Request for Written Comments:
Proposed Changes to Rules Regulating Special Activities
Request for Written Comments:
Proposed changes to Rules Regulating Special Activities
The Division of Early Learning, Licensing, and Administration (DELLA) recently held four (4) stakeholder meetings to review and consider making revisions to the Special Activities rules. This collaborative effort is part of DELLA's comprehensive rule review to determine if the rules should be continued in their current form, modified, or repealed, consistent with the requirements of section 24-4-103.3, C.R.S.
In addition to the comprehensive rule review, the proposed revisions are the result of an extensive stakeholder engagement process, involving private children’s resident camp providers, professionals from the American Camp Association, advocates, state agency departments, industry experts, and other partners.
Please submit written comments regarding the draft Special Activities rules (Redline Draft | Clean Draft) by September 29, 2024.
CDEC will review and consider all public feedback received and will incorporate the recommendations into the draft Children’s Resident Camp rules, as able. The draft rules are expected to be reviewed by the Rules Advisory Council (RAC) on November 14, 2024, and considered for permanent adoption on December 19, 2024.
All rulemaking material received and collected, including written comments, recordings of previously held stakeholder meetings, and revised versions of the draft Children’s Resident Camp rules will be publicly accessible and stored in the Special Activities Rule Folder. Please review the CDEC Rule Tracker, located on the Rulemaking and Rules Advisory Council's (RAC) webpage, for more detailed information regarding the rulemaking timeline for these rules.