Update 2023 video presentation posted online by WRP
A video presentation of California Water Plan Update 2023, made during a recent online meeting of the Western Regional Partnership (WRP), has been posted online. Eric Tsai, a supervising engineer from DWR’s Division of Planning provided an overview of the State’s strategic plan for sustainably and equitably managing and developing water resources. The Update 2023 presentation begins approximately four minutes into the video.
California Water Commission set to consider strategic plan
This month’s California Water Commission meeting is set for Wednesday, Nov. 20, in Sacramento. The agenda includes consideration of the final draft of the 2025 Strategic Plan, which contains goals, objectives, and direction for the commission’s work over the next five years. Commissioners will also get updates on dam safety regulations, the Salton Sea Management Program, and State Water Project construction projects.
State Water Project receives new operating permit
DWR has received a new operating permit for the State Water Project (SWP) that will protect endangered fish species while ensuring a reliable water supply for millions of Californians. The incidental take permit was issued following the certification of an environmental impact report for long-term operations of the SWP. The permit covers five species protected under the California Endangered Species Act. Details are available in this DWR news release.
State of the Tulare Basin to be discussed next week
The Tulare Basin Watershed Partnership Network will hold its third annual State of the Basin Forum on Thursday, Nov. 21, in Tulare. The event will cover the status of the basin along with potential changes that could be brought on by droughts, floods, wildfires, and other factors.
Legislative debrief on agenda for mountain counties forum
The Mountain Counties Water Resources Association’s (MWCRA’s) Fall 2024 Water Forum will provide a statewide legislative debrief, panel discussions, and several networking opportunities. It will be held Friday, Nov. 22, in Cameron Park. The MWCRA promotes the statewide importance of Sierra Nevada water resources through advocacy and collaboration.
Save the date for December Central Valley flood forum`
Save the date for next month’s California Central Valley Flood Control Association Flood Forum. On Tuesday, Dec. 10, in Sacramento, the forum will focus on the challenges facing the Central Valley in preparing for more frequent and intense storms. The keynote speaker, from the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety, will discuss the future of flood risks and flood-risk data.
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