July - September 2019 | Volume 4 | Issue 5
DCRA Streamlines Solar Permitting – Solar Permits Issued Grows +200% Over Last 5 Years
DC is becoming one of the strongest solar markets for homeowners and businesses in the country. Between Fiscal Year 2015 and Fiscal Year 2019, which ended last month, the number of solar permits issued by DCRA grew by more than 200 percent. This dramatic increase has in turn greatly increased the District’s solar energy generating capacity.
In January, Mayor Bowser signed legislation mandating that by the year 2032, 100 percent of the electricity sold in the District will come from renewable sources, like solar.
DCRA has also worked to create a customer-friendly regulatory environment that makes it easy for residents to install solar panels on their houses. Examples of this include:
- Making solar into its own permit category, which has reduced the amount of time it takes to get a permit.
- Making it affordable: In DC, it costs $250 for the system size most residents install on their roofs. In Portland, Oregon, that number would be at least $100 more.
- Allowing installers to complete solar permitting online and get approved without an in-person visit helps us save residents time and prevents them from having to fill out excessive paperwork.
- Investing in a trained staff of technical experts, allowing us to provide quality service and be knowledgeable resources for the city.
To learn more about the permit review process, including solar permit fees and issuance, visit buildgreendc.org/solar.
Moving Toward ‘Net Zero’ Energy Use
The future of smart building and construction is headed toward the "net zero city” – where the amount of energy that buildings use will equal the amount of energy provided by onsite renewable energy sources.
To help education District home and building owners, DCRA's Green Building Professional Seminar Series recently presented The Zero Hour, which explained how current projects are integrating new technologies and processes to achieve Net Zero. Held on September 25 at the Pepco Edison Place Gallery, the event encouraged owners and operators to consider buildings’ social, economic, and environmental impacts.
Visit buildgreendc.org/events-trainings to learn more about upcoming events.
View DCRA Records Online
Certificates of Occupancy are now available to view online. You can search and view any building permit, building permit application, invoice, approved building permit, building plan, and certificate of occupancy using our DCRA E-Records Management System.
If you don’t find what you’re looking for, use our digital DCRA Records Request Form. It’s an easy and simple way to request what you need.
If you’ve already submitted a records request, there is no need to re-submit—your request is on the way. Our staff is working to make your records available for your viewing within five business days. Learn more at records.dcra.dc.gov.
Faster Enforcement of Housing Code Violations
We’re strengthening consumer protection by shortening the timeline for housing code compliance and enforcement activities. Our new, more efficient process offers landlords timely notice to address potential violations, while keeping tenants informed throughout each stage of the enforcement process. Previously, the enforcement process could take as long as 133 days or more; now we’re down to just 66 days.
Day 1 – DCRA receives a complaint of a possible housing violation, notifies the property owner or manager via email and then schedules an inspection.
Day 21 – Inspection is completed in 15-20 days for routine maintenance inspections, and within 24 hours for emergencies.
Day 26 – If violations are not corrected, a Notice of Infraction is sent to the property owner or manager. The notice is also filed at the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH).
Day 66 – OAH schedules a hearing within 30-45 days.
Learn more here.
Tenant Fire Safety
As a renter, you have rights. DC law requires that landlords provide the following:
- At least one working fire extinguisher
- Interconnected smoke alarms on every level and inside each sleeping area
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Exits, including doors and windows, that can be opened from the inside without the need for keys or any special knowledge or effort
- Electrical outlets, switches, and fixtures that work properly
- For high-rise buildings, a fire safety evacuation plan, along with fire drills at least once every year
- At least one exterior emergency escape for every sleeping room below the 4th floor
To anonymously report unsafe living conditions, contact DCRA at (202) 42-9557 or call the Citywide Call Center at 311.
First ‘Food For Thought’ Workshop
Establishing a food and beverage business can be overwhelming—especially if you’re unsure where to begin. DCRA is making it easier by partnering with other city organizations to provide the know-how and tools to local entrepreneurs so they can start and maintain successful businesses.
DCRA recently partnered with the Washington DC Economic Partnership (WDCEP) and held the first Food for Thought on September 18 at the R.I.S.E. Demonstration Center in Ward 8. The event connected industry experts in food-based businesses with aspiring entrepreneurs in Wards 7 and 8. Experts from DCRA, DC Health, and the Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration explained the ins and outs of the regulatory process, including how to get the necessary permits and licenses needed to operate a food and beverage business. Five food entrepreneurs also shared lessons learned about starting and growing their own businesses.
During the event, DCRA announced that its Small Business Resource Center is partnering with the Office for East of the River Services to present a series of small business workshops over the coming year at the UPO Petey Green Community Center in Ward 8. These workshops are in addition to the one-on-one technical and business development assistance and other free group workshops the center holds throughout the year in every ward.
DCRA Hosted 40+ Summer Youth
More than 40 students this summer discovered what it’s like to work at DCRA. The group participated in the 20th annual Mayor Marion S. Barry Summer Youth Employment Program and spent six weeks in various parts of the building and divisions, learning from managers and employees.
The attendees joined in weekly huddles, youth strategy sessions, participated in professional development training and workshops, and volunteered at the Salvation Army Turning Point Shelter and the Central Mission Kitchen. DC Developer Justin Thornton hosted the youth at properties he developed to show them how DCRA makes property development in the District possible.
For the outreach project this year, the group worked with the SOCKS Movement of DC to collect and package socks and personal hygiene products for the homeless. “Our group spent an entire day walking around different areas of the District to distribute socks to the homeless,” said Andrew Morton, Human Resources Adviser at DCRA.
The goal of the summer program is to help youth establish professional relationships and find a job that interests them. About 80 percent of the participants returned to high school or college, and the rest entered the work force. Management and staff of the agency thank these future leaders for their contributions.
Navigating Government Contracting with DCPTAC
Thursday, October 10, 2019
10:00 am – 11:30 am
Department of Consumer & Regulatory Affairs
1100 4th Street SW, 2nd Floor (Room 200)
Washington, DC 20024
Register: dcrasbrc.ecenterdirect.com/events/46843
DCRA at Your Neighborhood Library - Learn the Process of Starting a Business
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
William O. Lockridge/Bellevue Neighborhood Library
115 Atlantic Street SW
Washington, DC 20032
Register: dcrasbrc.ecenterdirect.com/events/48222
Franchising 101
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Department of Consumer & Regulatory Affairs
1100 4th Street SW, 3rd Floor (Room 300)
Washington, DC 20024
Register: dcrasbrc.ecenterdirect.com/events/47868
Braiding Boot Camp
Friday, October 25, 2019
10:00 am – 11:30 am
Aisha Hair Braiding
7323 Georgia Avenue NW, #100
Washington, DC 20012
Register: dcrasbrc.ecenterdirect.com/events/48209
DOES - Employer Incentives to Support Your Business Goals
Monday, October 28, 2019
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Department of Consumer & Regulatory Affairs
1100 4th Street SW, 3rd Floor (Room 300)
Washington, DC 20024
Register: dcrasbrc.ecenterdirect.com/events/48223
SBRC’s One-On-One Session: Basic Steps to Obtaining a Business License
Monday – Friday
10:00 am – 3:00 pm (By appointment only)
Department of Consumer & Regulatory Affairs
1100 4th Street SW, 2nd Floor (Room E-268)
Washington, DC 20024
Register: dcrasbrc.ecenterdirect.com
Recent Livestreams
Proactive Inspection Portal Overview Training
An introduction to the Online Proactive Inspection Portal, which allows you to easily update information and pay proactive inspection program fee(s).
Licensed Design and Industrial Trade Professionals: Partners in Safety Workshop
Hear from DCRA’s Industrial Trade Board and Architecture and Design Board administrators about how the two boards are ensuring professional licenses are in compliance with regulations and requirements set forth by DCRA. Licensing professionals are very important in the construction world when ensuring building safety. These particular board administrators are at the forefront of licensing our tradesmen and architects. Learn more about how to become licensed in either field.
Homeowner Common Permit & Plan Review Pitfalls Workshop
Avoid common pitfalls for permit and plan review. Learn what mistakes to avoid and how to be in compliance with DC Construction Codes, laws, and regulations.
Homeowner Decisions to Make Before You Submit an Application to DCRA Workshop
Before you start, take control of your home remodeling and/or addition project. This workshop covers basic questions you should ask yourself before talking to a design professional and contractor. Experts from DCRA will review basic questions about plumbing, heating and cooling equipment, hot water heaters, insulation, windows, doors, bump up and outs, fire, and electrical and structural issues.
How DCRA Works & Protects Homeowners Workshop
Be prepared before you buy or start remodeling your home. This workshop will provide an overview of DCRA’s permit application process through the issuance of your building permit. Learn how to use online permitting tools, what permits you will need, how to submit plans to DCRA and permit costs. Additionally, we will cover how to hire design professionals, general contractors and DCRA tips to avoid being scammed.
For more information and to view additional livestreams of our workshops and meetings, visit dcra.dc.gov/livestreams.
DCRA Dashboard is a tool that graphically displays DCRA permits, business and professional licenses, enforcement, and inspections data. The dashboards provide greater transparency, allowing customers to take a look at DCRA’s performance. |
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