSE works with LEA Data Managers through a process called Metric Calculation Confirmation (MCC) to certify the accuracy of all DC School Report Card metrics. The MCC Policy details how LEAs review, appeal and certify these metrics. The 2023-24 School Year MCC Policy is available on our website.
We encourage all LEAs to use the MCC process to review and refresh school profile information such as the school photo and message from the school.
OSSE will provide MCC updates to LEA data managers via email and during the monthly LEA data manager meetings. We look forward to working with LEAs over the summer in this important work! If you have any questions, please email
Berries & Salad Greens Day is Wednesday, June 5
Berries & Greens Day is Wednesday, June 5!
Schools and child care facilities across the District participate in Berries & Greens Day as a way to showcase locally grown produce in school meals. This event will educate students and children about both the health and environmental benefits of eating locally grown fruits and vegetables, and how healthy eating leads to healthy educational outcomes.
Fill out the interest form linked here to let us know how your school will celebrate and check out a list of local producers who can provide berries and greens for your school.
Leader Community of Practice: Science at the Center (reminder)
In partnership with BSCS Science Learning, OSSE will convene a virtual Community of Practice (CoP) for leaders that meets for 90 minutes to share, discuss and brainstorm ideas and issues related to science instruction that brings into focus critical aspects of the recovery to restoration strategic plan. Leaders will consider and examine the Science at the Center Series as an opportunity to inform and improve the goals and outcomes before and after the sessions and reflect on next steps.
- Leaders will build community by sharing and discussing their science teaching and learning goals and their connections to the Recovery and Restoration strategic plan
- Leaders will brainstorm how the Science at the Center Series can support and enhance their science teaching and learning goals
Suggested Dates:
- CoP 4: June 2024
- CoP 5: September 2024
For more information, please contact or register here.
Supporting Effective Science Teaching and Learning with Literacy and Content Integration (reminder)
In partnership with BSCS Science Learning, OSSE will provide a series of three, full-day sessions for K-12 educators - administrators, teachers and coaches - where we will experience, analyze, discuss and plan how best to improve outcomes in science with explicit connections to literacy and content integration. Next generation science instruction requires a shift in practice for students, teachers and leaders so join us as we learn by doing, exploring and explaining.
- Educators will experience and understand high-quality science teaching and learning
- Educators will examine and explain how literacy and content integration supports high-quality science teaching and learning
- Educators will consider and plan how they will use what they have learned to improve science teaching and learning in their context
Next session: Thursday, June 13
Location: Office of the State Superintendent of Education 1050 First St. NE Washington, DC 20002
For more information, please contact and register here.
OSSE’s Apprenticeship in Teaching Program Application (reminder)
OSSE's Apprenticeship in Teaching Program application is now live! Priority deadlines to apply are May 31 and June 14. Please share the links below with rising high school seniors, recent high school graduates and current paraprofessionals who may be interested in becoming a teacher in DC!
Peer Collaborative Opportunity for Educational Leaders (reminder)
Are you seeking strengths-based strategies to promote safe and healthy conditions for learning and development? Starting this summer, WestEd is offering four peer collaboratives for LEAs designed to strengthen equitable and sustainable approaches to help all individuals, communities and systems to thrive.
WestEd’s Conditions for Learning and Development: Peer Collaboratives for Educational Leaders provides evidence-based practical resources, peer learning and networking, workshops and direct coaching and consulting tailored to your LEA, regional agency and state needs. The following collaborative experiences take place over the course of a year and will run from July 2024 to June 2025:
- School Climate and Data Use;
- Participatory Systems for Design Equity;
- Reimagining School Safety; and
- Creating Cultures of Care.
To learn more about Peer Collaborative and/or apply, visit WestEd’s website.
Registration Now Open! Thriving Together: A Symposium to Advance SEL for Students and Staff (reminder)
OSSE is pleased to announce it will host Thriving Together: A Symposium to Advance Social and Emotional Learning for Students and Staff on Wednesday, June 12 from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at the Kellogg Conference Center at Gallaudet University. This convening aims to bring together educators and stakeholders from DC Public Schools, public charter schools and partner agencies to launch DC’s Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Standards. The event will provide opportunities to attend and lead skill-building workshops, network and learn about best practices happening across the city.
Workshops will be designed to increase knowledge of the SEL Standards and indicators while sharing strategies that foster a safe and inclusive learning environment. Workshops will align with one or more of the following topics:
- Building Foundational Support for SEL;
- Strengthening Adult SEL through a Whole-School Approach;
- Implementing Best Practices to Promote SEL with Students; and
- Assessing and Reflecting on SEL Data for Continuous Improvement.
Register here. For additional information, visit the conference website. For questions, please send an email to
New Self-Paced Course! Biliteracy Instruction: Leveraging the Science of Reading (Reminder)
OSSE is pleased to announce a new self-paced course, “Biliteracy Instruction: Leveraging the Science of Reading,” designed to equip dual language educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively integrate biliteracy instruction and the science of reading into their teaching practices. This course is ideal for educators delivering instruction in two languages. Instructional coaches and classroom teachers are strongly encouraged to participate.
After completing all assignments, participants will earn 4 professional learning units (PLUs). Register here. For questions, please contact Santiago Sanchez at
¡Nuevo curso! Instrucción bilingüe: Los beneficios de implementar la ciencia de la lectura
La Oficina del Superintendente Estatal de Educación (OSSE, por sus siglas en inglés) se complace en anunciar un nuevo curso para equipar a los educadores bilingües con el conocimiento y las habilidades necesarias para integrar de manera efectiva la instrucción bilingüe y la ciencia de la lectura. El curso tiene como objetivo proporcionar a los educadores bilingües una comprensión profunda de los principios y metodologías basados en la investigación asociados con la instrucción bilingüe de alta calidad.
Al finalizar el curso, los participantes:
- Profundizarán en los conceptos fundamentales de la ciencia de la lectura y el bilingüismo.
- Explorarán prácticas basadas en la investigación para desarrollar habilidades bilingües.
- Reconocerán factores culturales y lingüísticos que influyen en el desarrollo de la lectoescritura.
El curso estará disponible de mayo a septiembre de 2024. Los participantes pueden obtener hasta cuatro unidades de aprendizaje profesional (PLU) por la finalización completa de las actividades en las cuatro secciones. Regístrese aquí.
Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con Santiago Sánchez, especialista multilingüe al correo electrónico
Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities with OSSE’s Division of Teaching and Learning (reminder)
OSSE's Division of Teaching and Learning is pleased to offer many upcoming professional learning opportunities for DC educators, including teachers, staff, school leaders and service providers serving students in grades pre-K through 12 in DC public and public charter schools. All DC educators are encouraged to subscribe to the monthly TAL PD Bulletin to receive additional announcements about professional learning opportunities and resources for educators. View the most recent bulletin here.
FY25 ESEA Titles I-IV Phase I Application Opens May 31
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provides federal funding to ensure equal opportunity for all students. Under this program, OSSE issues Titles I-A, II-A, III-A and IV-A grants through its annual Phase I Assurances and ESEA Consolidated Application (ConApp).
The annual application process for ESEA Title grants begins with the submission of assurances. The ESEA Phase I application includes assurances for Titles I-A, II-A, III-A and IV-A and will be available in the Enterprise Grants Management System (EGMS) beginning May 31. Details about grant programs within the ConApp are available on OSSE’s website here and preliminary allocations will be available here in the coming weeks.
LEAs are required to submit these Phase I assurances for fiscal year 2025 (FY25) ESEA grants by June 28, at 3 p.m. EST. Once Phase I assurances are approved, your LEA may complete the Phase II ESEA ConApp available in July. For questions or additional information about ESEA Titles I-IV, Part A please contact Bonnie Bacon at
SOAR Act Educator Pipeline Competition Now Open (reminder)
The Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Act Educator Pipeline grant competition is now open. Public charter LEAs and third-party nonprofit charter support organizations are eligible to apply and should submit applications with project proposals that will impact the quality and quantity of the educator supply for DC charter schools.
The request for applications (RFA) for the SOAR Act Educator Pipeline grant competition was published on May 15. Applications must be submitted online in the Enterprise Grants Management System (EGMS) no later than 3 p.m. EST on Monday, July 1.
This year’s application, scoring rubric and award process include key updates. Applicants can view a recording of the pre-application webinar and a copy of the slides here. For questions or additional information, please contact Jessica Mardo at
May 2024
June 2024