Meetings are held in the Commissioners' Hearing Room, Downtown County Courthouse, Third Floor, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder, Colo. (map) unless otherwise noted. The Hullinghorst Room and the Small Conference Room are also located on the third floor of the downtown courthouse. Commissioners' meetings and hearings are webstreamed and archived for viewing online. Public comments are taken at meetings designated as Public Hearings.
April 23 to May 3
9:30 a.m. Administrative Meeting (Small Conference Room)
10:30 a.m. Administrative Meeting (Dickey Lee Hullinghorst Room)
12:30 p.m. Administrative Meetings (Small Conference Room)
3:30 p.m. Commissioners’ quarterly meeting with Sheriff Pelle (Small Conference Room)
8:00 a.m. Administrative Meeting (Small Conference Room)
9:00 a.m. PUBLIC HEARING Land Use Department Docket SE-18-0016: Lim, Request to recognize parcel #132101000010, an approximately 0.57-acre parcel, as a legal building lot; submitted by Timothy Lim, in accordance with the Boulder County Land Use Code. The property is in the Forestry (F) Zoning District, at parcel # 132101000010, on the north side of SH 7, approximately 2 miles east of its intersection with Cedar Dr., in Section 1, Township 2N, Range 72W. ACTION REQUESTED: Decision
11:00 a.m. PUBLIC MEETING [CANCELLED] Community Services Department: Head Start Report ACTION REQUESTED: Information Only
11:15 a.m. PUBLIC HEARING Land Use Department Docket EP-19-0003: Coburn Exemption Plat, Exemption Plat to combine lots 7 & 8 of Santazakers subdivision and to extinguish one of the two development rights associated with lots 7 & 8. The applicant also intends to remove nonconforming structures from the parcel. The application is submitted by Thomas R. Coburn, in accordance with the Boulder County Land Use Code. The proposed project is located in the Forestry (F) Zoning District, at 47159 Highway 72, approximately 1 mile south of the intersection of SH 72 and Overland Road in Section 29, Township 2N, Range 72W. ACTION REQUESTED: Decision
3:00 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING Land Use Department Docket DC-18-0004: Niwot Rural Community District Code Update. ACTION REQUESTED: Decision
8:30 a.m. Administrative Meetings (Small Conference Room)
11:00 a.m. Administrative Meeting (Small Conference Room)
2:00 p.m. Administrative Meeting (Dickey Lee Hullinghorst Room)
9:00 a.m. PUBLIC HEARING Land Use Department Docket V-18-0008/EP-18-0012: Heim. Vacation request to vacate an unnamed, undeveloped right of way in the Brownsville Subdivision between 11711 Billings Ave and 11691 Billings Ave., Lafayette, CO. This is a combined Docket with EP-18-0012, which is required to replat the subdivision upon vacation approval. This application is submitted by Stacy Greenlee & Vince Romano and Whitney & Gerald B. Heim. The proposed vacation is located in the Rural Residential (RR) Zoning District, at 11711 and 11691 Billings Ave., 1/4 mile west of the intersection of Billings Ave and 119th St. in Section 14, Township 1N, Range 69W. ACTION REQUESTED: Decision
11:00 a.m. PUBLIC MEETING [No testimony will be taken] Dr. Brenda Ekwurzel, Director of Climate Science for the Union of Concerned Scientists presents a public briefing on Attribution Science. ACTION REQUESTED: Information only
1:00 p.m. Administrative Meeting (Small Conference Room)
3:00 p.m. PUBLIC MEETING [No public testimony will be taken] Docket BCCP-18-0003: Boulder County Comprehensive Plan, Public Health Element Addition; In December 2017 Planning Commission expressed support for work toward developing a new Public Health element for the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan (BCCP), and Public Health and Land Use staff are working collaboratively to shape the new element. The purpose of this element is to outline the county’s vision and values for the health of all county residents. These goals and policies will guide regulations, funding requests and program development by the county. This new element will assemble all public health-related BCCP content in one place while expanding the scope of topics previously addressed. The new public health element will explicitly link the built and natural environment and the health of residents and establish a policy framework for supporting long-term strategies that impact behavior to enhance health outcomes. Draft content reflects feedback from a Planning Commission study session in December 2018. ACTION REQUESTED: Information item only.
No Commissioners’ Meetings or Hearings are scheduled.
12:30 p.m. Administrative Meetings (Small Conference Room)
9:00 a.m. Cultural Responsiveness and Inclusion Committee report to the Board of Commissioners
11:00 a.m. PUBLIC HEARING Land Use Department Docket LU-19-0004 Trask Short Term Rental; Applicant is seeking approval to allow the residence at 513 Horseshoe Place to be used for short term rentals up to 150 nights per year; application submitted by Alicyn Kaiser and Jason Trask; in accordance with the Boulder County Land Use Code. The proposed project is located in the Forestry Zoning District, at 513 Horseshoe Place, Lot 29 of the Whispering Pines Subdivision, adjacent to the intersection of Switzerland Trail and Horseshoe Place, in Section 18, Township 1S, Range 72W. ACTION REQUESTED: Decision
1:00 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS Housing and Human Services Department: Monthly hearings with the Commissioners 1. Housing Authority 2. Human Services Division ACTION REQUESTED: Information Only
8:30 a.m. Administrative Meetings (Small Conference Room)
10:00 a.m. Administrative Meeting (Small Conference Room)
11:00 a.m. PUBLIC HEARING Land Use Department Docket LU-19-0010: Foote-Huston Family Care Unit; Limited Impact Special Use Review for a 697-square-foot family care unit on an approximately 0.67-acre parcel; application submitted by Jesse W Foote & Elizabeth E Huston; in accordance with the Boulder County Land Use Code. The proposed project is located in the Rural Residential Zoning District, at 1080 Gale Avenue on the corner of Gale Avenue and Gale Drive, approximately 200 feet north of the intersection of Simmons Drive and Gale Avenue, in Section 34, Township 1N, Range 70W. ACTION REQUESTED: Decision
2:00 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING Land Use Department Docket AP-18-0001: Appeal related to MD-18-0033/SPR-16-0108; Appeal of the Land Use Director’s determination dated December 15, 2017 that a residential density greater than 9 dwelling units per acre is not allowed for the properties at 280 2nd Avenue and 290 2nd Avenue within the Niwot Rural Community District, submitted by Postle Properties VI LLC and A E Olson LLC, in accordance with the Boulder County Land Use Code. The proposed project is in the Niwot Rural Community District (NRCD1) Zoning District, At 280 2nd Avenue (Lot 4 Slater) and 290 2nd Avenue (Lot 3 Slater), in Section 25, Township 2N, Range 70W. ACTION REQUESTED: Decision
No Commissioners’ Meetings / Hearings are scheduled.