For-Hire Vehicle Advisory Council
The For-Hire Vehicle Advisory Council (FHVAC) recently held its quarterly meeting to advise DFHV on all matters related to the regulation of the District’s for-hire ride services industry. Chairperson Linwood Jolly led the discussion about topics including agency efforts to support the industry during the public health emergency, grant program updates, and operational plans for promoting safe practices. For more information about FHVAC meetings and members visit
Driver Resources
DFHV is taking steps during to support for-hire drivers, vehicle owners, and businesses in the for-hire industry. You can take advantage of useful free resources including financial and unemployment assistance, food delivery opportunities, health care, legal services, and more. Click here to learn more
Effective October 19, according to Title 31, Section 601.9, each taxicab registered in the District shall be equipped with a safety partition between the front and rear seats for the purpose of minimizing the spread of infectious diseases. Complimentary safety partitions are available to distribute to vehicle owners for installation between the front and rear seats. Taxi drivers interested in obtaining a protective barrier can sign up here.
 DC Taxi Drivers Do Delivery Services Through the Department of Aging and Community Living Grocery Plus Program
DFHV wants to remind drivers and riders to practice safe behavior when using for-hire ride services. The campaign #RideSafeDC is focused on safe riding practices such as wearing a face covering or mask, sitting in the rear, and regularly washing hands and using hand sanitizer. As the city continues its phased reopening, residents, commuters and tourists should use electronic hailing and contactless payment methods. Reminding those using for-hire ride services to employ these safety protocols will ensure a safe and comfortable transportation experience.
Be aware of your rights as a passenger and a driver. Passengers and drivers should behave responsibly and treat each other with mutual respect. Physical and/or verbal abuse is not allowed. Mayor Bowser issued Mayor’s Order 2020-080 to require all for-hire drivers and their passengers to wear a cloth face covering or mask at all times. If customers refuse to comply with safety measures, drivers may report this concern to your taxi company operator, your app rideshare company, and/or the authorities, as appropriate. If you feel uncomfortable with providing transport to a visibly sick customer for safety reasons, you can choose to refuse transport. However, discrimination against customers on the basis of race, national origin, or other reasons as described in your company’s policies, local, state, and federal law, is not allowed.
For further guidance visit
It's not too late to complete the 2020Census. Take a few minutes to get counted now. Call 1-844-330-2020 or go to #GetCountedDC
Please be advised that any DC resident age 6 or older, experiencing symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), such as fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, congestion, body aches, chills, runny nose, or with known exposure to COVID-19 should get a COVID-19 test. You DO NOT need a doctor's note for any of the walk-in sites. Remember that testing and quarantine go together. So, while waiting for results, protect our community by staying home.
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