Interested in serving on the Home Rule Charter Commission? Apply now!
The Town of Superior is considering moving to a municipal "home rule" form of government based on a charter written by residents instead of one that derives power from state statutes.
This change would allow the Town and its residents greater local control, but voters must approve it. Before that happens, the Town needs to form a nine-member commission to guide the process and write the draft charter. Superior voters will choose members in the November 2023 election.
What will service on the commission look like?
Service on the Home Rule Charter Commission is short-term.
Elected members meet for the first time within 20 days of certification of the election results. At the first meeting, the Commission will elect a chair and may establish procedures. The Charter Commission will meet once a week, and members will contribute approximately five to 10 hours of work per week.
The Home Rule Charter Commission is required to hold one public hearing between its first and last meeting. The Charter Commission must present the proposed charter to the Superior Board of Trustees within 180 days of the election. May 5 is the last day for the Commission to finalize the draft charter and submit it to the Town Board.
Once the Town Board accepts the charter, the Commission will be disbanded.
Residents will then vote on the charter in the November 2024 election.
Interested in applying?
Stop by Superior Town Hall, 124 E. Coal Creek Drive, to pick up a nomination petition packet. Town Hall is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Petitioners must pick up and return packets in person.
You have a month! Petitions must be returned to Town Hall by 4 p.m. on Aug. 21. At least 25 registered electors residing within the Town of Superior must sign each candidate's nomination petition. Registered electors may sign petitions for up to nine candidates.
Every successful petitioner will be placed on the ballot this fall, and voters will elect nine people to serve.
In addition to the information on the Town website, the Colorado Municipal League has created a presentation detailing municipal home rule that includes arguments for and against it.
Have additional questions? Contact Town Clerk Lydia Yecke at or 303-499-3675, ext. 105.