May 2024
Dear Customers, Colleagues, and Friends,
May was a busy month at the Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection (DLCP). As you may know, May was Small Business Month. We spent May celebrating the vital role that small businesses play in our District and in our lives. A series of workshops was hosted to offer guidance, understanding, and growth opportunities for entrepreneurs. Read more about those events below.
We are also excited to announce that our website refresh will launch on June 5th. This update will allow entrepreneurs to navigate DLCP's services more easily and quickly to start their businesses. Read on to learn about our key updates.
As we head into the summer months, I want to thank you for your continued support and dedication to our mission at DLCP. We are excited about the positive changes on the horizon and look forward to sharing more updates with you.
Best Regards,
 Tiffany Crowe Director
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
(Washington, DC) – The Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection (DLCP) is excited to announce a website refresh! We made changes, aimed at responding to customer feedback and improving inclusivity by providing content in all official District languages.
"We have doubled down on our partnership with the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) to build a center of excellence for government operations. We'll accomplish this through streamlined processes and user-friendly technology designed to make customer experiences more seamless," stated DLCP Director Tiffany Crowe.
As the agency continues to expand and rebrand, this website refresh represents the latest step in ensuring that our customers have the resources and support they need.
Additional improvements of the DLCP website refresh include:
Streamlining navigation and simplifying tasks for an improved user experience.
Maintaining the foundational structure of the website while making targeted enhancements.
Ensuring accessibility to critical updates for all users.
We invite you to visit the new website at
In honor of National Small Business Month, we are proud to highlight the outstanding contributions of our dedicated DLCP staff who support your business licensing needs. These individuals have made a significant impact on the growth and success of small businesses in the District.
Shakeila Outlaw |Business License Specialist
Shakelia Outlaw is a Business License Specialist at DLCP. She is responsible for issuing licenses for both the Basic Business License division and the Vending division. Outlaw has served the District for more than twenty-four years. Additionally, she has engaged in community outreach, providing entrepreneurs with helpful information on street vending in the District. She is dedicated to assisting customers with their business needs. If you are interested in obtaining a basic business license or a street vending license please contact her via email at
Keisha Mims | Director of Outreach & Engagement
Keisha Mims is the Director of Outreach & Engagement at DLCP. She has been with the agency since October 2023. In her role, Mims has led the reorganization of the new Business Resource Center (BRC), formerly known as the Small Business Resource Center. Her staff, now called Business Consultants, work to facilitate group workshops and one-on-one sessions with budding and seasoned entrepreneurs. The BRC team is at your service. If you would like to register for upcoming events with the Business Resource Center, click here.
With Independence Day soon approaching, DLCP is now accepting temporary fireworks stand license applications until June 28. If you're planning to sell fireworks this season, it's time to get your application ready!
- Dry Cleaners
- Explosives
- Firework Sales
- Gasoline Dealer
- Kerosene Sales
- Power Laundry
- Pyroxylin
- Solvent Sales
- Varsol Sales
Requirements To Obtain a License:
Applicants must meet the following requirements and possess:
- A valid Building Permit
- A Certificate of Occupancy
- A valid Corporate Registration (if applicable)
- A Fire Marshal Inspection Report (approved) / Proof of Fire Inspection Payment
- A Lease/Letter of Agreement for Use of Space
- A valid Tax Registration
The fee for flammable product sales and services is $247.50.
For a detailed guide, follow the Steps to Obtain a Temporary Fireworks Stand License.
DLCP collaborates with other District Government agencies to ensure compliance with all applicable DC Official Codes and Municipal Regulations. The agency may request additional documentation and/or proof of inspections. Please note, paper applications are not accepted.
Apply For a Temporary Fireworks Stand License
Submit your application now and get ready for a successful fireworks sales season!
For more information about fireworks regulations and safety, visit the Frequently Asked Questions from the Department of Fire and Emergency Medical Services.
You're invited to the 16th Annual Practitioners Forum 2024 presented by the District of Columbia Board of Barber & Cosmetology!
This year's theme, "MOVING FORWARD," will take place on Monday, June 17, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Martin Luther King Memorial Library, 901 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001, with check-in beginning at 8:00 AM.
Click on the link below to reserve your seat.
This event is open to active Barber & Cosmetology license holders who have renewed their license for at least one cycle. Attendees will have the opportunity to earn 6 Continuing Education (CE) credits by participating in the full forum.
Don't miss this chance to network with industry professionals, and contribute to the future of barbering and cosmetology.
For any questions, please contact Kevin Cyrus, Education Coordinator, at We look forward to seeing you there!
Are you the owner of a small business headquartered in Washington, DC? We want to hear from you!
The Government of the District of Columbia is conducting a census of DC-headquartered small businesses to better understand who makes up our small business community and ensure that DC is a place where small business owners of all backgrounds can thrive.
The census asks questions about the business’s size, locations, and ownership demographics, and should only take 3 – 5 minutes of business owners’ time. Business owners may receive a call or a visit from a member of the Small Business Census team between April and the end of the summer of 2024, and may participate in the census in English, Spanish, Amharic, French, Chinese, Vietnamese, or Korean.
Learn more at or by emailing DCSmallBusinessCensus
Enhance your expertise with our Real Estate Seminars on Historic Preservation 101 & 201! Join us on Friday, June 21, 2024, from 9 AM to 12 PM at the Martin Luther King Memorial Library, 901 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001, for an experience focused on historic preservation in the District of Columbia.
DC Real Estate Agents and Appraisers can earn three continuing education credits by participating in one of these free, three-hour, in-person courses.
HP 101 will provide an overview of historic preservation and architectural styles in the District, while HP 201 will explore the benefits of designating a property and the steps involved.
Please note, all participants must complete HP 101 before attending HP 201. Don’t miss this opportunity to advance your knowledge and skills in historic preservation while earning valuable CE credits.
DLCP's Business Resource Center (BRC) organized a successful two-part workshop to offer clear guidance on navigating regulatory procedures and obtaining a basic business license. The first session, held at the Marshall Heights Community Development Organization Incorporated (MHCDO), in Northeast DC, involved participants receiving training and assistance to meet the necessary requirements from the Internal Revenue Service, DC Tax and Revenue, and the DLCP Corporations Division, all accomplished within a two-week period.
The second session required active participation, including the submission of all required documents and payment of relevant fees. This event showcases DLCP's ongoing dedication to supporting local entrepreneurs and small business owners in the District.
On Wednesday, May 15, both current and aspiring small business owners gathered at the Department of Employment Services (DOES) for one-on-one sessions with attorneys at the Small Business Brief Advice Legal Clinic. DLCP’s BRC partnered with the DC Bar Pro Bono Center to provide legal information on business formation, contracts, leases, and taxes. Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions about small business legal issues.
DLCP, in partnership with the Office of Tax and Revenue (OTR), DC Health, and DC Fire and EMS (FEMS), hosted a Vending License Workshop at the MHCDO. On May 14, participants gained insights into the vending licensing process.
Many attendees were current vendors working on food trucks and learned how to expand their business models. Events like these provide participants with the tools to navigate vending regulations and grow their businesses in the District.
To learn more about expanding your business, check out upcoming events this summer by visiting DLCP's event page.
Look below for new laws, regulations, and important Council Hearing dates.
On March 12, 2024, the Council of the District of Columbia passed the Secure DC Omnibus Amendment Act of 2024 (B25-410). The emergency bill, which expires on June 9, 2024, extends the deadline for cashless retailer enforcement from January 1, 2024, to January 1, 2025. An accompanying temporary bill is pending.
Mayor's Order 2024-61, Authority to the Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection and the District Department of Transportation Pursuant to the Vending Regulation Amendment Act of 2009, As Amended, was published in the April 19, 2024, D.C. Register, at 71 DCR 4494. Mayor's Order 2024-61 seeks to ease the processing of vending applications, by amongst other things, authorizing the Director of DLCP to identify the vending zone locations. This will allow for prompt approval of vending locations, and ultimately, vending applications. This is the beginning of the agency's efforts to make operational changes to the District's vending program.
Burial Assistance Program Increase Amendment Act of 2024 (B25-0819) introduced on May 6, 2024, by Councilmember White and Councilmembers Allen, McDuffie, Henderson, and Parker, proposes to raise the maximum available burial assistance for burial and cremation services provided by the Department of Human Services Burial Assistance Program from $1,000 to $1,800.
DC Register Citations:
On May 10, 2024, the Architecture Continuing Education Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - 71 DCR 5513 was published in the D.C. Register for 30-day notice and comment. The proposed rulemaking would allow those applying to renew their architecture, interior design, or landscape architect rulemaking to attest to their having completed the continuing education requirement as opposed to providing DLCP with copies of their certificates of completion. This change would ease the license renewal application process for licensees. Further, the rulemaking would require licensees to retain copies of their continuing education records for six years, and to allow the Board to conduct audits to ensure compliance.
On May 17, 2024, the Architectural Licensing Amendments Notice of Final Rulemaking - 71 DCR 6178 was published in the D.C. Register. The final rulemaking, which took effect upon publication in the Register, removes the five-year limitation for the Architect Registration Examination (A.R.E.) and adopts the Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure, which will allow an individual enrolled in an accredited program to satisfy the examination requirements.
Contact DLCP via email, or our online inquiry form at any time. We’re also available through the live chat on or by phone at 202-671-4500 during normal business hours.