Course Data Collection Deadline: TODAY, Oct. 20
The Integrated Data Submission (IDS) opened on Sept. 1 for the Course Data Collection submission process. The submission deadline is today, Oct. 20, with a certification date of Nov. 3. LEAs can now review their submitted data on the Qlik LEA Course Data Dashboard and make any necessary changes through an IDS resubmission by Oct. 20.
LEAs can access the recordings and training decks of the Aug. 15 OSSE Master Course Coding Workshop for All LEAs and themed coding workshops on LMS.
For additional questions, please submit a ticket by Oct. 20 in the OSSE Support Tool (OST) Quickbase application by using “Course Collection” as the issue type with a status sub-category of "Question."
New Resource: LEA Special Education Point of Contact Role Description
OSSE published the LEA Special Education Point of Contact Role Description guidance, a resource intended to support LEAs in identifying appropriate staff to carry out special education organizational operations, liaise with OSSE and ensure implementation of all facets of special education. For questions about the LEA Special Education Role Description, please contact Christie Weaver-Harris at Christie.Weaver-Harris@dc.gov.
OSSE Seeks Nominations for the 2023-24 School Year US Presidential Scholars Program!
Established in 1964 by President Lyndon Johnson, the US Presidential Scholars Program recognizes and honors outstanding high school seniors for achieving educational excellence. As the official nominating body, OSSE would like your assistance in identifying these exceptional seniors.
Nominees must be US citizens or legal permanent residents, graduate from high school by August 2024 and preferably have the following:
- Strong involvement and service to the school or community
- Strong leadership or character
- High academic achievement
Nominate your outstanding 12th grade students for this prestigious award! Nomination materials and parent/guardian consent forms must be submitted via Box. Nominations are due by 5 p.m., Monday, Nov. 20.
For more information, please contact Greg Palmer at Gregory.Palmer@dc.gov.
Become a Healthy Schools Champion During Growing Healthy Schools Month
Growing Healthy Schools Month is a month-long celebration of the ways schools create healthy places for all students. This year’s theme, “Thriving Together” celebrates specific topics that promote health and wellbeing for students, including mental health and wellbeing, nutrition, outdoor learning and environmental literacy and physical education. Schools can commit to championing a healthy environment for students by taking a short pledge. After taking the pledge, your school will be designated as a 2023 Healthy Schools Champion and receive a certificate. Healthy Schools Champions will be identified on a participation map on the OSSE website.
Please see the Growing Healthy Schools Month Resource Guide for ideas, activities and even morning announcement messages that can be used in October and throughout the school year! We encourage you to share how you are celebrating Growing Healthy Schools Month here and on social media using the hashtag #GHSM23. Please contact the Growing Healthy Schools Month team at OSSE.Nutritionprogram@dc.gov with any questions.
Attendance Community of Practice Opportunities (reminder)
In October, OSSE is focusing on improving daily attendance by supporting student physical and mental well-being. OSSE and our partners are offering two upcoming opportunities for LEA or school administrators and staff to engage in conversation on improving attendance by fostering student well-being:
Oct. 25 (9-11 a.m.) Impact of community violence on youth, families and schools. To register, click here.
For questions on future attendance community of practice sessions, please contact Andrew Gall at Andrew.Gall@dc.gov. For questions on these two community of practice sessions, please contact Claudia Price at Claudia.Price@dc.gov.
DC School Report Card Engagement (reminder)
OSSE is working in partnership with the DC State Board of Education (SBOE) to update the 2024 DC School Report Card site. We would love to hear feedback from you, your team and your school community.
Please take the survey and share it widely: DC School Report Card feedback survey.
In addition, we will be co-hosting three feedback sessions in the coming weeks:
- Session 1 – What Content Should the DC School Report Care Include? (MLK Library, 901 G St. NW, Fourth Floor Conference Center) Monday, Oct. 30 at 5:30–7 p.m. Register Here
- Session 2 – How Should the Report Card Display the Summative Score? (Virtual) Monday, Nov. 13 at 6–7 p.m. Register Here
- Session 3 – How Should Visual Elements and Features be Displayed? (Virtual) Monday, Dec. 4 at 6–7 p.m. Register Here
Update to Metric Calculation Confirmation (reminder)
OSSE is in the midst of the annual Metric Calculation Confirmation (MCC) process to finalize the accuracy of the data and information on the DC School Report Card that will be published in December. We have received feedback that Phase I is too early in the process for LEAs to provide key school profile information, including Head of School. To respond to this feedback, OSSE will include the "Profile-Directory" sheet in Phase III. We are asking LEAs to certify this data alongside other data for Phase III. We appreciate your feedback and the continued partnership. If you have any questions, please reach out to your LEA Liaison. You can also view the MCC Policy on OSSE's website.
New Enterprise Grants Management System (EGMS) Support Process for External Users (reminder)
Beginning Oct. 23, external users will have the ability to submit support requests within the Enterprise Grants Management System (EGMS).
Upon logging in, there will be a “Click to Create EGMS Support Ticket” link highlighted in the upper left corner of the system on every page. Users will need to click on this link to access the support request form, complete required fields and hit the "Send Request" button.
If external users call or email the OSSE Help Desk, they will be instructed to use the new support request form. Please contact your grant manager with any questions.
Restorative Justice Fall 2023 Professional Development
This fall, RestorativeDC is focusing on professional development and planning opportunities to help DC educators with restorative practices during this school year. Sessions will be conducted in person and coaching sessions offered virtually.
Please view this informational flyer for more information for the 2023-24 school year restorative justice professional development schedule. To register, please visit the RestorativeDC online calendar of events. For questions, please email Jessica.Dulay@dc.gov.
New Teacher Math Pedagogy Professional Development Boot Camp (Middle/High School)
OSSE is partnering with a nationally recognized professional development provider to provide a math pedagogy boot camp for any middle or high school math teacher with fewer than five years of experience. Teachers who successfully complete this boot camp will receive a $1,000 stipend. This training is a great opportunity for math teachers to build their understanding and facilitate quality implementation of the Standards for Mathematical Practice and develop instructional practices that support all students as thinkers and problem solvers. Teachers will also develop their own growth mindset approach and learn how to foster students’ growth mindsets when it comes to learning mathematics. The first part of this boot camp will be live and in person, while the second part will be asynchronous and virtual. Completion will require approximately 20 hours of work between October and February. This opportunity is available to any middle or high school math teacher with fewer than five years of experience at no cost on a first-come, first-served basis. Register to participate in the Middle/High School Math New Teacher Boot camp here. For more information, please contact Miryam Oziel Miryam.Oziel@dc.gov.
Delivering Education Services to English Learners-Step 5: Parent Engagement
OSSE is pleased to announce a new English learner (EL) programming and policy series, Delivering Services to English Learners. This series is designed for all school leaders and LEA EL points of contact (POCs) in grades pre-K through 12. These 45-minute virtual sessions are an overview of OSSE’s publication Delivering Education Services to English Learners Policies and Procedures for Administrators, Instructional Leaders, and Teachers in the District of Columbia.
This session is the fifth in the eight-part series, during which participants will be able to understand the importance of parental engagement and explore opportunities to educate and involve parents in the school community and the language assistance program. Register here to attend on Tuesday, Oct. 24, from 10-10:45 a.m. or here to attend on Wednesday, Oct. 25, from 2-2:45 p.m. For questions, contact Lucia Cuomo at Lucia.Cuomo@dc.gov.
Attention all Special Education Points of Contact: Registration for Stepwell Training is Open!
In mid-November, Stepwell will replace the District of Columbia Correction Action and Tracking System (DCCATS). LEAs will now access special education findings of noncompliance and document corrective actions in Stepwell. LEA special education points of contact are required to attend a Stepwell training to support the transition to this new monitoring and tracking system. Trainings will be held on Nov. 14 and Nov. 15, and both trainings will cover the same content. Please register for one of these training events by using the links provided below. Nov. 14 | Stepwell LEA SPED POC Training, 9-10:30 a.m. Register Here Nov. 15 | Stepwell LEA SPED POC Training, 1-2:30 p.m. Register Here
Please note that OSSE will no longer use DCCATS after Nov. 15. Therefore, it is essential that each LEA’s special education point of contact attend the live session. Upon completion of the training, participants will receive information for accessing the Stepwell system. For questions or additional information, please contact Karen Morgan-Donaldson at Karen.Morgan-Donaldson@dc.gov.
Whole School Educator Wellness Cohort (reminder)
Would your school benefit from a yearlong partnership that supports the implementation of a whole school approach to educator wellness? If so, apply to the Whole School Educator Wellness Cohort by Friday, Oct. 20! The opportunity is open to a select number of schools, and those accepted into the cohort will:
- Match with a community-based organization (CBO) that will provide on-the-ground technical assistance and coaching to implement a whole school approach to educator wellness.
- Participate in four cohort learning sessions to learn about:
- Whole School Educator Wellness and the Path to Get Started
- Centering Staff Voice to Identify and Understand Needed Supports
- Charting a Path to Integrate Educator Wellness into the School Culture
- Using Continuous Quality Improvement to Test What Works
- Build a community of peers to improve the teaching and learning environments for educators individually and collectively.
- Be among the first group of schools to provide OSSE feedback on the Blueprint for a Whole School Approach to Educator Wellness.
- Create an educator wellness plan that reflects the needs of the school community, is aligned with schoolwide processes and centers staff voice to build trust and belonging.
- Upon successful completion of the cohort, be eligible for funds to create or enhance a staff wellness space.
Click here for more details regarding this opportunity. Applications are due Friday, Oct. 20 and must be completed by a school administrator who can approve a school’s participation in the cohort. Schools will be notified of acceptance in November 2023.
For more information or questions, please contact Jessica Duncan at OSSE.HYDT@dc.gov.
Webinar for School Staff and Parents – The Impact of Food Allergy on Students’ Mental Health (reminder)
Join Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) on Wednesday, Oct. 25 from 7-8 p.m. for the Impact of Food Allergy on Students' Mental Health webinar. This session will provide insights into the mental health impact on students with food allergies and offer valuable best practices for addressing these concerns. Attendees will have a chance to win one of five $100 Amazon gift cards for school supplies. Register here to attend. Please see this flyer for more information and share widely with your school community.
Dyslexia Awareness Training (reminder)
OSSE is pleased to make available a three-part dyslexia awareness module that will focus on the characteristics and identification of dyslexia; understanding and recognizing reading difficulties; and implementation of instruction that is systemic, cumulative, explicit, diagnostic and evidence-based to meet the educational needs of students with reading difficulties as required by DC Code §§ 38-2581.02 and 38-2581.03. This interactive course is required for all educators directly involved in the regular creation of learning environments that foster the development of students. Participants can earn up to 16 professional learning units (PLUs) for completion of all three modules. Please register here in OSSE's LMS. (NOTE: Educators should follow the instructions here to activate their account with OSSE’s LMS in order to register for any of the sessions.)
For more information, please visit the OSSE Dyslexia DC webpage. For questions, please contact Dustin Tamsen, OSSE's Dyslexia Specialist, at Dustin.Tamsen@dc.gov.
Next Steps Fair for High School Students with Disabilities (reminder)
On Wednesday, Nov. 8, high school students with disabilities from across DC are invited to attend the DC Special Education Cooperative's Next Steps Fair. Next Steps is an annual event during which students with disabilities (age 14 and older) learn about career pathways, local education and training opportunities and community resources. This year's fair will be held in-person on the campus of Howard University. Learn more about the event and register your students!
Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities with OSSE’s Division of Teaching and Learning (reminder)
OSSE's Division of Teaching and Learning is pleased to offer many upcoming professional learning opportunities for DC educators, including teachers, staff, school leaders and service providers serving students in grades pre-K through 12 in DC public and public charter schools. All DC educators are encouraged to subscribe to the monthly TAL PD Bulletin to receive additional announcements about professional learning opportunities and resources for educators. View the most recent bulletin here.
SOAR Formula Semi-Annual and Final Narrative Reports Due Nov. 15
Semi-annual narrative reports for the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) Scholarships for Opportunity and Results (SOAR) Formula Consolidated grant and the FY23 SOAR Formula Combined (ESSER III Equivalent Continuation from FY22) grant are due via email to your SOAR grant manager no later than Wednesday, Nov. 15. The reporting templates are available on the SOAR website. Please see the applicable reporting periods for each grant below.
Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) Healthy Schools Grant
OSSE has released a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the fiscal year 2024 (FY24) Healthy Schools Grant (HSG) competition. The purpose of the HSG program is to increase the capacity of DC public and public charter schools to support the implementation of health education, physical education, physical activity, nutrition education, environmental education, garden-based education and farm to school programs. OSSE will accept applications from community-based organizations (CBOs) with demonstrated expertise and success working with DC public and public charter schools to implement healthy schools programming. CBOs must partner with a minimum of five DC public and public charter schools. The NOFA can be found here.
The Request for Applications (RFA) will be available on Friday, Nov. 3 at 12 p.m. EST. A pre-application meeting will be held on Thursday, Nov. 9 and interested applicants can register here. Applications are due in EGMS by Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 3 p.m. EST. For questions or additional information, please contact Rachel Sadlon at Rachel.Sadlon@dc.gov.
October 2023