Registration Is Open for the Delta Heritage Forum
 Registration is now open for the Delta Heritage Forum, a free, full-day annual event that celebrates Delta stories, nurtures collaboration, and inspires new thinking and initiatives in the Delta heritage community.
The event will be held Nov. 15 at the Antioch Historical Society Museum. Attendance is free, but seating is limited.
The theme of this year’s forum is “Creating Community Through Heritage.”
The Forum is organized by the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta National Heritage Area. The NHA is coordinated by the Delta Protection Commission.
Shirley Kuramoto: A Remarkable Woman
 Children at the Tule Lake Relocation Center
The Locke Foundation has published the second piece in a two-part series about the family that operated the Locke Rooming House from 1922 until their incarceration during World War II.
"The Remarkable Kuramoto Family Legacy - Part 2" focuses on Shirley (Nakasora) Kuramoto, widow of Sam Kuramoto, who was the youngest son of the operators of the boarding house.
Comments Sought: Tribal and Environmental Justice Issues in the Delta
The Delta Stewardship Council released a public review draft (PDF) of Tribal and Environmental Justice Issues in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: History and Current Perspectives.
The draft presents the Council's understanding of tribal and environmental justice issues in and around the Delta and recommends actions to better address those issues within the scope of the Council's mission, authority, and influence.
The deadline to comment is 5 p.m. Nov. 4.
Commemorative Bricks for Isleton Park
The Delta Education Cultural Society is selling commemorative bricks to raise funds to support maintenance of the Asian American Heritage Park in Isleton.
The park, located at 27 Main Street, will include a historical perspective of events that impacted the Japanese and Chinese through the generations and their contribution to the United States.
Filipino American History Month Honored
The California Senate passed a resolution this summer honoring Filipino American History Month, which is in October.
The first Filipinos arrived in California in October 1587 aboard the Nuestra Señora de Esperanza, a Manila-built galleon ship captained by Pedro de Unamuno of Spain.
The resolution, SR 118, notes that "at the turn of the 20th century, Filipino students, or 'pensionados,' farm workers, and laborers in manufacturing and in the service sector began settling in Stockton and the surrounding San Joaquin Delta area.
"(There) they built a community that became the largest concentration of Filipinos outside of the Philippines and established a thriving six-block ethnic neighborhood that became known as “Little Manila."
Port Chicago Defendants Exonerated
On July 17 - the 80th anniversary of the devastating Port Chicago Naval Magazine explosion - the Secretary of the U.S. Navy exonerated the remaining 256 defendants of the 1944 Port Chicago general and summary courts-martial.
Following the explosion, white supervising officers at Port Chicago were given hardship leave while the surviving Black sailors were ordered back to work. In the absence of clarity on the explosions or further safety training, 258 Black sailors refused to resume ammunition handling. After threats of disciplinary action, 208 returned to work; but the Navy still convicted all of them at a summary court-martial for disobeying orders.
Read the press release, and a short article in the Delta Heritage Courier last summer about the explosion.
Delta Conservancy Approves $1M for Stockton Maritime Museum
 The USS Lucid (MSO-458) is currently being restored with the goal of becoming a floating museum ship in Stockton. (Martha Ozonoff, Delta Conservancy)
The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy Board approved a $950,000 grant in July for the Stockton Maritime Museum Planning Project.
With the grant award, the Stockton Historical Maritime Museum will implement preconstruction planning activities for creation of the museum in the city’s historic downtown waterfront.
62nd Stockton Art League Juried Exhibition
The Stockton Art League’s juried art competition returns to the Haggin Museum this year with more than 140 new works by long-standing local artists and newcomers from around the country.
Entries and artists are selected across multiple disciplines, including but not limited to acrylics and oils, water media, mixed media and graphics, sculpture, pastel, and photography.
The exhibition runs through Oct. 20, and an artists reception will be held 1-4 p.m. Oct. 12 at the museum, 1201 N. Pershing Ave., Stockton. Learn more here.
San Joaquin County Historical Museum: The Forgotten History of the Filipino Farm Center
This exhibit highlights the never-before-shared history of the Filipino Farm Center in Lathrop.
Located on Manila Road in Lathrop, the Filipino Farm Center served as an important hub for Filipino farm owners and their families who lived in the area from the 1940s to the 1960s.
There will be an opening celebration for the exhibit 11 a.m.-3 p.m. this Sunday, Sept. 8, at the museum, 11793 Micke Grove Road, Lodi. Cost is $7 for adults, $6 for seniors and military, $5 for youth. Members and children 5 and younger get in free. Parking in Micke Grove Park is $6 per car for non-members, free for members.
The exhibit runs through Nov. 10.
Los Medanos College
The Los Medanos College's Lifelong Learning Center's fall lecture series includes lectures by local historian and Delta NHA Management Plan Advisory Committee member Carol Jensen, Delta writer Dan Hanel, and Delta scholar Robert Benedetti.
The following courses will be held at the College's Brentwood Center:
- “Death at the Healing Waters,” Dan Hanel, Sept. 10, 2:30-4:30 p.m.
- “John Marsh and the Grand Californio Rancho,” Carol Jensen, Sept. 18, 1-3 p.m.
- “Ghosts of Black Diamond,” Dan Hanel, Sept. 24, 2:30-4:30 p.m.
- “Beneath the Tangled Vines,” Dan Hanel, Oct. 8, 2:30-4:30 p.m.
- “Ghost Stories from the San Joaquin Delta,” Carol Jensen, Oct. 16, 1-3 p.m.
- “The Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and the Arts,” Robert Benedetti, Oct. 24, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Enrollment at Los Medanos is not required, but you must register in advance at the Los Medanos College website.
Teaching & Learning with Historic Places
The National Park Service's Teaching with Historic Places (TwHP) offers teaching tools and lesson plans to help educators engage young people with powerful stories representing America’s diverse history.
There are over 160 free lesson plans and activities to help students engage with and connect with historic places.
People interested in becoming a preservationist might be interested in the resources offered by the NPS, ranging from self-guided study materials to training and workshops.
Submit your event for inclusion in our bi-monthly Delta Heritage Courier newsletter by emailing The deadline for inclusion in the next newsletter is Nov. 7; the newsletter comes out Nov. 14.
 Sept. 21-22 in Locke: Locke Street Faire and Open Studios - ribbon cutting ceremony 10:30-11 a.m. at Locke Boarding House Museum, 13916 Main St.; popup exhibition 11 a.m.-6 p.m. at 1265 Main St.; opening reception for Traces of our Roots 6-8 p.m. at 1265 Main St.
Oct. 12 in Stockton: FAHM Fest 2024 recognizes Filipino American History Month with a day of food, music, history, art, and culture at San Joaquin Delta College. 8-10:30 a.m.: "Know History, Know Self Symposium," Dawn Mabalan Forum. 11 a.m.-6 p.m.: FAHM Fest Main Stage, Dolores Huerta Auditorium.