Quarterly Newsletter — Winter Edition, January 2024
Real Estate - Public Calendar
Stay Up To Date With Us!
Division Meetings and Events
Sign Up For A Webcast
The Division of Real Estate makes an effort to have all public meetings and educational opportunities live and accessible to the public by signing up for a webcast.
Find the meeting or event you want to attend on the Division Calendar, click on the “more details” and follow the directions to sign up for the webcast.
Attend An HOA Forum
 The HOA Information & Resource Center offers free webinars on a variety of topics throughout the year. Learn about helpful resources and join in the conversation about your rights and obligations while living in an HOA community. Topics and locations change monthly. Visit the Division calendar to sign up!
Unable to attend? The HOA Information & Resource Center posts webinar recordings at the following link: https://dre.colorado.gov/recent-hoa-forums
DRE YouTube Channel
Have you checked out our YouTube channel yet? You can find webinar recordings, educational videos, bite-sized advisory videos and watch various LIVE hearings and board & commission meetings.
Watch & Subscribe to: @DORADivisionRealEstate and never miss our most current content!
Upcoming Department Meetings:
HB23-1105 Metropolitan District Homeowners' Rights Task Force Meeting:
HOA Info & Resource Center Forum: Association Records & Annual Disclosures
HB23-1105 HOA Homeowners' Rights Task Force Meeting:
Colorado Real Estate Commission (CREC) Regular Meeting and Rulemaking Hearing:
Board of Real Estate Appraisers (BOREA) Meeting & Rulemaking Hearing:
Board of Mortgage Loan Originators (MLO) Meeting:
Colorado Real Estate Commission (CREC) Meeting:
Compliance Audits
Throughout the year, the Division performs various types of compliance audits on behalf of the three boards housed within the Division. The license renewal season is directly related to a few of the audits that the Division performs. This article will describe the different compliance audits that we conduct to better assist our licensees in complying with the regulations. Conducting audits is one of the Division’s ways of being proactive about ensuring compliance with the state laws that govern the licensed practice of real estate. It allows us to catch issues before a consumer complaint is filed. (Read More)
New Colorado Real Estate Commission Forms for 2024
Each year, the Colorado Real Estate Commission reviews and updates approved contracts and forms to comply with the latest laws and practices in the real estate industry. On January 1, 2024, the Division of Real Estate released several updated forms for use in Colorado. For those licensees that had listings as of December 31, 2023, new forms like the Seller's Property Disclosure must be used on any property that goes under contract on or after January 1, 2024. It is important that all real estate licensees familiarize themselves with the new forms and implement them in their practice.
2024 Colorado Annual Commission Course Now Available
 The 2024 Annual Commission Update course became available January 1, 2024 for real estate brokers. This 4-hour mandatory course is necessary in order to maintain your license status. (Read More).
Board of Real Estate Appraiser Rules Effective January 1, 2024
On November 2, 2023, the Colorado Board of Real Estate Appraisers (“Board”) held a rulemaking hearing to update and adopt rules for real estate appraisers and appraisal management companies based upon the mandatory rule review required by Senate Bill 14-063 (Mandatory Review of State Agency Rules). The Division of Real Estate (“Division”) initiated the rule review on behalf of the Board to assess the continuing need for, appropriateness and cost effectiveness of the administrative rules. It also assessed whether the rules should be continued in their current form, amended or repealed.(Read More)
28-Hour Appraiser Continuing Education Audit
Competency and knowledge are essential for all licensees. For Colorado real estate appraisers, continuing education is an important component in the process of obtaining and maintaining competency. As all real estate appraisers should know, BOREA Rule 7.2 states that each licensee, except for certain initial licensees, applying for the renewal of a license must complete 28 hours of real estate appraisal continuing education during the two years proceeding expiration of their license. Furthermore, licensees may be subject to an audit by the Division of Real Estate and the Board of Real Estate Appraisers. If you are selected for an audit, you will receive a confirmation email from the Division setting forth the 28-hour continuing education audit requirements.
To review the latest BOREA Rules, which took effect on January 1, 2024, please visit:
Sunset Review of the Colorado HOA Information and Resource Center
The Colorado Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform ("COPRRR") is currently conducting a sunset review of the Colorado HOA Information & Resource Center. Analysis is performed to determine if the Resource Center is necessary and should be continued, modified, or repealed. To provide input on this review, please visit COPRRR's website.
HB23-1105 Task Force Engagement
Make Your Professional Voice Heard!
During the 2023 legislative session, the Colorado General Assembly passed HB23-1105 into law. This bill created two important task forces in the Division of Real Estate. Over the last few months, (1) the HOA Homeowners’ Rights Task Force and (2) the Metropolitan District Homeowners’ Rights Task Force have met numerous times. Whether you are a homeowner or resident living in or affected by a Common Interest Community or Metropolitan District, or you are a licensee regulated by the Division of Real Estate who conducts business in these types of communities, your input is important to the Division.
The Division has created websites for each of these task forces to keep the public informed, but also to create a forum where you can submit your stories, experiences, questions, and concerns about these community types. So far, these websites have had more than 22,700 visitors. Despite the large number of visitors, we still want to hear from you. Your experiences as a licensee can provide insight into issues confronting homeowners in these communities.
To share your experiences, please visit the following:
Errors & Omissions Insurance Policy Renewal Reminder
The Division would like to notify all active licensees that many Errors & Omissions ("E&O") policies expired on January 1, 2024. Please review important renewal information prepared by the state contracted E&O carrier, Rice Insurance Services Center (RISC).
As most E&O policies expired on January 1, 2024, please be advised that a full E&O audit of Real Estate Brokers will take place in February, 2024 to ensure compliance with the E&O insurance requirement.
If you are renewing a policy that expired on January 1, 2024, you must purchase the renewal before January 31, 2024 and the policy must be effective January 1, 2024 to be considered compliant.
See program-specific details below:
The 2024 Colorado Real Estate Manual Is Available - Order Yours Today!
The Unabridged Version of the Colorado Real Estate Manual is available for purchase through the publisher, LexisNexis. Each order for the print version comes with an eBook download at no additional charge. The eBook can be available on the go, allowing you to carry the manual with you anywhere.
Review & Update Your Contact Information With The Division of Real Estate
Was your professional license up for renewal at the end of 2023? If so, you likely took this opportunity to review and update your contact information in e-License, the Division’s license management system. Even if your license was not due for a renewal, the beginning of each year is a great time to review your contact information with the Division and your respective Board or Commission.
Each licensed professional in Colorado has an affirmative responsibility to keep their contact information current. BOREA Rule 8.6 and MLO Rule 5.10 are two examples of the requirements for licensees to maintain current contact information, including a current mailing address, telephone number, and email address, but also include other contact information as may be required by the respective Board or Commission. Failure to maintain the information as proscribed in the rules can be grounds for disciplinary action.
Accordingly, the Division urges all licensees to take a moment and review your contact information. You can do so here:
HOA Information & Resources Center
The HOA Information & Resource Center offers HOA Forums monthly and are open to both licensees and the public. Stay tuned to the Division of Real Estate's Calendar for future HOA Forums and join us for our future webinars. You can also check out our recently published HOA Forums or our YouTube Channel.
Recent HOA Forums YouTube Channel
HOA Forum: Association Records and Annual Disclosures
Even in 2024, many associations still operate as if it is the year 1983 with respect to making certain records available to unit owners. Is your HOA in compliance with House Bill 12-1237, which was made law over a decade ago? As a board member, do you know which records must be withheld from production to unit owners? What about those pesky annual disclosures mandated by the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”)? Ensure your association is not stuck in the age of the first spacewalk by attending the HOA Information & Resource Center’s HOA Forum on Association Records and Annual Disclosures.
Please note that this presentation is focused on the obligations of board members of community associations in Colorado; however, all are welcome to attend.
On Friday, January 26, 2024 at 1:00 pm (MT), join the HOA Information Officer for a live webinar discussion.
All are welcome to attend.
Presentation Details:
- Date: Friday, January 26, 2024
- Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (MT)
- Location: Online Webinar Only
You may register for the event here:
On behalf of the HOA Information & Resource Center, we look forward to you joining us.
-HOA Information & Resource Center-
Note: If you are unable to attend, the HOA Information & Resource Center posts a recording of the webinar within a few days following the presentation at the following link:https://dre.colorado.gov/recent-hoa-forums
Quarterly Discipline
This serves to inform the public of the current and/or most recent disciplinary action taken against the individuals listed. It does not, nor should it be intended to, serve as a complete listing of any and all discipline taken against the individual licensees.
Find the program you want to view by toggling through the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
To obtain a complete public disciplinary history for a specific licensee visit the Division's Records Management System and search a licensees personal record by name or license number.