New California Fire Facts website
Governor Gavin Newsom has launched a California Fire Facts website to fight misinformation and disinformation about the recent fires in Southern California, which have burned more than 12,000 structures and 40,000 acres. Organized by a more than a dozen topics, the website offers a straight-forward list of lies countered by facts. In addition, the website addresses false claims that California policy has led to a water shortage in Southern California. The governor also encourages the public to visit the State’s 2025 Los Angeles Fires website for resources and up-to-date information about the fires.
63rd annual CII conference, Jan. 27 & 28, in Sacramento
The California Irrigation Institute will host its annual conference on Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 27 and 28, in Sacramento. This year’s theme is “Water: What’s Your Next Move?” The two-day gathering includes keynote speakers and workshops focused on subjects including urban and agriculture water use; data collection; land use transitions; and perspectives related to the importance of solar and utilities, marketing, the press, and working collaboratively. Registration, open now for one day only or for both days, closes on Friday, Jan. 24.
Delta Science Plan Workshop, Feb. 20 & 21, in Sacramento
The Delta Science Program is working on the third iteration of the Delta Science Plan. Recommended within the Delta Plan, the Delta Science Plan – typically updated every five years – is developed collaboratively with the Delta science community and serves as a roadmap for better understanding science in the Delta. To that end, the Delta Science Program will host a hybrid in-person/Zoom workshop on Thursday and Friday, Feb. 20 and 21, at the California Natural Resources Agency building in Sacramento to gather input from individuals and organizations interested and invested in Delta science and knowledge. See the workshop flyer for more information. To learn more about the Delta science strategy to be used in the 2025 Delta Science Plan, visit Maven’s Notebook.
PCL annual environmental conference, Jan. 25, in Davis
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