Flatiron Flyer Ridership Challenge
Commuting Solutions is inviting people from the Denver metro area to take the RTD Flatiron Flyer to explore the areas between Denver and Boulder rather than driving an individual car. The goal of the challenge is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote public transit. Participants can log their trips on the Flatiron Flyer for a chance to win an Amazon gift card of $150! The challenge will last from now until June. Click here to learn more about the challenge and enroll.
RTD Systemwide Fare Study and Equity Analysis
RTD is examining their fare structure through a Systemwide Fare Study and Equity Analysis with the goals of increasing fare equity, affordability, and simplicity. RTD is taking a customer-centric approach to gaining knowledge on the current fare system and what improvements need to be made through actively engaging with community organizations and individuals.
Share your thoughts on the RTD fare structure by visiting the study website for updates about engagement opportunities, submitting a comment and subscribing to the mailing list to receive project updates, and by calling the RTD hotline at 303-299-6000 or emailing them at farestudy@rtd-denver.com.

Leadership Conference: The Young Emerging Leaders for Disability Power program is looking to bring a diverse group of young leaders together to explore and advance disability policies by practicing advocacy, organizing, fundraising, and engaging in the community over the course of 3 months. Learn more about the opportunity by clicking here.
Public Comment: RTD Is Seeking Your Input on the System Optimization Plan.
Become a DRMAC Member: Support the advocacy of older adults and people with disabilities by becoming a member of DRMAC at $25 for individuals or advocates.
Bike to Work Day: Save the date, June 22 is Bike to Work Day!
 Funding: Boulder County Applies for RAISE Grant for $25M Improvements Along the "Diagonal", Commuting Solutions
Free Transit: Colorado is about to spend $28 million to fund free summer bus and train trips, The Journal
Free Transit: Free Public Transit Is Not a Climate Policy, Bloomberg
Bike Safety: The Colorado Safety Stop is the law of the land, Bicycle Colorado
Equity: Study: Car Ownership Doesn't Always Cut Black Worker's Commutes, Streets Blog USA
Micro-mobility: Integrating Micro-mobility and Public Transit for Better Service, Planetizen
History: Colorado Proud: Recognizing Community and Civil Rights Activist Dorothy Ann Witt King, RTD
Safety: Reckless Road Design is Killing Us, Not Reckless Drivers, Strong Towns
Cycling: Making Bikes Count: New Tips and Guidance for Better Bike Count Programs, National Association of City Transportation Officials
City Planning: The Dutch city testing the future of urban life, BBC Future
 Learn about mobility options and resources in our region: