Olde Stage Road Construction Update - Do not run red lights

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Olde Stage Road Construction Update

There's about six weeks of construction left on Olde Stage Road. Construction of the culverts near Valley Lane, on the north end, is going well (photo below), and so is the wall on the south end.

As soon as tomorrow, at the culvert site, crews will begin working on the opposite side of the road to install the remaining box culverts, which means the travel lane will be flipped to the east side. The roadway will remain gravel in this area until the end of the project when we plan on paving this spot and the retaining wall project location. The traffic signal will remain in use as the road will remain in a single-lane configuration until the culvert is complete.

We have had several reports of cyclists running red lights and coming into conflict with oncoming traffic from the other direction. While this signal is only temporary, it is still against the law to run a red light. With only a month and a half remaining, we do not want to see anyone injured riding through the project. The signal is short, so please wait for a green light before proceeding. If cyclists continue to run the red light, we may enforce cycling restrictions on all of Olde Stage Road until the project is complete. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. 

Andrew Barth
Boulder County Public Works

Culvert Photo

Olde Stage Road Culvert Project

Retaining Wall Photo

Olde Stage Road Retaining Wall