The WCB application portal will remain closed until further notice. Grant applications received to date currently exceed available funds for almost all programs**. Once additional funds become available, WCB will notify partners at https://wcb.ca.gov/ and through our email subscriber list that the application portal has reopened.
**Small fund balances are available in two specialty programs. If you have project proposals that meet the following description, please email Scott McFarlin.
- Regional Conservation Investment Strategies planning
- Aspen restoration in the Sierra/Cascades
We thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.
Persons with disabilities needing reasonable accommodation to participate in public meetings or other CDFW activities are invited to contact CDFW's Accessibility Coordinator in the Civil Rights Office at (916) 902-5577, or send an email to CivilRights@wildlife.ca.gov. Reasonable Accommodation requests for facility and/or meeting accessibility should be received at least 21 days prior to the event. Requests for American Sign Language Interpreters should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event, and requests for Real-Time Captioning at least four weeks prior to the event. These timeframes are to help ensure that the requested accommodation is met. If a request for an accommodation has been submitted but due to circumstances is no longer needed, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator immediately. |