DOB News | May 2023 | New Acting Director Steps Up During Building Safety Month

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May 2023 Edition

A Message From The Acting Director

Brian Hanlon

Dear DOB Customers,

On Monday, May 8, 2023, I was appointed Acting Director of the DC Department of Buildings (DOB) by Mayor Muriel Bowser. I am humbled to serve the residents, businesses, and visitors of the District of Columbia. It is an exciting time for me to rejoin District Government as we collaborate with the Mayor to execute DC's Comeback Plan and deliver vital government services to the public. DOB will have a key role in delivering these results, and fostering a sustainable and safe built environment will be critical to securing a bright and fruitful future.

I wanted to provide you, our customers, with some insight into my background before joining DOB so please read below to learn more. I am excited to collaborate with you, and welcome your comments and perspectives as I continue to sharpen my institutional knowledge.

My first month here also coincides with International Building Safety Month. Our observance of this occasion provides an excellent opportunity to remember that the promotion of safety in the built environment is at the core of what we do. The International Code Council, which provides the basis for much of the District's Building Code, has developed a host of informative and engaging programming that is freely available on its website.

I look forward to further outlining my vision for this agency to you in the near future. Thank you for your trust as we work to fulfill our mission; the road ahead is full of opportunity for us to make a positive difference and improve the District's quality of life in a fresh and tangible way.


Director Hanlon Signature

Brian J. Hanlon, AIA LEED AP®
Acting Director

Introducing Acting Director Brian J. Hanlon

Brian Hanlon

Director Brian J. Hanlon is an accomplished administrator, leader, and registered architect with more than 35 years of private and public sector experience.

Through his private sector work, Director Hanlon actively practiced architecture, managed the development of many billions of dollars of K-12 and collegiate real estate, and served in several leadership roles focusing on construction management and building technologies. He is driven to deliver solutions in the built environment that are responsive to the needs of people, while ensuring they are implemented and used in the most environmentally responsible manner possible. Director Hanlon’s passion and purpose to work to make our spaces and places integral with a spirit of stewardship drives his work – so that future generations may have a future in which they thrive.

Director Hanlon returns to the public sector, having previously worked in District government as the Executive Program Manager at the Department of Real Estate, followed by his appointment as the first permanent Director of the Department of General Services (DGS), where the agency modernized the preventative maintenance and portfolio management of

the District’s 30 million square feet of real estate under his leadership. He was also responsible for $2.3 billion in new construction, renovation, and other capital projects including schools, parks, recreation facilities, office buildings, laboratories, senior centers, police stations, fire stations, and residential shelter facilities during his tenure. At DGS, he and the agency garnered multiple awards for design, innovation, and sustainable practices.

International Building Safety Month | May 2023

International Building Safety Month - May 2023

International Building Safety Month is an annual event that takes place each May, with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of building safety and the role it plays in protecting our communities. The event is organized by the International Code Council (ICC) and is supported by a number of other organizations from around the world.

Mayor Bowser Proclaims May 2023 As Building Safety Month In The District


In recognition of this, Mayor Bowser has proclaimed May 2023 as Building Safety Month in the District in coordination with other local and state building departments across the nation.

Building safety is a critical issue that affects everyone, from homeowners to business owners to local government officials. It is essential that we all work together to ensure that our buildings are safe, secure, and up-to-date with the latest safety codes and regulations. This continual effort to promote safety in the District's built environment is at the core of DOB's work.

During International Building Safety Month, a wide range of activities and events take place around the world. These include training sessions, seminars, webinars, and workshops, all designed to help educate individuals and organizations on the latest building safety practices and techniques.

International Building Safety Month also serves as an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the work of building safety professionals. DOB has also taken time this month to recognize our staff and the individuals who play a critical role in ensuring that our District buildings are safe, secure, and up-to-date.

As we continue to face new challenges and uncertainties in the years ahead, it is more important than ever that we remain committed to building safety. By working together and staying informed, we can help to create a safer, more secure future for ourselves and our larger District community.

Ensure Your Building Is Safe For All Occupants


To mark International Building Safety Month, we would like to share some valuable tips and guidelines to help you ensure the safety of your building. Whether you are a homeowner, a business owner, or a property manager, these recommendations can assist you in creating a safe environment for everyone.

  • Conduct Regular Inspections: Regular inspections are vital to identify potential safety hazards. Hire a professional inspector to assess your building's structural integrity, electrical systems, fire safety measures, and any other critical aspects that may impact safety. For a list of approved District third-party agencies, please visit our website.
  • Implement Proper Signage: Clearly posted signs and labels can guide occupants and visitors during emergencies. Make sure that exit signs, directional signs, and safety warnings are visible and well-maintained.
  • Maintain Proper Fire Safety Measures: Fire safety is paramount for any building. Install and maintain smoke detectors, fire alarms, and fire extinguishers throughout the premises. Develop a clear emergency evacuation plan and educate occupants on evacuation procedures.
  • Ensure Adequate Lighting: Adequate lighting enhances visibility and minimizes accidents. Ensure that all common areas, staircases, hallways, and parking lots are well-lit. Regularly check and replace any burnt-out bulbs to maintain proper illumination.
  • Check Electrical Systems: Faulty electrical systems can lead to fires and electrocution hazards. Hire a qualified electrician to inspect and maintain your building's electrical systems periodically. Avoid overloading outlets and ensure that all wiring is up to code. Consider evaluating and selecting your contractor through our Contractor Rating System, which relies on community ratings to help you find the best licensed contractors.
  • Secure Handrails and Guardrails: Handrails and guardrails play a crucial role in preventing accidents, especially on staircases and elevated areas. Regularly inspect and tighten any loose handrails or guardrails to ensure stability.
  • Regularly Service Elevators and Escalators: If your building has elevators or escalators, regular maintenance and inspections are essential. Ensure that they are serviced by certified technicians to prevent malfunctions and accidents.
  • Provide Adequate Security Measures: Security is an integral part of building safety. Install reliable security systems, including surveillance cameras, access control systems, and alarms. Develop a comprehensive security plan to deter unauthorized access and protect occupants.
  • Stay Updated with Building Codes: Building codes and regulations are regularly updated to ensure safety standards are met. Stay informed about the latest codes and regulations relevant to your building. Engage professionals who are well-versed in building safety to help you navigate these requirements. For residential units, here is a handy list of the District's housing code standards.

DOB is dedicated to providing you with the tools and expertise to ensure your building's safety. By implementing these measures, you are taking significant steps to enhance the safety of your building and protect the well-being of its occupants. Remember, building safety is a collective responsibility that requires ongoing attention and action.

DOB In The Community: Ward 8 Walk

Community Walk - Ward 8

Members of our account management and residential inspection teams joined representatives of the Department of Public Works (DPW), DC Fire and Emergency Medical Services Department (FEMS), Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), Department of Behavioral Health (DBH), and the Mayor's Office of Community Relations and Services (MOCRS) in a follow-up community walk in Ward 8. Working together with our District government partners is an important aspect of fulfilling our responsibility to residents, businesses, and visitors of the District.

Contacting Our Agency

Contact DOB via email at, through our online inquiry form or during normal business hours using the live chat available on or by phone at 202.671.3500, and we will get back to you in three business days or less.