This is an official communication of Colorado's Department of Labor and Employment.
Welcome to the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE’s) new Compliance Quarterly! This new resource will be sent to employers the first month of each quarter with important reminders, upcoming deadlines and engagement opportunities to help employers remain in compliance with the various state labor laws enforced by CDLE’s regulatory divisions. Each newsletter will be followed up with a live webinar giving you the opportunity to ask Division leaders your questions in real time. See below for details. |
Upcoming Deadlines & Effective Dates |
Division of Labor Standards and Statistics (DLSS)
Colorado’s new minimum wage is $14.81 in 2025. Employers are encouraged to review the Interpretive Notice and Formal Opinions (INFOs) #1 (wage law), #3C (tips), and #19 (local minimums) found on cdle.colorado.gov/INFOs.
Amendments to the Colorado Youth Employment Opportunity Act (CYEOA, HB24-1095): The amendments increase the fines for violations, and provides penalties to individual workers. Please see INFO #22 for more details.
Delivery Network Company (DNC, HB24-1129) and Transportation Network Company (TNC, SB24-075) rule updates: DNCs and TNCs must provide disclosures to their drivers and to consumers. Please see INFO #23A and INFO #23B for more information.
Division of Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI)
- Q4 2024 wage reports, premium payments and private plan quarterly summaries are due January 31, 2025.
- Employers must complete their annual total employee headcount task in My FAMLI+ Employer by February 28, 2025.
- New rules for self-employed individuals and employees of opted local governments took effect on January 1, 2025. Most notably, retroactive coverage for self-employed individuals and employees of opted out local governments is no longer available. Learn more about elective coverage.
- All newly adopted rules and supplemental guidance are published on FAMLI’s Rules & Guidance page.
- FAMLI’s maximum weekly benefit payment amount increased from $1,100 to $1,324.21 on January 1, 2025. This only applies to claims with leave start dates on or after January 1, 2025.
- FAMLI premiums are paid on subject wages up to the Federal Social Security Wage Cap. The cap is set at $176,100 for earnings in 2025.
Division of Unemployment Insurance (UI)
- Quarterly wage detail reports, including monthly employment information, and UI premium payments for Q3 2024 are due January 31, 2025.
Employers and TPAs are required to report monthly employment data when submitting their quarterly wage detail information.
- You'll be asked to indicate with a "1" or "Yes" (or "0" or "No") if an employee was employed on the twelfth (12) day of each month of the quarter.
- Employers and TPAs must submit wage reports and adjustments online in MyUI Employer+ unless they have a valid non-electronic communications waiver on file.
- Paper check payments submitted by mail must include a payment voucher to be processed correctly.
- New regulations adopted in September 2024 require all benefits correspondence sent to and from the UI Division to be delivered by Division-approved electronic means only, beginning in Q1 2025. Visit the Electronic Communications Requirements page for more information.
Division of Workers’ Compensation (DOWC)
- DOWC updated Rules 16: Utilization Standards, Rule 17: Medical Treatment Guidelines, and Rule 18: Medical Fee Schedule effective January 1, 2025.
- All recent rule updates can be found on the DOWC’s Proposed and Adopted Rules page.
- The DOWC recently published a digital Rejection of Coverage (WC43) form, enabling business owners who meet certain requirements to reject workers’ compensation online. As a reminder, there is no longer a separate coverage rejection form for partners or sole proprietors in the construction industry (previously known as the WC45). All rejections of coverage can be filed using the WC43, either online or via the Rejection of Coverage form PDF.
- The annual January surcharge collection period is underway. The deadline to file and pay for July 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024, is January 31, 2025. The DOWC requests that all surcharge filings and payments be made online.
Division of Oil & Public Safety (OPS)
- The Petroleum Storage Tank regulation updates were effective January 1, 2025 and can be found on the Division’s Regulation page.
- The Underground Damage Prevention Safety Commission Regulations were effective January 1, 2025 and can be found on the Division’s Regulation page.
- The Division is currently in the planning stages of opening up regulations for both the Conveyance and Boiler program. The updates will focus on updating referenced codes within the documents and both will be effective January 1, 2026.
Upcoming Rulemaking Dates
Division of Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI)
- FAMLI will be proposing minor amendments to its rules later this Spring. FAMLI stakeholders will be invited to participate in the rulemaking process in March.
Division of Unemployment Insurance (UI)
- An emergency rule establishing a requirement for verification of a claimant’s identity regarding claims for UI went into effect on January 25, 2025. Stakeholding for feedback on this rule to become permanent began on January 25, 2025.
Division of Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI)
- FAMLI recently upgraded its appeals process. Employers can create an appeals account within My FAMLI+ to file, manage and track all FAMLI-related appeals. This is separate from the My FAMLI+ Employer portal employers use to pay premiums and submit wage reports. Review the resources on the FAMLI Appeals page for more details.
Division of Unemployment Insurance (UI)
- Employers recently received a reminder to review the TPA authorizations in their MyUI Employer+ account. Visit the How to Manage TPA relationships page for step-by-step instructions to review and update TPA relationships in MyUI Employer+.
- Existing TPA authorizations will remain in place for 2025 if you do not make any updates.
Division of Workers’ Compensation (DOWC)
- DOWC is embarking on a technology upgrade to enhance how the DOWC serves you. The DOWC's claims database and management system is the focal point of this initiative. The new system will feature an updated, user-friendly design to allow injured workers, employers, insurance carriers, medical providers, and attorneys to file claims for compensation, schedule hearings and access their relevant claim information. The project is expected to span over three years.
Division of Oil & Public Safety (OPS)
- The Conveyance Salesforce database upgrade went live to the public on December 30, 2024. The environment includes many of the same features as before but now operates in an upgraded version that no longer relies on technology add-ons to process much of the needed functionality.
Upcoming Engagement Opportunities |
CDLE’s Compliance Quarterly Live Webinar
Join us for our first Compliance Quarterly Live Webinar on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 11 a.m. Division leaders will be presenting the important updates mentioned above, and we’ll answer as many questions as we can. Register here. Space is limited, so join early. If we reach capacity before you are able to join on Zoom, the webinar will be streamed live on YouTube. We'll answer questions from both our Zoom and YouTube audiences. We’ll also send a recording of the session to all who register shortly following the webinar.
Division of Workers' Compensation Case Law Update
Learn more about legal issues in workers' compensation with real-life cases as discussed by Division of Workers' Compensation (DOWC) Prehearing Administrative Law Judges. Free Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits are available for Case Law Updates and sessions are typically held on the third Thursday of each month at 12:00 p.m. MT. Visit the DOWC’s GovDelivery form to sign up to receive invites to Case Law Updates. |
UI Compliance Survey
The UI Division is committed to helping Colorado employers remain compliant with quarterly reporting requirements, and streamlining the reporting process. Take the UI Compliance Survey to help us gather feedback to make required processes easier for Colorado Employers and agents. Information gathered in this survey WILL NOT be used to identify or apply any penalties to your account for non-compliance. The survey is intended to gather feedback for the Division to help all Colorado employers maintain UI compliance only.
Division of Labor Standards and Statistics (DLSS)
- Interpretive Notices and Formal Opinions (INFOs), Knowledge for Workers on Labor Law is Empowering & Drives Good Employment (KNOWLEDGE) and other guidance are published on cdle.colorado.gov/INFOs.
Division of Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI)
- File specifications and file templates for wage reporting for third party administrators (TPAs) are published on FAMLI’s TPA page.
- User guides and how-to videos for employers are published on the My FAMLI+ Employer page.
- User guides and how-to videos for the appeals process are published on FAMLI’s appeals page.
- FAMLI also has various tools to help employers communicate with staff available in the toolkit and marketing kit.
Division of Unemployment Insurance (UI)
Division of Workers’ Compensation (DOWC)
- The DOWC recently published the Dependent’s Claim Brochure. This new resource provides important information to the dependents of deceased workers following a fatal workplace injury or illness. Insurers may supply this Dependent’s Claim Brochure in addition to or as a replacement of the Claimant Brochure required by the Workers’ Compensation Act. A printer-friendly Dependent’s Claim Brochure is also available, and a Spanish version will be published in the coming months. If you have any questions, please reach out to Education & Outreach at cdle_dowc_communications@state.co.us.
Division of Oil & Public Safety (OPS)