 January 27, 2025
This is an official communication from the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment’s Family & Medical Leave Insurance Division.
Welcome to our newsletter for the employer and business community. Here you’ll find everything your organization needs to know to effectively navigate FAMLI. Be sure to check your subscription preferences to get the most impactful updates. |
Close the books on last year’s FAMLI obligations and avoid penalties
The Q4 2024 reporting deadline is just around the corner. Q4 wage reports and corresponding premium payments are due Friday, January 31, 2025. Please get your payments in on time to avoid any potential penalties or interest.
You can always log in to your My FAMLI+ Employer account to check if you have any outstanding tasks. My FAMLI+ Employer sends notifications of required tasks from this email address: cdle_famli-alerts@state.co.us. Make sure you whitelist it so that important messages don’t end up in your spam or junk folders.
 Don’t pay too much! Update your headcounts for correct premium charges
It’s time to update your employee headcount, so your premium rates are correct in 2025! All employers that use the FAMLI Division to cover their paid-leave obligations should see this task in your My FAMLI+ Employer dashboard. (Employers with approved private plans will not see this task in My FAMLI+ Employer.)
Remember, the total employee headcount impacts an employer’s premium rate. If an employer has 10 or more employees, they are liable for sending 0.9% of wages to the Division every quarter. If an employer has nine or fewer employees, they are liable for 0.45% of wages.
If an employer has employees outside of Colorado, the headcount should reflect their total nationwide headcount to include those out-of-state employees.
NEW this year: if your Annual Total Employee headcount is not updated by February 28, 2025, the FAMLI Division will assume you have 10 or more employees, and you will be liable for the full 0.9% of wages.
This means that if an employer had nine or fewer employees for 2024, they MUST update their headcount for 2025 to continue paying 0.45%. We won’t carry over your total headcount from the previous year.
Check out the Determining Your Employee Headcount section of our Employers page for more details.
Private plan employers: Time to get your summaries and attestations settled
Approved private plan administrators must follow the quarterly reporting deadlines. Make sure your private plan administrator submits your quarterly administration summaries by January 31, 2025.
If you have been approved to use a self-insured private plan, use this .csv template from our website for your quarterly submissions and email them to CDLE_FAMLI_PrivatePlans@state.co.us with the subject formatted as "YYYYQQ Private Plan Reporting."
It’s also that time of year for employers using an approved private plan (whether through a carrier or self-insured) to get their annual private plan attestation done.
This annual attestation in My FAMLI+ Employer is required by FAMLI’s Private Plan Rules and ensures the private plan still meets all FAMLI requirements.
Private plan employers who fail to complete this attestation are at risk of losing their private plan approval and will be sent a “Notice of Withdrawal of Private Plan Approval.”
Read more about the required quarterly administration summaries and the annual attestations on our Private Plans In Depth page.
Attention opted-in FAMLI participants!
Note some updates effective January 1, 2025
Self-employed Coloradans and employees of opted-out local governments who have decided to get FAMLI coverage should know that some FAMLI rules changed on January 1, 2025. Here are some of them:
- Only Colorado residents are eligible to opt into FAMLI coverage as a self-employed individual.
- Self-employed FAMLI participants who issue themselves W-2 statements from their business will need to add them to the list of documents they need to share, so their premiums and benefits are correctly calculated.
- Self-employed workers and employees of opted-out local government employees will no longer be able to retroactively opt into FAMLI coverage. Elective coverage begins on the date the participant elects coverage in My FAMLI+ Employer.
- FAMLI benefit payments are based on wages subject to FAMLI premiums and could be $0 if an individual applies for benefits before their first premium payment. Those who are new local government employees or new to self-employment and paid premiums under a prior job, may be eligible for benefits earlier. Read more details about elective coverage.
- Participating self-employed workers and employees of opted out local government employees will be required to upload wage verification documents when they do their quarterly reporting starting with Q1 2025 quarterly reports due April 30, 2025.
FAMLI’s current adopted rules are available on our Rules & Guidance page.
 Reminder: New Appeals Process
Reminder: We’ve upgraded our appeals process for employers who want to dispute a FAMLI decision and request another review.
Now employers can create an appeals account within My FAMLI+ to file, manage, and track all FAMLI-related appeals. This is separate from the My FAMLI+ Employer portal employers use to pay premiums and submit wage reports. Review the resources on our Appeals page for more details.
Contact FAMLI
The FAMLI Contact Center is open 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The best time to call is between 7:30 and 10 a.m. You can reach us at 1-866-CO-FAMLI (1-866-263-2654) and for general questions at: CDLE_FAMLI_info@state.co.us