Greetings Community Members!
Today we are launching a Community Survey to gain input from Gross Reservoir area residents about how the $5.1 Million Land Preservation Fund in the Denver Water v. Boulder County Settlement Agreement should be spent.
Please take the BRIEF survey by noon, Monday, May 13 if you wish to have your opinions included in a report that Boulder County staff will present at two community meetings in May (dates and details below). The County Commissioners will use the results from the survey to help inform their decision on how the money will be spent.
Also, as we approach the final deadline for the Phase 1 Gross Reservoir Community Impact Mitigation Fund payments, we want to remind any remaining households to claim their award payment by next Tuesday, April 30, 2024. To date, 95% all eligible households have filed a claim. (If you sent in your forms prior to April 8 and you have not received a payment, please contact us as soon as possible.)
As always, please reach out with any questions.
Best regards,
Barb Halpin Gross Reservoir Community Impact Mitigation Fund Coordinator
Email: | Tele: 720-564-2830
Boulder County Gross Reservoir Expansion: Land Preservation Survey
Take the survey* by noon on May 13 and come to a community meeting either May 18 (virtual) or May 21 (in Nederland) to learn the results!
Boulder County is seeking community input on how a portion of the Denver Water vs. Boulder County Settlement Agreement should be spent. Part of the Settlement Agreement (Section 5.1, Land Preservation) provides $5.1 million for the purchase of land in Boulder County that can be used for a variety of purposes (defined in the survey).
The Boulder County Commissioners will determine how to use the funds, but the commissioners are interested in input from the Gross Reservoir community before making a decision.
* The purpose of the survey is to gather input from Boulder County residents impacted by the Denver Water Gross Reservoir Expansion Project (see map below to determine if your household falls within the impacted area). Peak Facilitation Group, a neutral third-party, is conducting the survey and analyzing the results on Boulder County’s behalf. Survey results will be shared with Boulder County and members of the public in aggregate form.
 The survey is open to households in areas included in the map above. Please click on the map to enlarge the image.
Community Meetings (both meetings will cover the same content)
The results of the survey will be presented at two community meetings in May (and be available on the county's website by May 18). Additionally, county staff from Parks & Open Space and the Commissioners' Office will be on-hand for questions and comments.
1) Review results of the Gross Reservoir Area Community Survey 2) Presentation by Boulder County Open Space Land Acquisition Staff 3) Q&A with Boulder County staff and residents 4) Next Steps
No RSVP is required to attend either meeting.
Phase 1 Gross Reservoir Mitigation Fund Payments Update:
Approximately 94% of the $4 million in payments for Phase 1 of the Gross Reservoir Community Impact Mitigation Fund distribution has been paid to all but 5% of eligible households. We are still awaiting about 20 award claims to be filed by the deadline of April 30, 2024.
All claims received through April 8 have been paid. If you submitted a claim before April 8 and have not received a check, please contact us immediately.
Multiple letters and postcards have been mailed to remaining eligible households. We've even hand-delivered reminder postcards to households that haven't responded.
Phase 2 Gross Reservoir Mitigation Fund Payments
We know many of you are interested in "Phase 2" (i.e., the remaining $1 million in impacted household payments) for when tree removal around the reservoir begins in Fall 2025. At this time, Denver Water has not released its tree removal plan which will help inform Boulder County, with community input, on how Phase 2 payments should be structured.
We do not anticipate that we will have enough details to work on a Phase 2 payment plan until 2025.
Many commonly asked questions can be addressed on our website: