Experience Using Ride Free Lafayette
A friend told me about the service when it premiered early this summer and I originally dismissed it. I was sure that there was a catch, and that I wouldn’t be able to ride (whether it was because of my chair or some other reason). A few days later, I was leaving work when a driver for the service asked if I was the person who requested the ride. I wasn’t, but he excitedly told me how it all worked. I smiled, thanked him and thought to myself, “this is too good to be true.” Then, last month, another friend curious about the service challenged me to ride. She saw someone step off of a bus for happy hour at a local bar and asked, “what are you doing on Access–a–Ride?” He said that he was not and explained that it’s a new transportation service. At first, I said no to the challenge, dreading that the possibility would entail to then being denied. After thinking about it for a few minutes, I decided to try it out. Googling the number, calling dispatch and boarding the bus took less than 20 minutes. The usual fight and pride I feel when I use the RTD was accompanied with something unexpected this time… the feeling of being VALUED!
App services Uber and Lyft upgraded decades old transportation opportunities for many but not people with disabilities. And a discount program for low income individuals excluded access-a- ride passengers. Unlike that Lafayette Free Ride is a model transportation service and a helpful cog for public transportation.
For more information on the NEW Ride Free Lafayette Service, please visit boco.org/RideFreeLafayette
Peak Ride Volunteer Driver Plan
he Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting Department Mobility for All (M4A) Program, has opened the draft Peak Ride Volunteer Driver Plan for public comment. The inclusive planning effort assessed the feasibility of a volunteer driver program for Bolder County’s mountain communities. A volunteer driver program would help expand personal mobility for all mountain residents. The plan will serve as a guide for community partners to create a viable, locally derived, volunteer driver program while meeting funding reporting criteria.
Key finding from the plan
The mountain community has very strong social bonds, with residents wanting to help one another
The core clients for the service will be older adults, adults with disabilities and low-income individuals. All three groups are at risk of becoming isolated due to limited mobility options in the region
The unmet travel needs of mountain residents extends beyond just Boulder County and into Gilpin, Larimer and Grand Counties
There are multiple funding streams that volunteer driver programs can tap into
The draft plan can be found boco.org/M4APeakRidePlan feedback and recommendations will lead to the best plan possible. The plan will be open for comments until December 31, 2020.
DRMAC Metro Area Travel Training (MATT)
Join DRMAC on an educational and accessible virtual transit training. Learn how to download apps, apply for income-based discounts, and most importantly, how to ride RTD’s trains and buses.
If you are interested to learn more about the program or want to schedule a training, please contact DRMAC Program Manager, Latoya Prante at (719)581-2040 or email her at lprante@drmac-co.org.
Meeting: Commuting Solutions is hosting the 12th Legislative Breakfast on Jan. 7. This virtual event will convene transportation industry leaders, governmental officials and private sector stakeholders virtually to discuss upcoming transportation projects and funding before the legislative session begins.
Tickets are $25 and includes two hours of speeches and presentations by industry officials, governmental officials and much more, as well as the recording to be watch anytime.
Tickets can be purchased online through Jan. 6 at 5 p.m.
Accessibility & Advocacy: The election of a War Veteran in Colorado Puts Wheelchair Access Front and Center at the Capital, CPR
Racial Justice and Equity: How Oakland Got Real About Equitable Urban Planning, We Are Not Divided
COVID-19 and Transit: No One's Riding Transit. So Why Did Voters Support It? Wired
COVID-19: Privatizing the Curb for Pubic Benefit, Strong Towns
Racial Justice: Public Transportation Has Been Key to Civil Rights Movements Throughout History, Jalopnik
Transit: Op-Ed: The Time for Dedicated Bus Lanes is Now, StreetsBlog USA
Biking: Pedaling during a pandemic: How to make cycling part of your self-care routine, StreetsBlog Chicago
Transportation and Livability: It's Time for Equitable Transit Oriented Development, StreetsBlog Denver
Request mobility resources and we will bring them to the next LCC meeting. Examples include: