* ATTENTION – If you use Xpress Bill Pay, please check to see if you have a max payment amount & verify that it is enough to cover your bill to avoid any surprises!
*JOIN US on Saturday March 30th for our Easter Egg Hunt & on Friday April 19th for our Arbor Day tree planting!
* APRIL 22nd-MAY 4th is the Silt Spring Clean-up; dumpsters will be at the Town Shop at 612 N 7th St
* MAY 3rd- MAY 5th is the Silt on Sale community garage sales weekend!
* COACH pitch baseball and T-ball registration is now open.
* IRRIGATION season is upon us! Please make sure your repairs are complete and hose bibs are closed by MAY 1st.
* COMMUNITY GARDEN – The Town of Silt has spots open for the community garden, contact Town Hall
* SILT POLICE DEPARTMENT will be enforcing the Town’s dog leash & waste laws. Please leash your dog & clean up their waste. * Dogs are not allowed in the parks without a leash & ONLY on the trails
* Town of Silt has many ways to communicate with residents! Options include: our website, the 9th Street sign, Channel 10, Facebook, Town Hall, the new Veteran’s Park kiosk, suggestion box at Town Hall, newsletters, Instagram & TextMyGov.
* You can sign up for TextMyGov and the newsletters on our website
* You can submit questions or comments in the contact us section
*Please visit our Discover Silt website also, at www.discoversiltcolorado.com
* FRIENDLY REMINDER, bills are generated on the 1st of every month & due on or before the 15th. Please know we are not responsible for mail delivery. If payment is not received by due date, penalties will be assessed. Not receiving a bill does not exclude you from these charges.