A Silt dog owner is facing municipal court charges of harboring vicious animals after her dogs, running-at-large, attacked and severely injured a neighbor’s dog.
The Silt Police Department was notified of the incident by the injured dog’s owner on Saturday morning and immediately responded. The incident occurred in the 200 block First Mesa in the Eagle’s View subdivision. It is alleged that the dog was attacked by both of the dogs, described as both being “white husky mix” dogs. The owner of the injured dog has reported that her dog sustained serious injuries and that veterinary bills have topped $8,000.
The owner of the dogs received a summons that orders her to appear in Silt Municipal Court on August 21. A guilty verdict could subject the owner to incarceration for a year, a fine up to $2,650, or both. The animals may also be impounded and destroyed by the court, should they be declared dangerous and a public nuisance.
The summons in this case is for two counts of harboring aggressive and vicious animals and two counts of failure to obtain a license.
Silt residents are reminded that dog owners are required to obtain a license for each dog harbored within Town limits. Further, dog owners must confine the animal to his or her premises or have the animal on a secure leash no longer than ten feet in length.
Questions about this ordinance can be directed to Chief of Police Mike Kite at mkite@townofsilt.org or 970.876.2353 x 111.
The Town of Silt Police Department has responded to approximately 25 vehicle trespasses in the last three weeks and the reports are still coming in. Mostly the items taken are firearms and ammunition. The vehicles that were gone through were unlocked and or windows rolled down.
We as the Silt Police Department want to remind everyone to lock your vehicles and don’t store anything of value in the vehicle when left unattended. This is an ongoing investigation and the Silt Police Department is working with other Law enforcement agencies within Garfield County. This is a county wide issue.