Lasagna Love Event Sunday, February 27 Superior Community Center
The Superior Youth Leadership Council (SYLC) is partnering with Lasagna Love to provide some delicious food to the Town of Superior.
Two ways to get involved:
1. Volunteer! To help make lasagna(s), visit lasagnalove.com/volunteer. Please drop off your lasagna(s) between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m at the Superior Community Center (1500 Coalton Rd.). Enter from the Rock Creek Circle entrance and drive counterclockwise around the building to make your delivery. SYLC could also use your help at the event distributing food, so stick around if you can.
2. Eat! Come by the Superior Community Center between 3:00 and 4:30 p.m. to pick up a delicious, homemade lasagna for your household or a group of friends. Enter from the Rock Creek Circle entrance and drive clockwise to receive your lasagna from one of our outstanding volunteers. No need to get out of your car.
Please share the love by spreading this message!
Thank you to Trustee Laura Skladzinski for helping make this event happen.