CWC releases 2025 Strategic Plan
The California Water Commission (CWC) has released its 2025 Strategic Plan. The plan provides direction for the CWC’s work through 2030 and sets goals and objectives that advance the CWC’s long-standing work as California adapts to a hotter, drier climate and more frequent hydrologic extremes. The plan also takes a fresh approach to engaging under-represented parties and bringing considerations of equity into its work. Intended to be a living document, the 2025 Strategic Plan will be updated every five years and used to develop CWC’s annual work plans.
Two-day climate change event in Sonoma County, Jan. 29 and 30
The North Coast Resource Partnership is hosting a two-day climate change event in Sonoma County on Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 29 and 30. Sponsored by the Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria, the meetings will focus on team building to solve challenges facing North Coast communities and ecosystems that make up 12% percent of the California landscape. The interactive event will feature presentations and information sharing by elected officials, North Coast Tribes, counties, agencies, non-government organizations, and other partners and interested parties. Participants can register for both days or either day.
OPC invites public involvement for 2026–2030 Strategic Plan
The Ocean Protection Council (OPC) invites public feedback to help inform OPC’s forthcoming 2026–2030 Strategic Plan, which will provide a roadmap for protecting California’s coast and ocean. The deadline for submitting comments using the online form is Monday, Feb. 17. The public is also invited to offer feedback in person at any of the five public listening sessions scheduled in January and February. Registration is required to attend these two-hour events. Check the registration page for times and locations. The draft 2026–2030 Strategic Plan will be released late next spring for public comment, followed by the final plan later in the year.
14th National Monitoring Conference coming in March
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