The District envisions a coordinated “No Wrong Door” System
across partner agencies, which is person/family centered and cultural and
linguistic competent, that will support people in need of Long-Term Services
and Supports (LTSS), regardless of where they enter the service system. More>>
No Wrong Door Inintaitive looks at past accomplishments, 2018 and beyond.
No Wrong Door Semi-Annual Update
The District of Columbia’s No Wrong Door (NWD) initiative is
now midway through its third and final year of implementation. We have made
important progress toward our vision of streamlined access and an enhanced the Front
Door experience for District residents in need of long term services and
supports (LTSS). To actualize and advance our vision, we implemented a variety of
activities across our different core areas. Over the last six-months:
- We organized and hosted the District’s first NWD
Person-Centered Thinking (PCT) Celebration recognizing over 100 PCT trainers,
coaches and leaders throughout the District of Columbia. This event was an
opportunity for the District to come together and create a shared vision for
PCT for 2018 and beyond.
- Established the NWD Interagency Manager’s
Workgroup to build a network of ongoing collaboration at the front
door for LTSS. Through NWD, the DC Office on Aging will lead the
interagency meetings, which support sustainability efforts beyond the NWD
- Developed an RN/LPN-Focused Person-Centered
Thinking Training in collaboration with the Georgetown UCEDD. The development
of this training, and its accreditation through the DC Board of Nursing, agency partners within the medical field and
builds trust that the NWD team listens to and acts on stakeholder and partner
- Led the District’s Community of Practice in Cultural
and Linguistic Competency (CoP/CLC). We engaged a highly collaborative
multi-agency/stakeholder group focused on developing sustainable CLC
strategies, which can be reflected in policies, structures and practices. A
major goal is to increase awareness and better engage underserved populations
that have been harder to reach due to cultural and linguistic differences and
To ensure sustainability of our efforts, over the next
months we will:
- Organize and host the 2nd annual
interagency Front Door Summit focused on enhancing the front door experience of
people in need in LTSS.
- Launch the NWD resource portal for the public, unifying information from all NWD partners creating the first centralized LTSS information
- Continue collaborating with agencies on sustainability
beyond the life of the grant.
Click here to view the April Semi- Annual Report
This summer edition of the No Wrong Door (NWD) Newsletter highlights the results of the NWD semi-annual report, status updates, upcoming training events, classes, etc.
Upcoming Dates & Events
Here are a few activities happening with the No Wrong Door partners.
Event Calendars & Newsletters
 The NWD team is excited to
kickoff Usability Testing of the DC Support Link Resource Portal. The purpose behind usability testing is to get feedback from users and enhance a user's experience. Usability testing is a
very effective and a proven way to identify and fix product-related issues to
deliver an amazing user experience. Usability Testing will be
administered to the NWD initiatives core partners frontline staff that assist
people at the front door.
Testing of the resource portal
will focus on actual behavioral patterns of users and then design solutions based on those experiences.
Through testing, the NWD team will be able to identify what is useful,
functional, learnable and delightful for our users. Testing will give NWD staff an inside look on what users think and how they interact with
certain elements, content etc.
The feedback from the usability
test will drive final customization of the resource portal in preparation for a
public launch in September 2018.
DDS's No Wrong Door Initiative (also called DC Support Link) will host its 2nd Annual inter-agency summit focused on enhancing the front door experience for District residents in need of Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) and their families. Last year's summit was a blast, so...let's do it again!
The summit will be Friday, August 10 from 9am-5pm at Gallaudet University.
Contact Phillip Williams at phillip.williams3@dc.gov for more details.
 Person-Centered Thinking Training is an introductory course
focused on the core concepts of person-centered service provision and planning.
This is required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for
people enrolled in home and community-based services offered through the
Medicaid waiver.
This two-part training is structured to help participants
understand the importance of coordinated support, building relationships and
community connections, and creating a culture of learning and accountability
throughout the service system.
The training includes group activities around real-life scenarios,
allowing participants to practice organizing information gained through
discovery, everyday learning, and management tools.
July 24 (Part I) & July 25 (Part II) from 9:00am—4:30pm
August 15 (Part I) & August 16 (Part II) from 9:00am—4:30pm
September 12 (Part I) & September 13 (Part II) from 9:00am—4:30pm
Government agency staff can
register through PeopleSoft. All other providers and community members can
register by contacting Lee Anne Brantley at leeanne.brantley@dc.gov.
 Community of Practice on Cultural and Linguistic Competence in Developmental Disabilities (CoP/CLC)
Date: Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Time: 1-3 p.m.
Location: DDS – 250 E St. SW
DDS leads the District’s CoP
in CLC, in which we come together on an ongoing basis to share ideas, provide
technical assistance and support among peers, and discuss solutions to shared
challenges in embedding cultural and linguistic competence principles and
practices within the developmental disabilities system.
If you are interesting
in attending or have questions, please contact Mark Agosto, No Wrong Door Project Manager at mark.agosto@dc.gov
Accessibility: The
space and bathrooms at DDS are wheelchair accessible. To request additional
accommodations, including language access, please contact Lee Anne Brantley at leeanne.brantley@dc.gov
 The District of Columbia’s Person-Centered
Thinking (PCT) Learning Community entered 2018 by recommitting to its vision of
energizing interagency service professionals and people receiving long-term
supports and services. The Learning Community is dedicated to getting real
results from person and family centered thinking and practices
Moving into its third year, participants of the
Learning Community have clarified their vision, mission, core values, and
commitments for the year ahead.
Responding to feedback provided in previous
meetings, the DC Learning Community has committed to adapting the current two-day
in-person DC Person-Centered Thinking Training to the needs and experiences of
support professionals working as Home Health Aides, Personal Care Aides, and
Direct Support Professionals. If you are interested in contributing your point
of view, expertise, or experience to the adaptation of the curriculum, please
attend our meetings!
The DC PCT Learning
Community meets on the fourth Friday of every month from 10:00am to 12:00pm.
Department on
Disability Services
250 E Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024
If you are interested in attending, have any
questions, or would like to take a person-centered thinking training, please
contact Emily Price at emily.price@dc.gov.
The front door experience in accessing long-term services and supports (LTSS) begins with the first encounter between agency staff and a person seeking LTSS. DDS's No Wrong Door Initiative | DC Support Link is a network of government and non-profit organizations focused on enhancing the front door experience for District residents in need of Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) and their families.The agencies involved are the Department on Disability Services, DC Office on Aging, Department of Behavioral Health, Department of Human Services and the Department of Health Care Finance.
Visit the No Wrong Door for more information.
Program Director Erin Leveton
Grant Administrator Rebecca Salon
Program Manager Mark Agosto
Business Analyst Robin Barnes
Marketing & Outreach Lead Phillip S. Williams
Person-Centered Lead Lee Anne Brantley