Provisional WY 2023 statewide land use data now online
DWR has made available to the public the statewide land use data for provisional Water Year (WY) 2023. The data can be accessed through the California Natural Resources Agency Open Data Portal. Additional land use survey information is also available on DWR’s website. This WY 2023 provisional release marks the completion of more than five consecutive water years of crop mapping.
Delta Adapts Adaptation Plan – Public draft review available
Perceptions of Flood-MAR – Take the 15-minute online survey
Arizona State University’s School of Human Evolution and Social Change is conducting an online survey to measure the public’s knowledge of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) projects. The information gathered will inform the development of a screening tool to help water managers locate the most suitable sites for implementing MAR-related projects. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. Survey participants do not need to provide their name, address, or any other personal information.
Virtual California Biodiversity Network townhall meeting, Jan. 22
The California Biodiversity Network (CBN), a key partner in the launch and implementation of California’s 30x30 conservation initiative, will host a virtual townhall meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 22. Hosted by CBN’s Sterring Committee, the event will spotlight the organization’s 2024 accomplishments and focus on identifying priority biodiversity conservation actions for the next five years to help meet 30x30 targets. The 90-minute online meeting begins at 1 p.m. Registration is free.
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