People Are Asking
Q: What is FAMLI's debit block/originator company ID number to set up ACH payments?
A: The company ID that identifies ACH debits to employer accounts is 4840802678. A prenote is not required for ACH credit payments. If you are asked by your bank to provide FAMLI's name and address, please provide the following information:
Division of Family and Medical Leave Insurance PO BOX 5070 Denver, CO 80217-5070
Q: What if I change my business name or close my business?
A: You are required to update FAMLI of business closers, mergers or sales within 10 days of the changes. We are currently updating the functionality in My FAMLI+ Employer to allow employers to identify such business closures. We expect that system-wide upgrade to be complete by the end of May. In the meantime, please report any wages paid during Q1 2023. It is okay if you have to report zero wages for certain dates within the quarter based on when your business closed.
Q: How do I fix a typo on my account after it has already been registered?
A: Log into your My FAMLI+ Employer account to make those changes. You can also contact our call center, and we can make those changes on your behalf. Just call 1-866-CO-FAMLI (1-866-263-2654) between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Q: How does an employer or TPA edit a submitted wage report?
A: You can do this by uploading a new bulk wage report with the corrected information like wrong address, account name, total employees, etc. As long as the dates are the same on the new file as they were on the old file and the ITIN/SSNs are the same, the new file will overwrite the information in the existing file. Alternatively, you can also make corrections individually by manually adding wages for new employees directly in My FAMLI+ Employer. From your dashboard, just go to ‘'Wages' > and select 'Add Wages.' Check out our Quick Reference Guide For Reporting Wages for step-by-step instructions. If you need additional support, please call our call center, and we’ll walk you through it.
Q: Are military spouses exempt from paying FAMLI premiums under the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act?
A: Military spouses are not exempt from contributing to FAMLI because FAMLI premiums are considered a fee and not a tax. Thus the Military Spouses Residency Relief Act doesn’t grant an exemption.
Q: How will FAMLI deductions apply if an employee is working more than one job at a time?
A: This depends on the type of jobs the individual is doing simultaneously. If both jobs are with employers participating in FAMLI (not an opted out local government, not a private employer using an approved private plan, and not an employer choosing to cover the employee’s share of the premium), then this individual would see the FAMLI deduction on each paycheck from each employer. When benefits become available in 2024, this individual would have to identify which jobs they are requesting to take leave from.