Course Data Certification TODAY
Thank you to all the LEAs that have successfully submitted their Course Data template via the Integrated Data Submission (IDS) tool! More than 90 percent of LEAs have submitted course data to OSSE, and we look forward to continuing to partner with all LEAs as we move to additional phases of this process.
LEAs can now review their submitted data on the Qlik LEA Course Data Dashboard. The certification of the Course Data will take place by the Head of School using the LEA Course Data Qlik Dashboard, TODAY, Nov. 3, between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
LEAs can submit appeals to the certification in the OSSE Support Tool (OST) - LEA Certification Appeals application between Nov. 3 and Nov. 10, 2023.
For additional questions, please submit a ticket in the OST Quickbase application by using “Course Collection” as the issue type.
Secondary Transition Resource Hub is here!
Introducing the enhanced Secondary Transition Resource Hub! Explore comprehensive information on the secondary transition process and discover valuable resources within the hub.
We extend an invitation to all schools in the District to acquire secondary transition posters designed to promote secondary transition across the District. Secure a poster for your school by completing this interest form. Please note that each school is limited to a maximum of four large posters and four small posters. Pick-up dates and times, RSVP here.
Nov. 16 and 17, 3-4:30 p.m.
- Nov. 20, 8-10 a.m. and 3-4:30 p.m.
For questions about poster pick-up, please contact Kalecia Baity at Kalecia.Baity1@dc.gov.
Please Participate in the Nationwide Farm to School Census
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is currently conducting its fourth Farm to School Census to assess the scale and impact of farm to school activities in schools across the nation. The 2019 census showed that 83 percent of LEAs in the District of Columbia, and 65 percent in the US participated in farm to school activities. It also showed lower rates of school food waste and program cost and increased participation in school meals.
Each School Food Authority (SFA) lead should have received the census survey via email from DIR Associates, which included detailed instructions on how to complete the census. Please complete the survey regardless of whether your LEA participates in farm to school activities. If you have any questions about the census, please contact DIR Associates’ survey team at Farm2SchoolCensus@dir-online.com or at (866) 986-2230. Census responses will be accepted through December 2023.
D.L. v. District of Columbia at a Glance
The D.L. v. District of Columbia lawsuit continues to impact OSSE’s special education policy, compliance monitoring and reporting. The D.L. v. District of Columbia at a Glance document includes background, relevant terms and contact information to provide context for LEAs.
The document is available on OSSE’s website. Please contact Sarah Peisch at Sarah.Peisch1@dc.gov with any questions.
New Resource: LEA Special Education Point of Contact Role Description (reminder)
OSSE published the LEA Special Education Point of Contact Role Description guidance, a resource intended to support LEAs in identifying appropriate staff to carry out special education organizational operations, liaise with OSSE and ensure implementation of all facets of special education. For questions about the LEA Special Education Role Description, please contact Christie Weaver-Harris at Christie.Weaver-Harris@dc.gov.
OSSE Seeks Nominations for the 2023-24 School Year US Presidential Scholars Program! (reminder)
Established in 1964 by President Lyndon Johnson, the US Presidential Scholars Program recognizes and honors outstanding high school seniors for achieving educational excellence. As the official nominating body, OSSE would like your assistance in identifying these exceptional seniors.
Nominees must be US citizens or legal permanent residents, graduate from high school by August 2024 and preferably have the following:
- Strong involvement and service to the school or community;
- Strong leadership or character; and
- High academic achievement.
Nominate your outstanding 12th grade students for this prestigious award! Nomination materials and parent/guardian consent forms must be submitted via Box. Nominations are due by 5 p.m., Monday, Nov. 20.
For more information, please contact Greg Palmer at Gregory.Palmer@dc.gov.
DC School Report Card Engagement (reminder)
OSSE is working in partnership with the DC State Board of Education (SBOE) to update the 2024 DC School Report Card site. We would love to hear feedback from you, your team and your school community.
Please take the survey and share it widely: DC School Report Card feedback survey.
In addition, we will co-host feedback sessions in the coming weeks:
- How Should the Report Card Display the Summative Score? (Virtual) Monday, Nov. 13 at 6–7 p.m. Register Here
- How Should Visual Elements and Features be Displayed? (Virtual) Monday, Dec. 4 at 6–7 p.m. Register Here
Delivering Education Services to English Learners- Step 7: Exiting, Reclassification and Monitoring
OSSE is pleased to announce a new English learner (EL) programming and policy series, Delivering Services to English Learners. This series is designed for all school leaders and LEA EL points of contact (POCs) in grades pre-K through 12. These 45-minute virtual sessions are an overview of OSSE’s publication Delivering Education Services to English Learners Policies and Procedures for Administrators, Instructional Leaders, and Teachers in the District of Columbia.
This session is the seventh in the eight-part series, during which participants will be able to understand the exit criteria set by OSSE, when to reclassify the student as English Learner monitored (Elm) and the process of reidentification. Register here to attend on Tuesday, Nov. 7, from 10-10:45 a.m. or here to attend on Wednesday, Nov. 8, from 2-2:45 p.m. For questions, contact Lucia Cuomo at Lucia.Cuomo@dc.gov.
Peace of Mind’s Building Blocks of Conflict Resolution Cohort Coaching Series
Have you ever taught a conflict resolution lesson that seemed to go beautifully in class, only to have your students get into a fight at recess? Or wondered why students can’t remember their conflict resolution skills when they’re needed most? The Peace of Mind program can help. Peace of Mind’s coaching series, The Building Blocks of Effective Conflict Resolution, will prepare educators to equip students with the skills to resolve conflicts peacefully and independently. Through monthly in-person and virtual gatherings during the 2023-24 school year, we will address the critical components of conflict resolution as taught in the Peace of Mind Curriculum.
All coaching cohort participants will receive free copies of the Peace of Mind Curriculum Guide(s) for their grade level(s). By teachers for teachers, Peace of Mind is easy to use and effective and is currently used throughout many DC Public Schools (DCPS) and DC public charter schools. Participation in this series is limited to three DCPS/public charter elementary school cohorts, grades pre-K through 5. Cohorts may include up to eight classroom teachers, specials teachers, school counselors, restorative justice coordinators and/or social workers at each school. Participants will receive one professional learning unit (PLU) for each session attended.
For more information, please fill out this short form by Nov. 15. For more information, please email Jessica.Dulay@dc.gov.
Invitation to Apply for 2024-25 Environmental Literacy Leadership Cadre
OSSE is recruiting elementary teachers/educator leaders from schools across the District that serve pre-K 3 through grade 5 to participate in the Environmental Literacy Leadership Cadre. Established in February 2016, OSSE’s Environmental Literacy Leadership Cadre is a group of individuals from elementary schools across the District who will be responsible for developing a plan to implement the Environmental Literacy Framework at their schools and coordinating its implementation. Participants will meet to (a) receive comprehensive professional development related to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), (b) develop and implement a school-based environmental literacy program using the Environmental Literacy Framework, (c) discuss existing supports and make recommendations regarding environmental literacy implementation in elementary schools and (d) disseminate information about environmental literacy to their community and garner feedback on the school-based environmental literacy program.
Visit OSSE’s website for more information. Interested educators should complete and submit an application online by Friday, Dec. 1. For more information or questions, please contact Grace Manubay at (202) 654-6116.
Restorative Justice Fall 2023 Professional Development (reminder)
This fall, RestorativeDC is focusing on professional development and planning opportunities to help DC educators with restorative practices during this school year. Sessions will be conducted in person and coaching sessions offered virtually.
Please view this informational flyer for more information for the 2023-24 school year restorative justice professional development schedule. To register, please visit the RestorativeDC online calendar of events. For questions, please email Jessica.Dulay@dc.gov.
New Teacher Math Pedagogy Professional Development Boot Camp (Middle/High School) (reminder)
OSSE is partnering with a nationally recognized professional development provider to provide a math pedagogy boot camp for any middle or high school math teacher with fewer than five years of experience. Teachers who successfully complete this boot camp will receive a $1,000 stipend. This training is a great opportunity for math teachers to build their understanding and facilitate quality implementation of the Standards for Mathematical Practice and develop instructional practices that support all students as thinkers and problem solvers. Teachers will also develop their own growth mindset approach and learn how to foster students’ growth mindsets when it comes to learning mathematics. The first part of this boot camp will be live and in person, while the second part will be asynchronous and virtual. Completion will require approximately 20 hours of work between October and February. This opportunity is available to any middle or high school math teacher with fewer than five years of experience at no cost on a first-come, first-served basis. Register to participate in the Middle/High School Math New Teacher Boot camp here. For more information, please contact Miryam Oziel Miryam.Oziel@dc.gov.
Attention all Special Education Points of Contact: Registration for Stepwell Training is Open! (New Registration Links)
In mid-November, Stepwell will replace the District of Columbia Correction Action and Tracking System (DCCATS). LEAs will now access special education findings of noncompliance and document corrective actions in Stepwell. LEA special education points of contact are required to attend a Stepwell training to support the transition to this new monitoring and tracking system. Trainings will be held on Nov. 14 and Nov. 15, and both trainings will cover the same content. Please register for one of these training events by using the links provided below. Nov. 14 | Stepwell LEA SPED POC Training, 9-10:30 a.m. Register Here Nov. 15 | Stepwell LEA SPED POC Training, 1-2:30 p.m. Register Here
Please note that OSSE will no longer use DCCATS after Nov. 15. Therefore, it is essential that each LEA’s special education point of contact attend the live session. Upon completion of the training, participants will receive information for accessing the Stepwell system. For questions or additional information, please contact LaShonda Wilson at LaShonda.Wilson@dc.gov.
Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities with OSSE’s Division of Teaching and Learning (reminder)
OSSE's Division of Teaching and Learning is pleased to offer many upcoming professional learning opportunities for DC educators, including teachers, staff, school leaders and service providers serving students in grades pre-K through 12 in DC public and public charter schools. All DC educators are encouraged to subscribe to the monthly TAL PD Bulletin to receive additional announcements about professional learning opportunities and resources for educators. View the most recent bulletin here.
Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) Pilot (1 B) Grant Program of the School-Based Behavioral Health Services Comprehensive Expansion
The Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) has released a Request for Applications (RFA) for Pilot (1B) of the School-Based Behavioral Health Services Comprehensive Expansion. As part of the phased expansion of school-based behavioral health services in the District’s public and public charter schools, DBH is implementing pilots in an effort to increase the number of school-based behavioral health clinicians in schools. One of the pilots provides an opportunity for eligible DC public charter schools to apply for funding to hire a School Behavioral Health clinician to provide prevention, early intervention and treatment services in the school. The RFA opened on Friday, Oct. 27.
The submission deadline is Monday, Nov. 13 by 12 p.m. EST. Details about Pilot 1B are available on DBH’s website.
SOAR Formula Semi-Annual and Final Narrative Reports Due Nov. 15 (reminder)
Semi-annual narrative reports for the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Formula Consolidated grant and the FY23 SOAR Formula Combined (ESSER III Equivalent Continuation from FY22) grant are due via email to your SOAR grant manager no later than Wednesday, Nov. 15. The reporting templates are available on the SOAR website. Please see the applicable reporting periods for each grant below.
November 2023