The Town of Silt last week was awarded a grant from the Garfield County Federal Mineral Lease District. Silt’s two awards totaled $208,000 to support refurbishing a water tank and the purchase of a public works truck. The water tank garnered a traditional grant of $183,000, while the truck got a mini-grant of $25,000.
Beginning in 2011, the GCFMLD has been very good to the Town. Grants awarded for the Fall 2023 Grant Cycle totaled $1,538,000.00 with $1,414,000.00 awarded through seven grants in
the Traditional Grant Program, and $124,000.00 awarded through six grants in the Mini Grant Program.
Since its inception in 2011, the Garfield County Federal Mineral Lease District Board of Directors has awarded 315 grants totaling $34,146,772.83, including $100,000.00 in Grantee of the Year Awards, and the awards listed above.
Project Garners Over $9 M in Support
The Silt Board of Trustees on Tuesday, October 10, unanimously passed the second reading of an ordinance to accept the loans offered to the Town by the State of Colorado's Drinking Water Revolving Fund.
Loans totaling over $28.4 M are in the ordinance, but the Town has secured almost $10 M in grants and principal forgiveness. Interest rates on the remaining loans range from 1 to 3% with the bonds anticipated selling at around 3.8%. An additional $1 M energy impact grant is still potentially available with Town Staff presenting to a review board next week.
The Town of Silt Board of Trustees, along with professional staff and engineers have spent since mid-2020 working to find the best path forward to provide Silt citizens with the pre-treatment option for the WTP.
The project is 100% designed at this time and construction is expected to begin during the first quarter of 2024, with completion anticipated in the third quarter of 2025.
More information can be found here or by calling Town Administrator Jeff Layman at 970-876-2353 x 103.
Erroneous KMTS Radio Report Corrected
KMTS radio recently reported that the Town of Silt Town Hall ballot box would not be used in the upcoming November 7 election.
This is incorrect! The ballot box in front of Town Hall will be open and will remain open until November 7th at 7:00 p.m. Voters should feel free to drop ballots in the freestanding ballot box outside of Town Hall until that time and be sure that they will be collected by Garfield County Staff and counted.
Ballots have been mailed to voters by the County.
Again, the Silt Ballot Drop Box is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until 7 p.m. on November 7. They will be collected at that time and counted by staff.
Questions should be directed to Jackie Harmon, Garfield County Clerk & Recorder at 970-384-3700 ext. 1823.
Nasty Pavement Replaced!
The Colorado Department of Transportation and their contractors recently completed the milling and repaving of Silt's I-70 interchange ramps in all directions and the top deck of the bridge. Let's all thank CDOT for their efforts!
Motorists are reminded that the posted speed limit over the highway is still 15 miles per hour to accomodate the pedestrians and cyclists who frequent the area from the KOA, River Run and Heron's Nest.
The Town is working with CDOT, engineers and funders to build a new pedestrian bridge spanning the interstate and the railroad in that area.