Real Estate - Public Calendar
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Division Meetings and Events
Sign Up For A Webcast
The Division of Real Estate makes an effort to have all public meetings and educational opportunities live and accessible to the public by signing up for a webcast.
Find the meeting or event you want to attend on the calendar, click on the “more details” and follow the directions to sign up for the webcast.
Attend An HOA Forum
 The HOA Information & Resource Center offers free webinars on a variety of topics throughout the year. Learn about helpful resources and join in the conversation about your rights and obligations while living in an HOA community. Topics and locations change monthly. Visit the Division Calendar to sign up!
Unable to attend? The HOA Information & Resource Center posts webinar recordings at the following link: https://dre.colorado.gov/recent-hoa-forums
Board of Mortgage Loan Originators (MLO) Meeting:
HOA Forum: 2023 Legislative Update
Colorado Real Estate Commission (CREC) Meeting:
Board of Real Estate Appraisers (BOREA) Meeting:
Board of Mortgage Loan Originators (MLO) Meeting:
Colorado Real Estate Commission (CREC) Meeting:
Reporting Requirements for Criminal Convictions or Actions Taken in Other Jurisdictions
Have you been convicted or plead guilty to a crime? Have you been disciplined in another jurisdiction? While these seem like circumstances that are uncommon, we unfortunately have quite a few licensees that have experienced these two types of issues. Depending on the circumstances, a criminal conviction or plea may be a violation of the practice act. Having a professional license disciplined in another jurisdiction may also subject you to discipline in Colorado. If you fail to report a criminal conviction or plea, or the professional license discipline, that can add to the problems that you may have with the respective regulatory board here. This article will explain your reporting requirements so that you can hopefully avoid additional issues with one of our boards. (Read More)
Licensee Advisory: 2023 Legislative Summaries For Division Licensees
Each year, the Colorado General Assembly holds a legislative session. The General Assembly convened for the 74th Session on January 9, 2023 and adjourned on May 8, 2023. As a result, numerous laws that affect the real estate practice directly or indirectly became law.
Whether you are a broker, appraiser, mortgage loan originator, or some other interested party, understanding these new bills, when they take effect, and how these bills will affect future real estate transactions, is important. To assist you in better understanding these new laws, the Division of Real Estate has prepared a useful video presentation and written legislative summaries. Visit the Licensee Advisory page here: (Read more)
To track any bills, you can visit the Colorado General Assembly’s website and use the “Find A Bill” tool to research any bills, past or present.
Recent Board and Commission Appointments
The Division of Real Estate is pleased to announce that several positions have been filled in the boards and commissions which oversee real estate licensees in Colorado. These positions are appointed by the Governor, and, in addition, individuals appointed to the Board of Real Estate Appraisers ("BOREA") and the Board of Mortgage Loan Originators (“MLO”) are also confirmed by the Senate. Through the appointment process, board and commission members reflect the geographic and demographic diversity of Colorado, including having members from both rural and urban parts of the state, and having members of diverse political, racial, disability, and cultural groups and of diverse sexual orientations and genders. To see a full list of the members for each, you can visit our Division Boards, Commissions & Programs page.
Environmental Protection Agency Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule Changes for Property Managers:
In March, 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) updated its guidance on its Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule. More specifically, the EPA withdrew two Frequently Asked Questions from their guidance which directed property managers and property management companies involved in performing or offering to perform renovation, repair or painting activities for compensation in housing and child-occupied facilities built before 1978.
At the link below, please review the EPA Memorandum issued by the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance.
Appraiser Practice Advisory-Appraiser Quality Monitoring
Original Release Date: May 22, 2023
It will benefit Colorado appraisers to be aware that Fannie Mae has established standards by which Fannie Mae promotes quality in the loan origination process. These standards, referred to as Appraiser Quality Monitoring (“AQM”) are designed to “improve appraisal quality and strengthen the appraisal profession by identifying patterns of quality issues in appraisal reports and providing feedback directly to individual appraisers.”
While the AQM covers a variety of topics, the purpose of this advisory is to discuss a particular update to the guide. Specifically, the guidance provides examples of unacceptable terms and phrases to help identify prohibited language in appraisal reports. (Read More)
New Federal Requirements for Colorado Transactions
Original Release Date: May 31, 2023
Colorado licensees need to be aware of the recent updates made by the Federal Financial Crimes Enforcement Network ("FinCEN") which can affect certain transactions in the State of Colorado. These updates became effective on May 24, 2023. For more information, review the May, 2023 notice prepared by the Land Title Association of Colorado.
 Broker Practice Advisory: Fraudulent Sellers
Original Release Date: May 15, 2023
From time to time, the Division of Real Estate receives reports of scams or potential scams. Today, the Division would like to revisit an issue that can happen all across the state. While these scams can take place in single family homes and condominiums, they most commonly seem to take place on vacant, raw, or undeveloped land.
While this advisory will focus on scenarios where the fraudsters target real estate licensees, variations of the scam may omit a licensee, and behave like a For Sale By Owner seller. The essence of the scam is that a licensee is contacted about selling a property by a fraudster in an attempt to steal the proceeds from the sale. Most commonly, initial contact is made by telephone or even more often, by email. The fraudster is looking to sell the property, usually on an expedited basis because they need the proceeds for another project or other investment. In truth, the fraudster has selected this particular property, which they do not own, because it is undeveloped or overlooked by the actual owner. (Read More)
 Ensuring That Your Trust/Escrow Accounts Are Treated As Fiduciary Accounts
Original Release Date: May 26, 2023
The Division of Real Estate has been receiving ongoing questions and concerns from both real estate brokers as well as financial institutions regarding the requirements for real estate brokers engaging in property management or holding money belonging to others to establish a trust or escrow account. The Division has seen many instances where a real estate broker opens a bank or credit union account for the purpose of holding money belonging to others where the account label contains the word, “trust or escrow;” however, the account is not an actual trust or escrow account. This is problematic and can result in lost consumer funds due to, but not limited to, the following examples including lawsuits, bankruptcies, overdraft/account setoffs, legal garnishments, and bank or credit union failures. (Read More)
Colorado Real Estate Commission Update: New Real Estate Forms Approved For Use in 2024
On June 20, 2023, the Colorado Real Estate Commission (“CREC”) held a non-rulemaking hearing. At the hearing, the Commission adopted several forms for use by real estate licensees in 2024.
Stay tuned to the Division of Real Estate’s website in October to review the updated forms and develop a plan to incorporate each into your real estate practice at:
HOA Information & Resources Center
The HOA Information & Resource Center offers HOA Forums monthly and are open to both licensees and the public. Stay tuned to the Division of Real Estate's Calendar for future HOA Forums and join us for our future webinars. You can also check out our recently published HOA Forums or our YouTube Channel.
Recent HOA Forums YouTube Channel
HOA Forum: 2023 Legislative Update and Legislative Summaries Website
Are you curious as to what new laws were passed in the most recent legislative session and how they might affect your community? What is the new landscaping bill, and how should you as a HOA homeowner/board member plan your new garden design to ensure you are in compliance with state law? Finally, what is the HOA task force, and who will be on it?
Join the HOA Information & Resource Center for an online-only webinar to discuss the legislative changes implemented by the Colorado General Assembly during the 2023 legislative session on Friday, July 21, 2023, at 1:00PM (MT).
To ensure that you are prepared for the presentation, the HOA Center encourages interested parties to review the HOA-specific summaries found at the link below to better understand these laws, when they take effect, and what each may mean for your communities.
After you have reviewed the summaries, if you are interested in learning more, plan to attend the HOA Forum on the 2023 Legislative Session on July 21, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. by registering for the event here:
HOA Spotlight: Energy Efficiency and Smart Use of Water
Natural resources are a major draw for the State of Colorado. This goes beyond majestic mountains and great plains that run for as far as the eye can see. Colorado’s natural resources are a major part of the Colorado economy through tourism, oil & gas extraction, mineral extraction, and agriculture. The Colorado General Assembly believes that these resources are worth conserving. To do so, the Legislature passed several laws during the 2023 legislative session which further these goals and which directly affect homeowners’ associations in Colorado. This article will discuss some of those legislative efforts passed into law which affect energy efficiency and the use of landscape water in Common Interest Communities. Understanding this, three bills which help further the goals of energy efficiency and responsible water use passed and became law in Colorado. (Read More)
The Division of Real Estate Staff Announcements
- The Division is pleased to announce that on June 20 2023, Selena Parker joined the Division of Real Estate staff as Administrative Assistant III. Selena previously worked for the Attorney General and also for DPS.
To view a list of all Division staff, visit: Division Staff & Resources page
Quarterly Discipline
This serves to inform the public of the current and/or most recent disciplinary action taken against the individuals listed. It does not, nor should it be intended to, serve as a complete listing of any and all discipline taken against the individual licensees.
Find the program you want to view by toggling through the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
To obtain a complete public disciplinary history for a specific licensee visit the Division's Records Management System and search a licensees personal record by name or license number.