Western Joshua Tree Relocation Guidelines and Protocol
The Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act (WJTCA) requires CDFW to adopt guidelines and relocation protocols to relocate western Joshua trees successfully. CDFW developed this document in consultation with desert native plant specialists and based on the best available science. The document provides guidance on how and when to relocate western Joshua trees in order to minimize impacts to populations, prevent habitat fragmentation, and preserve connectivity corridors for gene flow and pollinator migration.
This document, along with helpful supplemental materials, is now available on CDFW’s Western Joshua Tree Permitting website.
The Guidelines section of the document discusses the circumstances in which CDFW would consider including permit conditions requiring relocation of one or more western Joshua trees under the WJTCA. The Protocol section provides a summary of best practices for relocating western Joshua trees and increasing the survival rate of relocated (salvage) western Joshua trees. Information on post-relocation maintenance, monitoring, and reporting is also provided. This document will be updated as needed based on the best scientific information available.