April 7, 2023 News You Can Use
Alternative Fueling Station Proposed on Town-Owned Lot
Public Hearing on Monday, April 10 on Sale of Property on River Frontage Road
The Town owned property at 1555 River Frontage Road has been listed for sale for several years and now may have a new function as an alternative energy fueling center. A company called Astera and doing business as Silt Energy Development has made the full price offer of $299,000. Silt realtor Joe Carpenter has the listing.
Carpenter introduced the potential buyers to the Board on April 10. Their presentation represented that the purpose of the property acquisition is to build an upscale travel center for alternative energy including EV, natural gas, and hydrogen fuels. The travel center will also include quality public restroom facilities, a cafe, and coffee shop.
The Board directed Staff to negotiate terms that would compel the buyer to develop the property into a sales tax generating business as soon as possible. Town Attorney Jim New drafted an Option Agreement as a condition of the Real Estate Contract and Closing on the sale of the Property. The potential buyer states in the contract that they will commence construction within 180 days of closing and has agreed to an option that if no building permit is issued and water and sewer taps remain unpaid after 180 days of closing, the Town may repurchase the property for the same price, should it wish to do so.
The Town is required to conduct a public hearing before it sells town-owned property. The meeting will be Monday, April 10 and starts at 7 PM at Silt Town Hall.
Trustees to Discuss Water Rates Monday at Work Session
Water rate structures will again be the topic of conversation between Trustees at Monday’s work session starting at 6:15 PM, immediately prior to the Board’s regular Meeting.
At the last BoT meeting, Trustees heard from financial consultant Jim Mann on several options for water rates. Importantly, Mann reviewed some of the basic assumptions in developing the rate models. After discussion, the Trustees asked for more analysis on options including base rates of 2,000 and 3,000 gallons. Mann will be presenting that information.
One major discovery Mann has uncovered is the fact that the water utility runs about $200,000 in red each year. Water rates are recommended to increase by 86% just to operate the water utility in a fiscally responsible manner. The Board will discuss adjusting rates now to operate the utility to break even OR wait until more is known about the cost of the plant and amount of financing that will be awarded.
More information can be found at www.townofsilt.org on the home page, lower left-hand corner under the button titled “Water Treatment Plant Planning Documents and Information”.
The meeting on Monday, April 10 will begin at 6:15 PM at Silt Town Hall.
Town to Offer Incentive Program to Reduce Irrigation Water Use
Town of Silt staff members will offer the first look at a new Town irrigation program designed to help home and business owners reduce their irrigation water usage at the Monday, April 10 meeting. The program, dubbed the Turf Replacement Incentive Program (TRIP), will start this summer. Participants in the program will be offered a 25 cent per square foot cash incentive for replacing their turfgrass with less thirsty native species, other plantings and xeriscaping. Home and business owners will not only be able to qualify for the incentive, but also may qualify for lower irrigation fees, depending on how much turf they replace.
Tune in Monday night to hear more!