OSSE Releases Draft Financial Literacy Standards and Invites Public Comment
OSSE is developing standalone financial literacy standards for high school students across the District. These standards will include important financial knowledge and skills, including how individual financial circumstances are influenced by personal decisions and systemic factors. To learn more about the standards development process, visit our website here.
OSSE is seeking feedback from the public regarding the draft financial literacy standards. The public comment period will be open from Nov. 15, 2023 to Jan. 10, 2024. To provide public comment, please complete form here.
OSSE will also hold listening sessions to hear directly from members of the public regarding these standards. If you are interested in participating, please sign-up below.
- Listening Session for DC Educators
- Listening Session for General Public
For questions, contact Megan Dumond at Megan.Dumond@dc.gov.
2021 DC Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Results Now Available (reminder)
The 2021 DC Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Report is now available on the OSSE website. As in previous DC YRBS reports, the 2021 report is organized by risk behavior categories, which coincide with the categories of OSSE’s Health Education Standards:
- Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
- Mental and Emotional Health
- Nutrition and Physical Activity
- Disease Prevention / Sexual Health
- Safety and Violence
The 2021 DC YRBS report outlines the findings from census survey data collected during the fall of 2021 from 11,567 high school students at 38 DC public and public charter high schools and 11,783 middle school students at 70 DC public and public charter middle schools. Read the report to learn more.
For more information, please contact Tasneem Islam at Tasneem.Islam@dc.gov.
Secondary Transition Resource Hub is here! (reminder)
Introducing the enhanced Secondary Transition Resource Hub! Explore comprehensive information on the secondary transition process and discover valuable resources within the hub.
We extend an invitation to all schools in the District to acquire secondary transition posters designed to promote secondary transition across the District. Secure a poster for your school by completing this interest form. Please note that each school is limited to a maximum of four large posters and four small posters. Pick-up dates and times, RSVP here.
Nov. 17, 3-4:30 p.m.
- Nov. 20, 8-10 a.m. and 3-4:30 p.m.
For questions about poster pick-up, please contact Kalecia Baity at Kalecia.Baity1@dc.gov.
Please Participate in the Nationwide Farm to School Census (reminder)
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is currently conducting its fourth Farm to School Census to assess the scale and impact of farm to school activities in schools across the nation. The 2019 census showed that 83 percent of LEAs in the District of Columbia, and 65 percent in the US participated in farm to school activities. It also showed lower rates of school food waste and program cost and increased participation in school meals.
Each School Food Authority (SFA) lead should have received the census survey via email from DIR Associates, which included detailed instructions on how to complete the census. Please complete the survey regardless of whether your LEA participates in farm to school activities. If you have any questions about the census, please contact DIR Associates’ survey team at Farm2SchoolCensus@dir-online.com or at (866) 986-2230. Census responses will be accepted through December 2023.
Supporting Teacher and Student Wellness through Trauma-Informed and Healing-Centered Practices
OSSE is excited to announce its partnership with InSite Solutions, for a new series of professional learning opportunities focused on building capacity within school systems to promote an expanded understanding to the mental health needs of students while training schools on trauma-informed, healing-centered research, care, and best-practice standards. Identifying and managing the impact of trauma and toxic stress on students can increase a school systems’ ability to respond sensitively to the unique needs of children who have experienced trauma while also reducing teacher absenteeism and improving student academic performance.
Educators in DC can choose from the following courses which will be repeated on multiple dates.
Understanding Trauma in Children and How to Develop Healing-Centered Practices (Introductory course): This 2-hour virtual session will be offered monthly on the following dates:
Developing Sustainable Organizational Wellness (designed for school leaders): This 2-hour virtual session will be offered monthly on the following dates:
This training is open to educators and support providers serving Pre-K through grade 12. Participants will receive two Professional Learning Units (PLUs) for full participation in each session. For more information, please email Jessica.Dulay@dc.gov.
2023-24 School Year Test Development Participant Recruitment
The OSSE Office of Assessments is currently recruiting educators to apply for the opportunity to participate in test development events for DC Comprehensive Assessments of Progress in Education (DC CAPE). DC CAPE is the District of Columbia’s statewide assessment for English language arts (ELA) and mathematics and is administered annually to students in grades 3 through 8 and in high school, and DC’s statewide assessment for science in grades 5, 8 and high school biology.
Applicants selected will be part of a pool of educators available to attend various DC CAPE test development events, including content review, bias and sensitivity review, range finding and data review. Each test development event requires a commitment of approximately three to five days and will be held during the 2023-24 school year or in summer 2024. The assessment vendor will provide participants with a daily stipend or schools with substitute reimbursement. Participants will also have the opportunity to use experience gained through DC CAPE development activities to build assessment literacy within their schools and local education agencies (LEAs) and influence the content that will appear on the statewide summative assessments for DC students. Applicants who are selected will receive notification from OSSE and event registration information from our partner vendor.
Educators with a range of assessment and curriculum experience, content expertise, and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) training are welcome to apply, and all applicants should meet the following qualifications:
- Currently employed as a teacher or academic leader for grades 3 through 12 at a District of Columbia public or public charter school;
- Experience teaching diverse populations and/or students with special needs;
- Expertise in ELA, mathematics, or science with a deep understanding of the Common Core State Standards or Next Generation Science Standards;
- Three years of experience as a teacher and/or academic leader; and
- Able to commit three to 10 school days a year to attend test development events.
If you are interested in participating, please complete the application here by 5 p.m. on Nov. 24, 2023, to be eligible for DC CAPE development events. For additional questions, please contact Yolanda Barber at Yolanda.Barber@dc.gov.
Universal Screener Data Analysis Two-Part Training
OSSE is pleased to announce a new training focused on literacy data analysis. This two-part series builds off the dyslexia awareness modules, focuses on analyzing universal screener data and is suitable for all K-2 educators, coaches and administrators.
Part one of the training focuses on the characteristics of a universal screener, the alignment between the science of reading research and screener data and the practices used to analyze classroom-level screener data.
Part two of the training focuses on analyzing skill-based student data. Participants will understand how to locate student-level data, analyze student errors in each skill and identify the next instructional steps.
This training will be asynchronous. To receive professional learning units (PLUs), participants will need to complete both parts of the training. However, participants can choose to do only one module or complete them in any order. Register here. For questions, contact Vaani Gupta at Vaani.Gupta@dc.gov.
2023-24 School Year McKinney-Vento Monthly Webinars/TA Sessions (reminder)
OSSE is offering a series of monthly virtual trainings for LEA and school-based homeless liaisons during the 2023-24 school year. The purpose of these trainings is to help ensure LEA and school-based homeless liaisons are prepared to support students and families experiencing homelessness during the school year.
McKinney-Vento (MKV) monthly webinar presentations are usually scheduled for the second Wednesday of each month, between December 2023 and May 2024, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Please view event topics and register to attend here.
Invitation to Apply for 2024-25 Environmental Literacy Leadership Cadre (reminder)
OSSE is recruiting elementary teachers/educator leaders from schools across the District that serve pre-K 3 through grade 5 to participate in the Environmental Literacy Leadership Cadre. Established in February 2016, OSSE’s Environmental Literacy Leadership Cadre is a group of individuals from elementary schools across the District who will be responsible for developing a plan to implement the Environmental Literacy Framework at their schools and coordinating its implementation. Participants will meet to (a) receive comprehensive professional development related to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), (b) develop and implement a school-based environmental literacy program using the Environmental Literacy Framework, (c) discuss existing supports and make recommendations regarding environmental literacy implementation in elementary schools and (d) disseminate information about environmental literacy to their community and garner feedback on the school-based environmental literacy program.
Visit OSSE’s website for more information. Interested educators should complete and submit an application online by Friday, Dec. 1. For more information or questions, please contact Grace Manubay at (202) 654-6116.
Restorative Justice Fall 2023 Professional Development (reminder)
This fall, RestorativeDC is focusing on professional development and planning opportunities to help DC educators with restorative practices during this school year. Sessions will be conducted in person and coaching sessions offered virtually.
Please view this informational flyer for more information for the 2023-24 school year restorative justice professional development schedule. To register, please visit the RestorativeDC online calendar of events. For questions, please email Jessica.Dulay@dc.gov.
Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities with OSSE’s Division of Teaching and Learning (reminder)
OSSE's Division of Teaching and Learning is pleased to offer many upcoming professional learning opportunities for DC educators, including teachers, staff, school leaders and service providers serving students in grades pre-K through 12 in DC public and public charter schools. All DC educators are encouraged to subscribe to the monthly TAL PD Bulletin to receive additional announcements about professional learning opportunities and resources for educators. View the most recent bulletin here.
Reimbursement Requests for FY23 Grants are Due in EGMS by Dec. 1
The last day to submit reimbursement requests for fiscal year 2023 (FY23) grants is Friday, Dec. 1. Please ensure your organization in prepared to submit all reimbursement requests in the Enterprise Grants Management System (EGMS) by this deadline.
Additional details can be found in the FY23 Grant Close Out Reimbursement Requests email sent to grantees on Nov. 14. For questions or support, please contact your OSSE grant specialist.
Reminder - ARP-Homeless I and II FY23 Closeout Reporting and FY24 Application Submission Deadlines
Fiscal year 2023 (FY23) grant closeout reports for American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief – Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-Homeless I and II) grants are due in the Enterprise Grants Management System (EGMS) by Jan. 15, 2024. For screen-by-screen instructions on how submit a closeout report in EGMS, please reference Closing Out Projects in EGMS. Once the ARP-Homeless I and II closeout reports are approved by OSSE, EGMS will automatically create FY24 ARP-Homeless I and II applications and pre-fill them with the same content that was in the approved FY23 applications.
FY24 ARP-Homeless I and II applications must be completed in EGMS by Jan. 31, 2024. As a reminder, this is the final year for all ARP-Homeless grants and funds must be obligated by Sept. 30, 2024 to be eligible for reimbursement. Please note that FY24 applications must be approved before reimbursement requests are submitted for the new fiscal year. While the FY24 application will pre-fill upon OSSE’s approval of FY23 closeout reports, the FY24 budget will not pre-fill. You will need to create a FY24 budget within EGMS by completing selected tabs within the Detailed Planned Expenditures tab. If additional modifications need to be made to the application to account for updated program plans, for example, conducting a needs assessment or expanding program services, these updates can be made in your application prior to submission.
For questions or to schedule one-on-one technical assistance for ARP-Homeless I and II grants, please contact Danielle Rollins at Danielle.Rollins@dc.gov or (202) 256-2229.
Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) Healthy Schools Grant (reminder)
OSSE released a Request for Applications (RFA) for the fiscal year 2024 (FY24) Healthy Schools Grant (HSG) competition on Friday, Nov. 3. The purpose of the HSG program is to increase the capacity of DC public and public charter schools to support the implementation of health education, physical education, physical activity, nutrition education, environmental education, garden-based education and farm to school programs. OSSE will accept applications from community-based organizations (CBOs) with demonstrated expertise and success working with DC public and public charter schools to implement healthy schools programming. CBOs must partner with a minimum of five DC public and public charter schools. The RFA can be found here. Applications are due in EGMS by Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 3 p.m. EST. For questions or additional information, please contact Rachel Sadlon at Rachel.Sadlon@dc.gov.
December 2023