Vaping Prevention in Schools Resources (reminder)
Click here to access a Feb. 21 recording of Youth Vaping Prevention: Tools and Strategies to Use in Your Classroom and Community, a webinar offered by OSSE and DC Health. Designed to help students quit smoking or vaping, the information, provided by Truth Initiative, a national nonprofit public health organization, is intended to better support students dealing with addiction.
Discipline Data Collection Deadline March 29
The Integrated Data Submission (IDS) tool is open for the second Discipline Data Collection submission process. The submission deadline was March 19, with a certification date of March 26. LEAs can review their submitted data in the Qlik SY23-24 Data Validation app and make any necessary changes through an IDS resubmission by March 26.
Submissions should include all discipline incidents from Nov. 27, 2023 through March 1, 2024. LEAs will submit and validate discipline incidents one additional time this year in conjunction with attendance and enrollment data (June 24-July 2, 2024).
Public Comments Being Accepted for Proposed Rulemaking on New Specialized Performing or Visual Arts Educator Credential
On Friday, March 15, 2024, the proposed rulemaking on a new DC educator credential - the Specialized Performing or Visual Arts credential - was published in the DC Register. This rulemaking would establish a specialized performing or visual arts teaching credential. To view the proposed rulemaking, please visit the DC Register at
All persons desiring to comment on the subject matter of this notice of proposed rulemaking should file comments in writing not later than April 14, 2024. Comments are accepted via email to:; or by mail to the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, Attn: Elizabeth Ross re: Specialized Performing or Visual Arts Credential, 1050 First Street, NE, Fifth Floor, Washington, DC 20002.
Upcoming Virtual Discussions on D.C. Law 23-191. Addressing Dyslexia and Other Reading Difficulties Amendment Act of 2020
On Friday, March 29, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) will host two virtual discussions regarding the continued implementation of DC Law 23-191. The following will be discussed:
The remaining requirements for the 2023-24 school year and reporting structure of 2023-24.
The requirements for the 2024-25 school year.
Screening and family notifications.
Dyslexia awareness and additional K-2 training on reading difficulties.
Adoption of science-based reading programs.
The virtual meetings will take place at the following times:
Parent/Guardian Truancy Mailings for the 2023-24 School Year (reminder)
DC law requires educational institutions and OSSE to communicate regarding student attendance status. In the event of a truant student (at least 10 unexcused absences of any minor student within one school year), OSSE is required to provide the truant student’s parent/guardian with a Truancy Prevention Resource Guide.
In the coming weeks, OSSE will send Truancy Prevention Resource Guides to the parents/guardians of any student who was truant in the 2022-23 school year or so far in the 2023-24 school year. A copy of the truancy packet is available on OSSE’s website and further information can be found on the OSSE Attendance and Truancy Resources Website.
For questions or additional information, contact Cameron Martin at
Mathematical Reasoning for All Students – Enrolling Now!
OSSE is excited to offer professional learning to increase mathematical reasoning for all students. This training will be a two-day course on March 26 and 27, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and will provide participants with five research-based strategies to teach all students how to think and reason mathematically. Participants will learn what it looks like when students reason mathematically, as well as different ways in which students access and develop mathematical thinking. They will learn teaching strategies for engaging students in mathematical thinking and discourse, supporting their students’ development of mathematical thinking and helping their students develop independence as learners. Finally, participants will leave the course ready to support every learner to develop as mathematicians based on their individual learning profiles. Participants must attend both days and will receive 12 professional learning units. Register here or contact for more information.
OSSE Math Content Professional Development Bootcamp (K-5)
The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) is partnering with a nationally recognized professional development provider to provide a math content bootcamp for any K-5 teacher.
This training is a great opportunity for K-5 math teachers to deepen their own understanding of number sense and how to teach it to students, learn how to use number talk routines to develop students’ number sense and foster understanding of procedural fluency. Teachers will participate in live online content sessions as well as smaller group facilitated planning and coaching sessions. The first content sessions are scheduled for the week of March 18.
This opportunity is available to any K-5 math teacher at no cost on a first-come, first-served basis. Teachers who successfully complete this bootcamp will receive a $1,000 stipend. Register here to participate. For more information, please contact Miryam Oziel
Supporting Teacher and Student Wellness through Trauma-Informed and Healing-Centered Practices
OSSE in partnership with InSite Solutions, is offering two professional learning opportunities focused on understanding trauma in children and developing organizational wellness in our school communities. Identifying and managing the impact of trauma and toxic stress on students can increase a school systems’ ability to respond sensitively to the unique needs of children who have experienced trauma while also reducing teacher absenteeism and improving student academic performance.
Educators in DC can choose from the following courses which will be repeated on multiple dates.
Understanding Trauma in Children and How to Develop Healing-Centered Practices (Introductory course): This session will be offered virtually on April 17 and May 15 and in person at OSSE on May 16.
Developing Sustainable Organizational Wellness (designed for school leaders): This 2-hour virtual session will be offered monthly on the following dates:
April 3, April 23 and May 17.
Secondary Transition Community of Practice
The Secondary Transition Community of Practice (COP) supports DC youth with disabilities as they transition into a self-directed life. We are a citywide cross-section of stakeholders who come together to strengthen our individual and collective ability for action. This community of practice is led by SchoolTalk’s InclusiveDC. The Secondary Transition COP convenes regular monthly meetings and small group solution-oriented opportunities on specific transition-related topics. Most activities occur via Zoom or in a hybrid format. Visit the website to learn more.
Meeting Schedule: All sessions are Tuesdays from 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Registration Link
- March 26
- April 23
- May 21
- June 11
- July 16
- 13
- 10
For more information, please contact Kalecia Baity with the Division of Postsecondary and Career Education at
Introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Asynchronous Course
Dive into the theory and practice of UDL and explore how it is used as a framework for inclusive practice that allows for more accessible and equitable learning environments. The Office of the State Superintendent of Education’s (OSSE’s) Division of Teaching and Learning is excited to offer eight-module asynchronous introductory series to UDL. This coursework is open to all DC public and public charter educators via OSSE LMS. Educators will be able to engage in learning the "why," "what" and "how" of UDL and how UDL can create a more accessible learning environment for all learners. Sign up for the course here.
For questions, please contact Byul Yim with the OSSE Division of Teaching and Learning at
Social Studies Professional Learning Opportunities
June 17-21, 2024: Elementary Social Studies LEA Curriculum Leadership Development Fellowship
- OSSE is providing professional development and stipends for LEA curriculum leaders to build capacity for social studies curriculum development using OSSE produced materials
- Participants must be nominated by their LEA leadership, commit to developing 2 full unit plans, a scope and sequence and professional development for teachers during the 2024-2025 school year.
- Stipend: up to $5,000 upon completion of fellowship
Application and Additional Information
July 8-12, 2024: Action Civics Professional Learning and Curriculum Institute (Project DCI)
- OSSE is seeking grade 8 educators to pilot 8 lessons (2 units) of Action Civics resources in the 2024-2025 school year.
- Participants will receive coaching in teaching controversial issue discussions grounded in media literacy and access to free lesson plans that cover six curricular units.
- Participants must attend an in person professional development workshop between July 8 and 12 and attend virtual professional learning during the school year.
- Stipend: $1,800 upon completion of 8 lessons.
Application and Additional Information
SY2024-25: World History Lessons Pilot Study 2024-2025
- OSSE is seeking educators to pilot inquiry driven World History Lessons
- Educators must be committed to teaching world history at their current school through the 2024-2025 school year.
- Educators will attend an onboarding session for the research study, implement provided world history lessons (over a 2-3-week period) and submit an audio recording for 2 class periods using the provided lessons.
- Stipend: up to $500 upon completion of pilot study
Pilot Study Information
- Teacher Interest Form
Attention DC EPP Completers - 1:1 Coaching Support for Teachers Now Available (reminder)
For all teachers who have completed a DC educator preparation program (EPP) and are in their first five years of teaching in a DC public or public charter school, OSSE is offering an exciting opportunity for access to a personalized non-evaluative coaching partner from EdConnective. More than 250 DC leaders have participated in 1:1 coaching over the past three years, and OSSE is excited to expand this partnership to support teachers!
This unique benefit gives you personalized access to a coach focused on your specific needs in your classroom(s). Your personal coach will work with you to develop goals and support professional growth with specific, practical strategies that YOU want to work on.
Here’s what other teachers have said about EdConnective coaching:
“This coaching experience was very different from the beginning. This is true colleague collaboration and learning from one another.”
“I really struggled with classroom management, and my instructional coach helped me connect with my classroom in a short period of time. It was like night and day from one week to the next!”
Eligibility: If you meet these two criteria, you’re in:
- A teacher who has completed a DC-based educator preparation provider program (list of providers)
- Teaching in a DC public or public charter school for less than five years (0-5 years teaching experience)
Register here NOW to be matched with a coach this spring!
For questions, please contact Jhatia McKnight at:
Adolescent Literacy Training: Addressing Learning Gaps with Syllable Instruction (reminder)
OSSE is pleased to announce the first of a series of trainings on adolescent literacy. This first offering is an opportunity for grade 4–12 teachers, literacy coaches, special educators, multilingual educators, and administrators to undergo training on multisyllabic word instruction by The Literacy Architects. This course provides teachers with information about the six syllable types and multiple syllable division patterns, which can serve as a first step to helping readers read and spell multisyllabic words. Participants will learn how to implement instructional routines that can be used in whole or small group settings to help students tackle multisyllabic words and will receive access to diagnostic assessments and lesson plan templates to assist with classroom application.
This training includes:
- Approximately six hours of asynchronous coursework
- Time dedicated to applying learned skills in their classrooms (approximately six hours)
- Opportunity to attend two 90-minute synchronous sessions to explore and practice instructional routines in more detail (Session 1: covering Modules 1–3; Session 2: covering Modules 4–6) (three hours total)
- The total time commitment is approximately 12–15 hours.
Register Here. Participants will receive 12 PLUs for the asynchronous coursework and an additional 4 PLUs for the facilitated sessions. For questions, please email Vaani Gupta at
Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities with OSSE’s Division of Teaching and Learning (reminder)
OSSE's Division of Teaching and Learning is pleased to offer many upcoming professional learning opportunities for DC educators, including teachers, staff, school leaders and service providers serving students in grades pre-K through 12 in DC public and public charter schools. All DC educators are encouraged to subscribe to the monthly TAL PD Bulletin to receive additional announcements about professional learning opportunities and resources for educators. View the most recent bulletin here.
SOAR Act Formula Consolidated Post-Award Webinar and Reporting Templates Available on OSSE Website (reminder)
OSSE held a post-award webinar on Tuesday, March 5, for public charter LEAs that were awarded an FY24 Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Formula Consolidated grant. The webinar covered topics including submitting reimbursement requests, semi-annual narrative reporting requirements, and submitting budget amendments.
A recording of the webinar and accompanying slide deck are now available on OSSE’s SOAR Formula web page, along with the FY24 semi-annual reporting template. LEAs that were unable to attend the live webinar are encouraged to review the resources to ensure familiarity with grant requirements.
Please note that the first semi-annual narrative report for the FY24 SOAR Formula Consolidated grant will be due by email to your LEA’s SOAR program contact on Monday, April 15.
For any questions, please reach out to your LEA’s SOAR program contact or
FY23 ESSER Annual Reporting Window and Webinar for Phase III (reminder)
The ESSER Annual Reporting Phase III reporting window opened on March 18, and close on April 5. This change ensures that LEAs have adequate time to incorporate the latest guidelines from the US Department of Education (USED).
In Phase III, LEAs are required to report aggregate numbers of students eligible for and participating in programs and interventions as identified by USED. This also includes reporting the aggregate number of students eligible and participating by subgroup. To assist LEAs in gathering and organizing data, a list of the specific interventions and subgroups required for this reporting can be found below.
Evidence-Based Interventions
- Evidence-based summer learning or summer enrichment program
- Evidence-based afterschool programs
- Extended instructional time
- Evidence-based high dosage tutoring
- Early childhood education program expansion or enhancement
- Full-service community schools
- Purchasing educational technology
- Students with one or more disabilities
- Low-income students
- English learners
- Students in foster care
- Migratory students
- Students experiencing homelessness
- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Asian
- Black or African American
- Hispanic/Latino
- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
- White
- Two or more races
- Other student subpopulation
For questions about ESSER reporting, please contact the OSSE ESSER team at
SOAR Act FY23 Facilities Reporting Deadline – Friday, March 29, 2024 (reminder)
The first semi-annual narrative report for the fiscal year 2023 (FY23) Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Facilities grant is due via email to Marie Hutchins no later than Friday, March 29. The reporting template is available on the SOAR website.
For questions or additional information about SOAR Facilities semi-annual reporting, please reach out to Marie Hutchins at
March 2024