What exactly does an HOA Board do? Is there a difference between the role of the Vice-President and the role of the Secretary? What about “officers” and how is the role of an officer different from the role of a board member or committee member? Finally, is it possible to remove these individuals from these roles? Both the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) and the Colorado Nonprofit Corporation Act have quite a lot to say about the duties and responsibilities of these various leadership positions one might find in a common interest community.
Please join the HOA Information Officer on Friday, November 22, 2024 at 1:00 pm (MT) for an educational presentation on these various types of leadership and management positions found in Colorado HOAs. All are welcome to attend.
On behalf of the HOA Information & Resource Center, we look forward to you joining us.
-HOA Information & Resource Center-
Note: If you are unable to attend, the HOA Information & Resource Center posts a recording of the webinar within a few days following the presentation at the following link:https://dre.colorado.gov/recent-hoa-forums