Colorado Procurement News
February, 2023
News for the Statewide Procurement Community from the State Purchasing and Contracts Office
From the CPO
Precise and efficient contract management is critical for our agencies, Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) and vendors in providing services to all Coloradans, and I'm pleased to share that the new Contract Management Policy is completed! The policy includes new training and reporting requirements for agencies and IHEs under the procurement code (which you can read more about below), and the SPCO has posted multiple contract management resources on our training webpage. Thank you to everyone who helped create this new policy!
Sherri Maxwell, CPPB Chief Procurement Officer
As you all know, March is Government Procurement Month, and the SPCO is planning to celebrate with new procurement training! Stay tuned for more details.
New Contract Management Training & Reporting Requirements
The new Contract Management Policy requires agencies and IHEs to provide annual contract management training by the end of each fiscal year. Procurement officials must also report to the SPCO on the training requirement by September 30th of year, beginning in 2023.
Specific details are available in the policy, and have been shared with procurement officials, but here are a few highlights:
- Agencies/IHEs may create their own training using LMS, webinar, Powerpoint/Google, video meetings, or other methods. An updated SPCO contract management training is also available for use.
- This annual training is required for all contract managers of personal services contracts (including purchase orders) of $100,000 or higher, not just managers of high-risk contracts.
- Agencies/IHEs will be required to report back to the SPCO using a specific form that will be shared later this year.
The SPCO has also provided a Sample Contract Management Agreement and Sample Contract Management Best Practices on our training webpage that can be easily customized for your agency/IHE's specific needs.
Did you know that Colorado's 74th legislative session has begun? You can find current and past bills, House and Senate calendars, and other information on the General Assembly website.
Reminder: All NASPO-designed
Procurement U courses are now free!
Last year, as a way to thank the procurement professionals who led the way in procuring critical PPE and essential needs for state and local governments across the country, the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) made all of their Foundational Procurement courses free for everyone!
Visit Procurement U to view the course offerings, which include:
- Introduction to Cooperative Procurement
- Introduction to Service Contracts
- Introduction to Sole Source Procurement, and more!
You can create a free Procurement U account and sign up for these courses here. Note that most Procurement U courses are self-paced, so you can start them at any time.
Questions? Email procurementu@naspo.org.
These training courses are currently being offered via Zoom. Visit the SPCO Procurement Training page for more information.
Statutory Violations Prevention 3/14/2023 | 1:30pm - 3:00pm Register 5/9/2023 | 1:30pm - 3:00pm Register
Controller Pre-Delegation Training 2/21/2023 | 1:00pm - 4:00pm Register 5/16/2023 | 1:00pm - 4:00pm Register
Contract Drafting Boot Camp 4/27/2023 | 8:00am - 3:00pm Register 8/24/2023 | 8:00am - 3:00pm Register
These training courses are available to State procurement professionals through the Colorado Procurement University (COPROU). Visit the SPCO Procurement Training page for more information.
- Foundations of State Procurement (Updated 11/2022)
- Methods of Source Selection (Updated 11/2022)
- Ethics and Conflicts of Interest
New training courses coming Spring 2023!
- Overview of Commitment Documents
- Statutory Violations and Unauthorized Purchases
Contact thomas.wilson@state.co.us with questions about training.
Name: John Chapman
Title: State Purchasing Manager
Organization: State Purchasing & Contracts Office
Tell us a little bit about your background: I grew up in Illinois just outside of St. Louis, Missouri. I went to college at the University of Missouri and then law school at St. Louis University, where I concentrated on tax law and contract law. After I graduated from law school, my wife and I wanted to move away from the Midwest and applied for jobs all over the country. She received an offer in Colorado and we’ve been here ever since.
How long have you been with your current organization? Six years.
How did you get into the procurement field? My initial experience with procurement was in my first job after law school, where I drafted contracts in the legal department of a large nutritional company. My first experience with public procurement was working for a small consulting firm where I helped develop RFP’s for various municipal entities around the country. Finally, in 2012, I started my state procurement career as a Contract Administrator in CDOT’s engineering contracting department, eventually moving to the procurement team in 2013.
Did you work in other professions, and if so where and for how long? In college I worked at a lumber yard where I drove a forklift and delivered lumber and drywall. My first paying legal job was at a small law firm in St. Louis where I immediately realized that I’d be miserable working in a traditional legal setting.
Please share a professional or personal accomplishment you're proud of: Personally, I’m the proud dad of twins who will turn 4 in April. It isn’t always easy, but it is amazingly beautiful and rewarding. Professionally, I am very proud of the price agreement team and our price agreement program. State and Local governments in Colorado spent over over $500M through state price agreements in FY22 with a reported cost savings over $200M.
Tell us something interesting and unique about yourself:I love live music and I’ve seen almost 50 concerts at Red Rocks.
State Price Agreement Updates
- Covendis and Knowledge Services agreements for IT Vendor Managed Services have been extended to June 30, 2024. Contact Gregory.Draughon@state.co.us with any questions.
- Most Computer Equipment price agreements have been extended to July 31, 2023, including Dell and HP, as we await awards for new Lead State agreements from Minnesota. Please contact Gregory.Draughon@state.co.us for additional Information.
- The Price Agreement for Lab Equipment has been extended to 9/20/2023. Contact Amy.Risley@state.co.us for more information.
- Agreements for Copiers and Managed Print Services have been extended through July 31, 2024. Additionally, a new solicitation has been posted for this category. You can reach out to Nikki.Pollack@state.co.us with any questions.
- Agreements for EV Charging Station Equipment have been extended to Jan 31, 2024. Contact Amy.Risley@state.co.us for more information.
- The ITN for Temporary Healthcare Staffing Services continues to progress with awards potentially made in the coming weeks. You can reach out to Brian.Swift@state.co.us for more information.