California Water Plan Update 2023 RMSes meeting annoucement
The California Water Plan Team will provide an overview of the just-released California Water Plan Update 2023 resource management strategies (RMSes). The two-hour virtual webinar will start at 10 a.m., Tuesday, March 18. Advance registration is required. A meeting agenda will be available soon. As part of the California Water Plan continuing core activities, the updated set of RMSes help local agencies and governments manage their water and related resources. Every RMS can be employed as a technique, program, or policy that can meet water-related management needs of a region and the state as a whole. The RMSes are updated with the California Water Plan every five years.
“Climate Resilience in Action” virtual webinar, Feb. 20
Sustainable Conservation’s spring 2025 virtual webinar series, "Climate Resilience in Action," kicks off tomorrow, February 20. The discussion will explore how California can rebuild stronger in the face of climate extremes. Climate scientist Dr. Daniel Swain will speak to California’s shifting climate patterns and what recent extreme events tell us about the road ahead. Joining him will be other experts discussing the impacts of wildfires, drought, and floods, and sharing the need for solutions such as groundwater recharge, habitat restoration, and sustainable land and water management. The online event runs from 1:00 to 2:15 p.m. Registration is required and is free.
New Dry Domestic Well Susceptibility Tool now available
Ongoing Improvements to the SGMA Data Viewer
As part of DWR's technical assistance to groundwater sustainability agencies, other water managers, and the public, DWR actively maintains the SGMA Data Viewer. The SGMA Data Viewer is an interactive mapping tool that provides access to groundwater-related datasets for the purpose of supporting groundwater sustainability plan development and implementation. Recent improvements to the mapping tool include the addition of a Basin Characterization tab that displays maps and datasets related to DWR’s Basin Characterization Program. Other improvements feature a variety of new maps, including an AEM Surficial Recharge Map, the locations of San Joaquin Basin Fluvial Fans, and a USGS Basement (elevation) map, among others.
Updates to Western States Water Council water data tools
The Western States Water Council’s (WSWC’s) Western Data Exchange (WaDE) program will roll out two major updates this year. The Western States Water Data Access and Analysis Tool (WestDAAT) will showcase two additional water data formats: administrative and regulatory overlay information, and site-specific timeseries information related to historical reservoir and groundwater pumping, and historical withdrawals related to water rights. The WSWC is also developing a new Western Water Conservation Application Tool (WestCAT) that will streamline operations for in-state and temporary water conservation programs. WestCAT will support a variety of different communities in identifying opportunities for conservation measures, such as full-season fallowing, alternative irrigation strategies, and crop switching.
The Splash is a regular feature spotlighting topics related to California Water Plan Update 2023.
California Water Plan Update 2023: Updated RMSes now online
The updated set of water resource management strategies (RMSes) has been released by DWR as part of the overall effort behind California Water Plan Update 2023. The RMSes cover a variety of techniques, programs, and policies that can be used to meet water-related management needs throughout California. DWR maintains more than 30 RMSes, and 11 have been updated in support of Update 2023. The list of topics covered in this batch of releases includes desalination, precipitation enhancement, flood management, and reservoir reoperation. All RMSes are available on DWR’s Water Resources Management Strategies webpage.
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