Town of Silt
Planning & Zoning
Must be a Silt Resident
The Planning & Zoning Commission, a paid board, meets the 1st Tuesday of each month.
The Commissioners review subdivision proposals, plan for future growth, and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees concerning land development and proposed zoning amendments. If interested please complete the required application and return it to:
Town Clerk, Box 70, Silt, CO 81652, deliver to 231 N. 7th Street in Silt or email to: Applications can be picked up at Town Hall or found on our website at:
Applications to be returned by 5:00 p.m. May 3, 2024. For more information contact Sheila at (970) 876-2353 ext. 102.
Irrigation Season is Right Around the Corner!
Its that time of year again! The Town of Silt is preparing to turn on the irrigation systems on May 1st 2024.You will start to see water in the ditches this week - but the systems will need time to pressure up, so please do not run your systems until that first week of May. Please be sure that your hose bibs are closed and that you have all of your irrigation repairs completed by April 15th so that when the water runs, you hopefully have no surprises. Remember that this is non-potable water and DO NOT DRINK. Please be mindful of the irrigation regulations and happy Spring!
¡La temporada de riego está a la vuelta de la esquina!
¡Es esa época del año otra vez! La ciudad de Silt se está preparando para encender los sistemas de riego el 1 de mayo de 2024. Comenzará a ver agua en las zanjas esta semana, pero los sistemas necesitarán tiempo para aumentar su presión, así que no los haga funcionar hasta la primera semana. de mayo. Asegúrese de que los grifos de sus mangueras estén cerrados y de haber completado todas las reparaciones de riego antes del 15 de abril para que, cuando corra el agua, no tenga sorpresas. Recuerde que se trata de agua no potable y NO BEBER. ¡Cuidado con las normas de riego y feliz primavera!
Reminder: Please Do Not Put Trash in Your Recycling!
Drinking Water Quality Report
The Town of Silt 2024 Drinking Water Quality Report for Calendar Year 2023 will NOT be mailed to the Town of Silt Water Users. A copy is posted at Town Hall, and copies are available at the front window. Please see our Web site at for information. If you should have any questions or concerns please contact Sara Flores, ORC at |
Informe de Calidad del Agua Potable
El Informe de calidad del agua potable de la ciudad de Silt 2024 para el año calendario 2023 NO se enviará por correo a los usuarios de agua de la ciudad de Silt. Una copia se publica en el Ayuntamiento, y las copias están disponibles en la ventana principal . Consulte nuestro sitio web en para obtener información. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, comuníquese con Sara Flores, ORC al
Seat Available for the VALE Board
The Town of Silt has one seat up for reappointment on its VALE (Victim Assistance Law Enforcement) Board. The Board meets the third Monday of the month to review fund disbursement applications from victims of crime. If you are interested in becoming a member of this decision-making board, please complete the application found on our website or contact Sheila McIntyre for more information at 876-2353 ext. 102. The remaining seat on the board will continue to be open until filled
Calendar and Upcoming Events
Youth Sports with Open Registrations
Click on the button below to take you to the Town of Silt's website to register your kiddos for any of our open sports.
Haga clic en el botón de abajo para ir al sitio web de la ciudad de Silt para inscribir a sus hijos en cualquiera de nuestros deportes abiertos.