Fees Updated for 2025
In 2013, the California Legislature established new standards for review and approval of conservation and mitigation banks. CDFW was given the authority to charge and adjust specified fees to cover the reasonable costs of CDFW banking services for review, implementation, and compliance. The collected fees are dedicated to supporting CDFW staff to work with prospective bankers to establish and monitor banks.
The statute set the initial fees for each step of the process and requires CDFW to adjust the banking fees annually. The revised fees for 2025 can be found on the CDFW banking web page.
As of 2014, each fall CDFW will determine the fee change for the following year, notify the public, and update the Bank Submittal Form. The fee change will become effective on January 1 of each year. If older or incorrect fee amounts are submitted, the bank sponsor will be notified, and the review timeline will not begin until CDFW has received the appropriate fee.
Multi-agency PDT Checklist Available for Public Comment
The Project Delivery Team (PDT), established by the 2011 inter-agency Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) concerning Mitigation and Conservation Banking and In-Lieu Fee Programs in California, is working on updating the banking checklist to aid bank sponsors in providing materials for the Draft Prospectus, Prospectus, and Bank Agreement Package (where the Bank Enabling Instrument is developed) stages.
The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) has published a Public Notice (PN) to provide the banking community, public, federal, state, and local agencies, Indian tribes, and other interested parties with the opportunity to comment. Written comments may be submitted, by February 10, 2025, via email to Laura.b.shively@usace.army.mil. This public notice is being circulated prior to development of revisions and an additional notice will not be published prior to finalization of the revised checklists.