 August 27, 2024
Welcome to our newsletter specifically for the employer and business community. Here you will find everything your organization needs to know to effectively navigate FAMLI. Be sure to check your subscription preferences, so you receive updates on the most impactful topics to you in 2024. |
2025 Premium Rate Stays the Same
There will be no change to the premium rate for premiums due throughout 2025. The rate will remain at 0.9% of wages. By law, the FAMLI Division Director is required to recalculate the premium rate every year to determine if adjustments to the premium rate need to be made for the following year. In 2025, employers and Colorado workers will continue to contribute the same premium rate they are currently paying.
Reminder: Quarter 3 (Q3) Premiums are due October 31, 2024
The Quarter 3 (Q3) payment deadline is approaching! Please submit your wage reports and pay your premiums by October 31, 2024. We encourage all employers and businesses to meet each reporting deadline to avoid potential penalties, fines and interest charges.
If you have any unpaid balances or missing wage reports from previous quarters, take care of them today in My FAMLI+ Employer. FAMLI is now offering an Installment Payment Agreement; please find more information about this new option in the next section.
If you need assistance in preparing your wage reports, please see our collection of How-To-Videos, user guides, file specifications, and sample templates for help. For individualized support, please call: 1-866-CO-FAMLI (1-866-263-2654) Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.
Important Updates to MyFAMLI+ Employer:
We want to update you about some new features in the My FAMLI+ Employer portal. These changes are designed to help you manage your FAMLI responsibilities more effectively.
FAMLI is now offering employers the option of using an Installment Payment Agreement (IPA). This financial arrangement allows employers to pay off their owed amounts in smaller, manageable installments over a set period rather than paying a lump sum.
You can initiate the process to start an installment payment agreement by calling FAMLI and requesting to set up an agreement. We’ll work with you to determine the terms of the agreement. Once your agreement is in place, you can make payments in the wages and payment screen within your My FAMLI+ Employer account.
NEW! File a Grievance Online
Employers can now file a grievance online. When an employer needs to dispute a determination regarding an employee’s FAMLI claim, employers should first file a grievance with the Division before filing an appeal. An employer should file a grievance only if it has a good-faith belief, supported by evidence, that the Division has granted FAMLI benefits to a claimant in an amount, duration or frequency beyond what the claimant is entitled to.
Please check out the Appeals page to learn more about your options when it comes to disputing a decision.
Employers can either mail back a grievance form after receiving those instructions, or fill out the grievance request form online:
FAMLI in the Community
Employers are on the front lines when it comes to helping their employees take family leave when they need it. The FAMLI team is dedicated to spending time with the business community to educate and answer questions. We hope to talk to you soon at these upcoming presentations:
Find the full list of events the FAMLI team will be attending on FAMLI Community Events calendar.