March Spotlight: Understanding FAMLI for Self-employed Coloradans
We get lots of questions about how FAMLI works for self-employed individuals. Remember that FAMLI coverage is completely optional for anyone who is self-employed.
But make sure you’re properly classified as self-employed! Under Colorado law, you're considered self-employed if you:
- Carry on a trade or business as a sole proprietor or independent contractor
- Are a member of a partnership that carries on a trade or business
- Are otherwise in business for yourself (including part-time or "gig work")
If you own less than 25% of a business, we assume you're not self-employed regarding that business (though you can challenge that assumption if we’re wrong!)
If you fit the definition of a self-employed individual and decide you want FAMLI coverage, opting in is easy. Here’s how it works:
- Register in the My FAMLI+ Employer portal as a "Self-Employed Individual"
- Upload required documentation:
- Your most recent federal tax transcript (obtainable from the IRS)
- Any W-2s if applicable (including those you issue to yourself from your business)
- FAMLI benefits are available after you’ve reported wages and paid premiums for a quarter
- After you opt in, you will be required to pay premiums for three years.
Read more about FAMLI for self-employed individuals on our website!