Dear Licensee,
Due to a number of requests for clarification regarding our issuance of further guidance on Safer at Home requirements for dental personnel, please find the updated guidance document which includes the following clarification in the question and answer section:
Question: How should aerosol-generating procedures be handled for non-symptomatic patients? Answer: The dental facility must seek viable options for reducing or containing aerosol production during care. Aerosol generating procedures should only be performed when using PPE as outlined in Section III.A.2.i of amended Public Health Order 20-29, mandating that an adequate PPE supply is maintained along with the proper use of enhanced PPE that aligns with guidance from OSHA and the CDC. If a facility or dental office cannot meet the requirements for enhanced PPE usage and still maintain the mandated supply, elective or voluntary surgeries or procedures must be postponed until such time as the supply is restored and safe practice can resume. To reiterate, reusing or extending the life of enhanced PPE must only be done in compliance with CDC guidance.
The use of dental instruments that are known to highly produce aerosols are not allowed for dental cleanings. The CDC’s Interim Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Dental Settings During the COVID-19 Response and the OSHA’s Dentistry Workers and Employers guidances provide examples of aerosol-generating instruments that may not be used for dental prophylaxis or non-surgical periodontal procedures such as scaling and root planing, and periodontal maintenance, including: ultrasonic scalers, air polishers/prophy jets, etc.. Air-water syringes and slow-speed handpiece prophy cups may be used if aerosols are minimized and PPE guidelines are followed (see PHO 20-29 III. A. 2. viii and x).
We continue to endeavor to provide the information you require as you work to safely resume certain business practices in the midst of COVID-19's presence in Colorado. We appreciate your patience as we work to account for many diverse scenarios during an unprecedented time. Thank you.
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