July 14, 2023 News You Can Use
Check Out Silt's New "Discover Silt" Website Focused on Fun, Adventure, Business and Living
Check out Silt's new website, packed full of information you can use whether you're a resident or just planning a visit! Shopping, dining, outdoor recreation and more info available at your fingertips!
Visit www.discoversiltcolorado.com today!
#SimplyIrresistibleLittleTown #siltcolorado #discoversiltcolorado #garfieldcountyco #townofsilt
Our Simply Irresistible Little Town wants to see your simply irresistible photos of the Greater Silt area
Enter the Discover Silt Photo Contest today and you could win a great prize pack from our local sponsors:
The Whimsical Wagon
Dusty Wagon Car Wash
Wild Coffee
You have until July 23rd to get your photos in, then voting will be open from July 26th to August 6th.
Winners will be announced August 17th and 18th.
And don’t forget to share your photos on social media using the hashtag #discoversilt
We look forward to seeing your submissions!
Enter now at www.postindependent.com/siltphotocontest
Vehicle Trespasses; Property Theft on the Rise
Silt has experienced a rash of vehicle trespasses and thefts over the past few weeks. A “trespass” occurs when an unlocked vehicle is entered by an unauthorized person with the intent to commit a crime. The Silt Police Department has taken some 25 reports of this kind of activity over the last three weeks. Many of these trespasses have resulted in thefts of guns, prescription drugs and cash.
Preventing these “crimes of opportunity” is easy. Most importantly, always remove items of value— especially guns and prescription drugs—and lock the vehicle.
Studies have shown that the vast majority of vehicles that are burglarized or stolen have been left unlocked. Don’t be the next victim. Here are several simple steps that everyone should follow:
- Always lock your vehicle, even when it’s parked in your driveway or garage.
- Always take your keys or fob with you.
- Never leave or hide a smart key, valet key, or spare key anywhere in or on your vehicle, no matter where you park it.
- Never leave your car running while unattended or unlocked.
- Close all your vehicle’s windows completely when parked.
- Always remove valuable personal property from the vehicle.
- And, to prevent a burglary of your home, secure the transmitter for your garage door opener.
Silt PD recently arrested several suspects involved in this activity based on an observant police officer’s work. Many suspects are detained when alert citizens call police with tips. If You “See Something, Say Something” by dialing 911 and being ready to provide the police with as much information as possible regarding the description of the suspicious person or vehicle.
Let’s all work together to prevent these kinds of crimes!

Town Halfway to its Required 20 Returned Kits
On July 10th the Town of Silt distributed Lead and Copper testing kits to 20 residents in Town. Ten of those kits have now been returned as is required by the State of Colorado.
The Town needs resident cooperation in collecting the sample and returning them to the Town. Instructions are enclosed in the kits. In previous years, the Town was required to collect ten samples, but with the recent move from a level one distribution system to a level 2, the requirement doubled to 20.
This is an annual requirement by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environmental, Water Quality Control Commission.
500 block of Main Street: The curb, gutter and sidewalk construction is entering its final phase.
Eagle's View Court: Construction on Eagles View Court will begin on July 17th, 2023. This construction will also continue out into the intersection of Eagles Nest Drive. During this construction the Town will remove all asphalt and also some subgrade. There might be limited access to driveways during this process. All attempts will be made to make sure residents have full access in the evenings and mornings. Construction will start around 8AM every day and wrap up around 4:30PM. Project is expected to be completed in approximately 6 weeks.
Tara Subdivision: The rebuilding and paving of Dogwood, Cottonwood and Birch Court has been delayed to September 1st due to contractor availability, but is still expected to be completed this year.
If you have any questions, please call Town Hall 970-876-2353 Ext. 106
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