Updates & Guidance
CVS Grantees’ Quarterly Reports & Payment Requests Due Soon!
CVS grantees' and State VALE grantees' Financial Report & Payment Request (for expenses incurred from January-March 2024) as well as the CVS2 Narrative Report, PMT Report (VOCA grantees only), & ARPA/General Fund Data Report (JotForm) are due Monday April 15th, 2024.
Please reference the TA Folders by Funding Source and report specific links below for more information & resources to assist you in completing these reports.
Report Specific Resources:
Important Reminders
- Current grantees will be contacted in June to discuss their CY25 1-year extension budgets.
- Grantees should notify their GPM of any contact information changes.
TA Spotlight
Crime Victims Fund Update
We continue to work in partnership with the three state victim services coalitions to find solutions to stabilize Victim Service Funding. One such effort is the Coalitions' work on HB24-1349 - The Firearms and Ammunitions Excise Tax Bill that was heard in the Finance Committee on April 1st.
VOCA Funding Factsheets by Colorado County and Statewide
In an effort to illustrate how VOCA cuts might impact various programs and counties within the state, the OVP staff have created one page factsheets that provide data on the current programs funded by county, the number of victims served, the number of services provided, and the top three reported victimizations. There is also an information sheet for those agencies that provide statewide services. The information sheets and an article on Understanding VOCA Funding can be found on the Division of Criminal Justice website and the Office for Victims programs website. If you have any questions regarding these projected reductions or the information sheets you can contact OVP staff at cvsgrants@state.co.us.
Grantee Resources
Additional funding opportunities
Professional development:
- The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) has announced the availability of Professional Development Scholarships. Applications are being processed in the order in which they are received.
- The National Organization for Victim Advocacy (NOVA) is hosting their 3rd annual Career Development Fair in June. This is an opportunity to learn more about positions in the field of victim advocacy and crisis response.
Free Tools
- The iMPRoVE (Measures for Providers Responding to Victimization Experiences) platform is a free outcome measurement tool. The platform has built in data collection and visualization tools. Learn more on the iMPRoVE platform website.
Auto Theft Assistance Program
- Did you know that there is a resource for victims of auto theft? The Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority (CATPA) has an auto theft and catalytic converter theft assistance program. The program also offers prevention resources. Click the link to their website or scan the QR code to access the application.
Announcements & Highlights
Welcome Aly!
Aly Gideon joins CDPS as Grants Monitor in the Office for Victims Programs. Before joining, she worked as the Program Evaluation and Grant Writing Manager at Harrison School District 2. Previously, she served as the Senior Grants Manager at Pathways to Housing in Washington, DC. Aly has written proposals totaling over $4,000,000 and has experience in grant compliance, project management, and program evaluation. Her experience at Hope House domestic violence shelter in Kansas City helped inspire her to become a fierce advocate for survivors. Aly earned her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Chapman University and her Master of Social Work from the University of Kansas. When not at work, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, exploring colorful Colorado with her dog, and any kind of trivia.
Congratulations Bimal!
Bimal Poudel, who has been on the Office for Victims Programs team as a Grants Compliance Monitor, moved into the position of Grants Financial Manager on April 1st. Bimal is excited about continuing to collaborate with the agencies providing direct victim services, ensuring that our grant funds are effectively allocated to support their important work.
Important Dates
April 2024
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Child Abuse Prevention Month
April 4: CoCA Comeback Kick-Off Meeting (CCASA)*
April 9: Stalking & Sexual Violence: Understanding the Intersections (SPARC)*
April 9: Building Relationships and Collaborating with Other Agencies: What Advocates and Service Providers Need to Know (Justice Clearinghouse)*
April 10: Expert Q&A: Best Practices To Respond to Sexual Assault on College and University Campuses (OVC TTAC)*
April 11: The Media and Victim Advocacy: Knowledge to Support Crime Victims (COVA)*
April 13: Monthly Art Workshop (Finding Our Voices)*
April 16: SAFE LEAVE Explained: Paid FAMLI Benefits to Support Survivors' Economic Well Being, Safety, and Recovery (CCASA)*
April 18: Understanding and Implementing Victim Services Documentation Practices (Justice Clearinghouse)*
April 19: Ask a Researcher: School Victimization (Center for Victim Research)*
April 19: Consumer Rights Legal Roundtable (Center for Survivor Agency & Justice)*
April 21- April 27: National Crime Victims' Rights Week
April 22: Colorado Victims' Rights Act (CCASA)*
April 22: Financial Management (Introductory week - 6 week course)(OVC TTAC)*
April 24: Denim Day
April 25: Context is Key: Recognizing and Responding to Stalking (SPARC)*
April 25: Eviction Expungement for Survivors in Indiana and Beyond (ICADV)*
April 27: The 31st Annual Courage Walk (VOI)*
May 2024
Mental Health Awareness Month
May 1: Colorado Victim Rights Law Information Session (Presented weekly) (COVA)*
May 2: Human Trafficking Trends and Case Studies: A Reactive and Proactive Approach (Justice Clearinghouse)*
May 7: An Introduction to Domestic Violence, Traumatic Brain Injury and Strangulation (Justice Clearinghouse)*
May 9: Investigative Resources in Human Trafficking and Proactive Investigations (Justice Clearinghouse)*
May 11: Monthly Art Workshop (Finding Our Voices)*
May 14: The Four Most Common Feelings of Trauma Survivors (Justice Clearinghouse)*
May 16: Child Abuse: From Suspicion to Disclosure (NCJTC)*
May 23: Voices Heard: Advocating for Victims’ Rights in the Courtroom (Justice Clearinghouse)*
May 20-24: 2024 COVA Basic Academy (COVA)*
May 30: Assessing Readiness for Incorporating Victim Services into Law Enforcement Agencies (Justice Clearinghouse)*
*Training opportunities and resources provided by external organizations. We do not endorse any of the trainings or resources listed.
Submit requests & opportunities for future editions to cvsgrants@state.co.us.