People Are Asking:
Q: How do I determine the in-state status of employees?
A: An employee’s wages will be subject to premiums if:
- The employee's work is performed entirely within Colorado;
- The employee performs work both within and outside of Colorado, but the work performed outside of Colorado is incidental to the employee's work within Colorado, or is temporary or transitory and consists of isolated transactions; or
- The employee's work is not primarily localized in any state, but some work is performed in Colorado, and one of the following is true:
- The employee's base of operations is in Colorado, or if there is no base of operations, the place from which the employee's work is directed or controlled is in Colorado; or
- Neither the base of operations nor the place from which some part of the work is directed or controlled is not in any state in which part of the employee's work is performed, but the employee's individual residence is in Colorado. More information regarding localization can be found in the FAMLI Division's Premium Rules at 7 CCR 1107-1, Section 1.5.6.C.
We know this is complicated, so we created the following decision tree to help you determine Colorado localization when it comes to employees being subject to FAMLI:

Q: Is employee count based on how many employees work in Colorado or on an employer’s total nationwide headcount?
A: To determine employer size for the purpose of determining your employer liability for premiums, employers must count all employees nationwide. However, only Colorado-employees are subject to FAMLI Premiums contributions and entitled to FAMLI benefits.
For example, if you have 15+ employees nationwide, and eight working completely in Colorado, the employer would be required to pay the 0.45% employer's share and collect and remit the 0.45% of the employee's share (for a total of 0.9%) for each of those eight employees because the employer has more than ten total employees.
The map below also illustrates this concept:

Q: Will FAMLI require employers to report if they paid a portion of their employees’ premiums?
A: Employers may choose to cover any amount of the employees’ portion of the premium. The most an employer can deduct from an employee is 0.45% of their wages, but the employer can choose to only deduct 0.1% or 0.2% or deduct nothing at all. Regardless of how much is deducted from the employee, the employer will be responsible for remitting the full 0.9% of the premium to the Division once per quarter starting in 2023. Typically if an employer fails to deduct the maximum premium permitted, they are considered to have voluntarily elected to pay the remaining premium on behalf of the employee. When employers submit their quarterly wage reports, employers are required to identify what portion, if any, they withhold from each employee. We have more details on submitting your wage reports including file specifications and file templates on our website here.
Q: How do employers report FAMLI deductions on IRS form W-2?
A: Employers should report such deductions on IRS form W-2 in Box 14, and list “FAMLI” as the label. The FAMLI Division does not regulate income tax reporting requirements, and we encourage employers to confer with counsel, their accountant, and/or the IRS to ensure compliance. You can find more information about FAMLI and taxes here.
Q: What is the difference between gross wages and subject wages?
A: Gross wages are the individual's total earnings or their salary or hourly wages, vacation pay, holiday pay, tips, commissions, severance pay, etc. including the cash value of "in-kind" payments. Subject wages are the individual's wages that are subject to the FAMLI program. Please refer to the table under “Types of Payments that are Considered Wages” for more details on what is considered subject wages.
Q: Where can I find my FAMLI account number?
A: To get your account number, you’ll need to register and create an account in MyFAMLI+ Employer. Once you complete your registration, you’ll receive a 10-digit FAMLI ID number on a confirmation screen and in a confirmation email. If your payroll administrator or Third Party Administrator (TPA) registered on behalf of your employer, they will have your FAMLI account number. If you already registered, you’ll be able to find your account number by logging into your My FAMLI+ Employer account and navigating to “Manage Accounts” from your dashboard.