Division of Real Estate Bimonthly Notification — December, 2024
License Renewal Season Ends December 31, 2024
The Division of Real Estate license renewal period is currently open through December 31, 2024.
Expired licensees may not conduct any business that requires licensure. Each license program varies based on state law, Board or Commission regulation, and, in some cases, federal law. Take time to review the details of your specific program early to ensure that you are able to timely renew and complete any required continuing education and submit documents to the Division. Every licensee should understand that if expired, they may not conduct any business that requires licensure.
If your license is on an inactive status, you must still renew your license if you wish to maintain the inactive status and avoid any applicable reinstatement fees.
Announcements & Upcoming Meetings:
Colorado Real Estate Commission (CREC) Meeting:
HOA Info & Resource Center Forum: HOA Complaints
Board of Real Estate Appraisers (BOREA) Non-Rulemaking Meeting:
USPAP Audit and Renewal
The Division of Real Estate wants to remind all active licensed and certified appraisers of their continuing education requirements.
A. The 7-hour National USPAP Continuing Education Course must be completed during every two (2) year licensing period. A 7-hour USPAP certificate must be submitted to the Division prior to initiating the renewal of an appraiser license and must show a completion date between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2024 (any 7-hour version of USPAP offered during this timeframe is acceptable). Appraiser licensees should have received an email with detailed instructions for the USPAP submission. The Division has received the USPAP certificate from approximately 55% of the eligible renewing appraisers. The Division records indicate there are 480 appraisers who need to submit their 7-hour USPAP certificate prior to renewing their license.
If you have any questions about the audit process, please contact the Division by email at dora_dre_appraisals@state.co.us.
It is recommended that licensees complete their USPAP audit submission as soon as possible, but no later than December 13, 2024, to allow enough time for processing and avoid a lapse in licensure. Renewal applications received after Friday, December 13, 2024, and prior to January 31, 2025, may be subject to the following:
- An indication on the Appraisal Subcommittee (“ASC”) National Registry of Appraisers that the license has expired (the license will show inactive on the National Registry licensee search);
- An audit of all 28 hours of continuing education required during the license cycle;
- Fines and makeup continuing education for any licensee who is deficient in their continuing education; and
- Additional fees for license reinstatement if the CE certificate review moves beyond the January 31 renewal submission deadline.
B. All other continuing education requirements for renewing licensees must be completed by December 31, 2024.
C. For all licensees, you might consider visiting the Appraiser Continuing Education Page linked below to review all approved continuing education courses, including the 7-hour USPAP course.
Errors & Omissions Insurance Policy Renewal Reminder
The Division would like to notify all active licensees that many Errors & Omissions ("E&O") policies are set to expire on January 1, 2025, please review important renewal information prepared by the state contracted E&O carrier, Rice Insurance Services Center (RISC).
Most E&O policies expire on January 1, 2025. Please be advised that a full E&O audit of Real Estate Brokers will take place in February, 2025 to ensure compliance with the E&O insurance requirement.
If you are renewing a policy that expires on January 1, 2025, you must purchase the renewal before January 31, 2024 and the policy must be effective January 1, 2025 to be considered compliant.
See program-specific details below:
Sunset Review of Colorado Real Estate Commission (CREC)
The Colorado Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform ("COPRRR") is currently conducting a sunset review of the Colorado Real Estate Commission and the duties of the Colorado Division of Real Estate in association with the regulation of real estate brokers and subdivision developers. Analysis is performed to determine if the Program is necessary and should be continued, modified, or repealed. To provide input on this review, please visit COPRRRs website or use the link below:

HOA Forum: HOA Complaints
In addition to providing Colorado consumers with information about their basic rights and responsibilities under the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”), did you know the HOA Information and Resource Center also accepts and tracks complaints? While the general nature of some complaints is somewhat common, others may surprise you.
Please join the HOA Information Officer on Friday, December 20, 2024 at 1:00 pm (MT) for a presentation on how to file an HOA complaint as well as a discussion on the most common types of complaints received by the HOA Information and Resource Center. All are welcome to attend.
Presentation Details:
- Date: Friday, December 20, 2024
- Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (MT)
- Location: Online Webinar Only
You may register for this event here:
On behalf of the HOA Information & Resource Center, we look forward to you joining us.
-HOA Information & Resource Center-
Note: If you are unable to attend, the HOA Information & Resource Center posts a recording of the webinar within a few days following the presentation at the following link: https://dre.colorado.gov/recent-hoa-forums
The Division of Real Estate makes an effort to have all public meetings and educational opportunities live and accessible to the public by signing up for a webcast.
Find the meeting or event you want to attend on the Division Calendar, click on the “more details” and follow the directions to sign up for the webcast.
Have you checked out our YouTube channel yet? You can find webinar recordings, educational videos, bite-sized advisory videos and watch various LIVE hearings and board & commission meetings.
Watch & Subscribe to: @DORADivisionRealEstate and never miss our most current content!
Life is Busy - We Get It!
Did you miss any of our meetings or forums last month? No need to worry! You can click the links below to catch up and stay current with what is going on at the Division of Real Estate.
- November 7, 2024: Board of Real Estate Appraisers (BOREA) Meeting: Webinar - Video
- November 20, 2024: Board of Mortgage Loan Originators (MLO) Meeting: Webinar- Video
- November 22, 2024: HOA Information & Resource Center Forum: Board Member Roles & Responsibilities Webinar - Video
For Division Interested Parties and Licensed Professionals
The Division of Real Estate's bimonthly email is designed to provide Division news, information on upcoming public meetings, rulemaking hearings, and registration links for educational webinars. Additionally, licensed professionals can find updates on licensing deadlines, opportunities for stakeholder engagement, and important practice guidance matters.
Colorado Division of Real Estate 1560 Broadway, Ste. 925 | Denver, Co 80202 Phone: (303) 894-2166 /(800) 886-7675 | Fax: (303) 894-2683 Email: dora_realestate_website@state.co.us |
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